Scalable screen ruler in Title/Summary

On-screen Ruler
This lightweight, free, semi-transparent ruler began as a simple project to teach a child about computers, usability and the software development process. However, once John released a version with shortcuts, it quickly evolved into a tool used by thousands of people worldwide, and has been translated into several languages by an enthusiastic user community.
- Publisher: John Kummailil
- Last updated: May 13th, 2010

WonderWebWare Screen Ruler
Measure anything on your screen with this free Screen Ruler tool. Measure the distance between two points on your screen, get the exact location and size of an element on a web page that and so much more with this free tool just for you to download and try.
- Publisher: wonderwebware
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 13th, 2010

Screen Ruler Pro
Do you need a way to measure the distance between two points on your screen? To get the exact location and size of an element on a web page? To measure in pixels, centimeters, millimeters, points, inches or your own units? If so -- Screen Ruler is your choice.
- Publisher: wonderwebware
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 29th, 2013
Scalable screen ruler in Description

This Screen Ruler is a great tool that allows you to accurately measure anything on your screen. This is especially useful when measuring graphics, web page browser sizes or whatever. Screen Ruler can display Pixels, Inches, Picas or Centimeters. When launched, Screen Ruler will appear horizontal showing approximately 400 Pixels in length.
- Publisher: Spadix Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011

Perfect Screen Ruler
Perfect Screen Ruler allows you to capture an active window of your screen and perform three different actions: You can measure two points of the captured image, obtain the color code of a certain point of the captured image in HTML, RGB HEX, and HSB formats, and also measure the angle of three selected points of the captured image.
- Publisher: Alexander G. Styopkin
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 24th, 2009

GAX professional
GAX is a powerful application for web designers, graphic designers and everyone else who works with graphics. It contains a colorpicker, a screen ruler, and a screen capture tool.
- Publisher: Dolphiq Software Development
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 28th, 2009

Screen Ruler 2D
Screen Ruler 2D is a small program that lets you measure the distance between two points on your screen. This handy program comes with a built-in magnifier and positioning aids that allow you to position the on-screen pixel ruler accurately and fast.
- Publisher: Infonautics GmbH, Switzerland
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

Zebra Screen Recorder
Zebra Screen Recorder captures your PC desktop activity into standard MPEG or AVI video files. It records everything you see on the computer screen, including the entire desktop, windows, menus, cursors – even video with sound. Screen ruler allows you to accurately capture anything on your screen.
- Publisher: Zebra-Media
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 22nd, 2018
Additional Scalable screen ruler selection

Window Ruler
Ideal for developers! Window Ruler allows you to measure windows and make screen captures in a simple and fast way. Adjust the measure units (inches, points, centimeters, milimeters and pixels) and the size of the captures. Nothing is easier to run than Window Ruler.
- Publisher: Lorenzi Davide
- Last updated: June 5th, 2010

Free Screenshot Capture
Want to take a screenshot? Try Free Screenshot Capture, an easy-to-use and powerful screen capture tool. It can help you capture screen, capture webcam, pick color on the screen. It also includes screen protractor, screen ruler, screen magnifier tools.
- Publisher: iWesoft
- Last updated: September 26th, 2012

Pixel Ruler
PixelRuler, the screen ruler for graphic and web designer. Some of its features are: Horizontal and vertical alignment, Manual and automatic distance measurement, Zoom window, Bilingual menu (German, English), Settings: docking function and many others.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: August 26th, 2014

Screen Tools
ScreenTools is a quick and small tool that combines capabilities of screen magnifier, screen ruler, screen capturer and color picker in the single application. It is the best choice for designers, web-masters and GUI developers. Screen Magnifier is main function of the ScreenTools. All small details on the screen become noticeable and turn available for analysis.
- Publisher: Avium SoftWare
- Last updated: May 21st, 2008

Ruler By George!
Ruler By George! is a handy virtual ruler ready to be dragged around on your computer screen; it's very useful for measuring graphic objects in pixels, inches, and centimeters. The program features a vertical or horizontal orientation, dynamic length, customizable colors, and the ability to remain on top, above all windows.
- Publisher: Svet-Soft
- Last updated: January 14th, 2009

GAXreloaded is a powerful application for web designers, graphic designers and everyone else who works with graphics.It contains a colorpicker, a screen ruler, and a screen capture tool. The colorpicker allows you to view the color value of every pixel on the screen in various formats and lets you sample that color.
- Publisher: Dolphiq SD
- Last updated: August 21st, 2008

Measure Schmeasure
Measure Schmeasure is a simple screen ruler for measuring the width or height between pixels in any application. Just load it up and measure away. It can be set to always appear on top of other windows and it can measure both horizontally and vertically. You can also fully customize the colors to suit your preference.
- Publisher: Frode Aarebrot
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

TopTools is a set of utilities for web-designers and GUI-developers. It features a screen-loupe and a screen-ruler seamlessly working together, additional are a base-converter, a color-picker and a screen-grabber. The main window has a small footprint and optionally minimizes to the system-tray.
- Publisher: Willem Jongman
- Last updated: December 27th, 2011

FastStone Capture is a powerful, lightweight, yet full-featured screen capture tool that allows you to easily capture and annotate anything on the screen including windows, objects, menus, full screen, rectangular/freehand regions and even scrolling windows/web pages.
- Publisher: FastStone Soft
- Home page:

Reglo is a versatile graphics design tool including an on-screen ruler, a color picker, a magnifier, a mini-screen capture feature, and the ability to resize the windows of other applications.
- Publisher: Basta Computing, Inc.
- Home page: