Scan documents in Title/Summary

Scan To Scribd
This is a free application that can scan documents and upload them to your Scribd account. You can choose to OCR them first, so that your scanned documents will show up in search queries (courtesy of the Google Tesseract OCR engine). You can give your document a title and specify whether it's public or private.
- Publisher: Atalasoft
- Last updated: September 5th, 2008

Fopydo Image Scan
Fopydo Image Scan is an app that allows you to scan and email documents snapped with a digital camera or a cell phone should be as easy and reliable as sending a fax, or using a photocopier. Also, with this free-to-use application you can create photo albums.
- Publisher: Wardega Consulting Inc.
- Last updated: July 28th, 2016

IDM Scan
IDM Scan allows you to make the scanning process simple and intuitive, as opposed to programs that come with scanners. This tool also allows you to organize your images using simple tools to create the directory structure. The images are easily exported to e-mail.
- Publisher: IDM Scan Software
- Last updated: September 21st, 2012
Scan documents in Description

Softwarenetz Archiv
Softwarenetz Archiv digitize and archive your most important documents. Scan your documents, which you receive by regular mail, with the integrated scan option. The program supports all scanners which are Windows compatible (WIA). The scanned document will be saved automatically as PDF-file.
- Publisher: softwarenetz
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 16th, 2011

JGS-Scan is the perfect tool for who have to scan documents. Simply place the document in the scanner's feeder and let JGS-Scan works for you. Once you have the full document at the screen, select the option you may need (Save to disk or e-mail it). The scanned documents can be saved or mailed in PDF format, which can be viewed by Adobe Reader, the most popular internet viewer.
- Publisher: JGS-Soft
- Last updated: May 2nd, 2008

Burrotech Browser Scan
Browser Scan is a clever system which lets you scan and save, print or email documents through your browser. Once it is installed on the scanner PC it can be accessed from any internet browser without any further installation. This means that any user on any PC within the local network can scan documents using a single scanner, without having to install anything on their PC.
- Publisher: Burrotech Ltd.
- Last updated: November 10th, 2011

DR-C125 CaptureOnTouch
DR-C125 CaptureOnTouch is a free program that provides easy and effective scanning capabilities, including simple one-touch operation for routine tasks such as scan-to-email or scan-to-desktop. You can quickly convert paper documents to multiple file formats (PDF, TIFF, JPEG, BMP and PowerPoint) and scan documents directly into SharePoint or Evernote.
- Publisher: Canon Electronics Inc.
- Last updated: May 27th, 2014

P-208 CaptureOnTouch
CaptureonTouch is an easy and effective scanning tool, that includes simple one-touch operations for routine tasks such as scan-to-email or scan-to-desktop. The users can quickly convert their paper documents into multiple file formats and also scan documents directly into 3rd party applications.
- Publisher: Canon Electronics Inc.
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2014
Additional Scan documents selection

Scan to PDF
ScanToPDF is intended to convert hard-copy documents into PDF files. The application can import pages directly from a scanner. Besides, it supports creating a portable document from standard image files. The tool has a straightforward interface, so much so that it’s quite improbable that someone can have any difficulty to use.
- Publisher: O Imaging Corporation
- Last updated: December 6th, 2016

Canon MX390 series MP Drivers
Canon MX390 series MP Drivers is a driver for Canon IJ multifunction printers that allows you to easily scan photos, documents, etc. If needed, you can uninstall this program using the Control Panel. The application is easy to use and provides a simple, wizard-like interface.
- Publisher: Canon Inc.
- Last updated: May 16th, 2013

Scanitto Pro
Scanitto Pro is a scanner program with OCR features. It lets you save your scanned documents as PDF, BMP, JPG, TIFF, JP2 and PNG files. Supporting multiple languages including English, French, German, and Italian, you can save editable and searchable electronic copies of paper documents.
- Publisher: Masters ITC Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 21st, 2018

ABBYY PDF Transformer+
ABBYY PDF Transformer+ is a comprehensive program that allows you to perform the most common tasks with your PDF files and more. With it, you can create and edit PDF files, as well as convert them into many different formats. It is a very cost-effective alternative to subscription-based solutions.
- Publisher: ABBYY Production LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 24th, 2017

Panasonic Communications Utility
The Communications Utility program uses devices connected to the network to scan documents and receives the scanned image date on a computer. The program supports the following models: DP-2310, 3010, DP-2330, 3030, DP-3510, 4510, 6010, DP-3520, 4520, 6020 and other series.
- Publisher: Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd.
- Last updated: November 28th, 2013

Smart OCR Pro
This OCR software lets you convert scanned paper documents and PDF files into editable and searchable digital files. It retains the layout and formatting of the original document. The program features many convenient options and Office integration.
- Publisher: Smart Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Free Scan to PDF Converter
Free Scan to PDF Converter is a program that allows you to scan hard copies of documents/forms to PDF or convert images to PDF on your computer for viewing, archiving, backup and emailing. Using the scanner enhancement technology, this free application turns any scanner input document (articles, invoices, photographs) into a PDF file.
- Publisher: BusyBeeSoft, Inc.
- Last updated: May 11th, 2017

Cloudmark DesktopOne
Cloudmark DesktopOne is a special application for protecting your emails from spam, phishing and viruses. It integrates with your email client and serves as an additional layer of security, scanning messages and folders, removing and monitoring every suspicious element.
- Publisher: Cloudmark, Inc.
- Last updated: November 22nd, 2015

Scan2Encrypt can scan your documents and images into a secure PDF file. Main features: - Easily control PDF content through permissions. - Authorize PDF access with password protection. - Convert scan to text with optical character recognition (OCR). - Merge multiple pages into one PDF document.
- Publisher: BinaryNow, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 13th, 2016

BlindScanner Standard
Whether it is necessary to buy another scanner if you already have one in office or at home just for everyone to be able to scan documents without distracting colleagues from their important work? The BlindScanner software will share and open access to a scanner on the local area network.
- Publisher: BlindScanner Masters ITC Software.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 20th, 2013