Sas iml studio help in Title/Summary

SAS/IML Studio
It provides a highly flexible programming environment in which you can run SAS/STAT or SAS/IML analyses and display the results with dynamically linked graphics and data tables. SAS/IML Studio is intended for data analysts who write SAS programs to solve statistical problems but need more versatility for data exploration and model building.
- Publisher: SAS Institute Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 4th, 2011

SAS Simulation Studio
Its graphical user interface provides a full set of tools for building, executing, and analyzing the results of discrete event simulation models. SAS Simulation Studio is designed to integrate with both SAS® and JMP® (statistical discovery software from SAS) for statistical analysis of simulation results; it also can interface with JMP to generate experimental designs.
- Publisher: Sas
- Last updated: July 13th, 2012

Help Development Studio
Help Development Studio is a popular, full-featured, stand-alone help authoring tool, which is designed to create WinHelp, HTML Help, and Web Help files from the same source. Download your free trial copy now!
- Publisher: Divcom Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 7th, 2008
Sas iml studio help in Description

SAS Metadata Bridges
SAS Metadata Bridges are available through the software offerings SAS Enterprise Data Integration Server and SAS Data Integration Server. You can use SAS Metadata Bridges to import and export metadata through SAS Management Console or SAS Data Integration Studio, which are components in these offerings.
- Publisher: SAS Institute Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 29th, 2012

SAS XML Mapper
SAS XML Mapper is an XMLMap support tool for the XML engine. SAS XML Mapper is a Java-based, stand-alone application that removes the tedium when creating and modifying an XMLMap. It provides a graphical interface that you can use to generate the appropriate XML elements. SAS XML Mapper analyzes the structure of an XML document or an XML schema and generates basic XML syntax for the XMLMap.
- Publisher: SAS Institute Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 15th, 2008

SAS Information Map Studio
SAS Information Map Studio provides a graphical user interface that enables you to create and manage SAS Information Maps. Information maps provide a simplified layer between nontechnical business users and the complexities of databases and query languages.
- Publisher: SAS Institute Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 28th, 2017

SAS Download Manager
The SAS Download Manager is a Java-based client that can access the SAS software repository in order to download selected SAS orders. The JRE required by the SAS Download Manager is included with the download below and will be installed into a temporary directory. It is not necessary to download the application to the same location you intend to eventually install your SAS software order.
- Publisher: SAS Institute Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 29th, 2012

SAS SQL Library for C
The SAS SQL Library for C provides an application programming interface (API) that enables your applications to send SQL queries and statements through a SAS/SHARE server to data on remote hosts. SAS SQL Library for C requires SAS/SHARE and SAS/IntrNet licenses.
- Publisher: SAS Institute Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 21st, 2011
Additional Sas iml studio help selection

Help & Manual
Help & Manual is a helpful tool for technical writers, for easier documentation and content management. With its simple word-processor-like interface and integrated help, this application can be easily mastered by novice users too. Supplied with single- and multi-author editing capabilities, this program allows you to create documentation in form of compiled HTML help, Web help or PDF format.
- Publisher: EC Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Simplicity Studio
Simplicity Studio is the innovative solution which helps you to always have the latest documentation, examples, firmware and software available with only one click! he free energyAware software library includes both the innovative Profiler and the Designer.
- Publisher: Energy Micro
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2015

Help Generator for Visual Studio
The fast and professional way to add help to your Visual Studio applications.he Help Generator add-in scans the application user interface and creates topic pages for each form (WinForms, web forms or WPF forms). Each page contains one or more screenshot images with hotspots to the controls sections.
- Publisher: AGORA Software BV
- Last updated: December 2nd, 2012

MGTEK Help Producer
Help Producer is an add-in that is seamlessly integrated into the user interface of Microsoft Word, which makes authoring a help file as easy as writing a regular Word document. With a click on a button, Help Producer will analyze your Word document and generate all files necessary to build a help file, such as project files, table of contents files, index files, HTML topic files, and graphics.
- Publisher: MGTEK
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018

Android Studio
Android Studio is the official IDE for Android development, and includes everything you need to build Android apps. Take the full course to learn the basics of creating apps with Jetpack Compose, Android’s modern toolkit for developing user interfaces. As you create a series of apps, you’ll learn the basics of the Kotlin programming language and the fundamentals of app development.
- Publisher: Android Developers
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 9th, 2025

Sound Forge Audio Studio
Sony’s Sound Forge Audio Studio is a powerful audio editor. Fast, effective and intuitive, it can be used by both amateurs and professionals. If you feel that something is missing, you can use your favorite VST (Virtual Studio Technology) plug-ins that integrate seamlessly with the program.
- Publisher: MAGIX Software GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 24th, 2023

Microsoft XNA Game Studio
Microsoft corporation has recently released new version of very popular among game’s developers tool XNA Game Studio 3.0 Beta. This version allows to create games for Windows and media players Microsoft Zune, using optimized playing libraries, based on .NET Framework.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 6th, 2011

Synfig Studio
Synfig Studio is intended to create 2D animations. The tool has multiple features that allow creating high-quality films. It has frame animation, which means that you do not have to draw every single frame because the application does all the morphing between two key frames instead. There is even skeletal animation, which is similar to working a marionette.
- Publisher: Synfig Studio
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

MicroCode Studio
MicroCode Studio is a powerful, visual Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with In Circuit Debugging (ICD) capability designed specifically for microEngineering Labs PICBASIC PRO compiler. It provides full syntax highlighting of your code with context sensitive keyword help and syntax hints.
- Publisher: Mecanique UK
- Last updated: June 17th, 2014

Photo Art Studio
Photo Art Studio is a simple image enhancer suitable for all types of users, though clearly aimed at those who enjoy one-click adjustments rather than cryptic editing functions. You are offered a wide variety of templates to frame and embellish your favorite shots, as well as simple editing tools (referred to as effects and filters) to perform minor lighting and exposure corrections.
- Publisher: AMS Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020