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Scientific notation conversion unit in Title/Summary

Scientific Notation Converter

Scientific Notation Converter

Scientific Notation Converter is a free math tool to convert numeric value between scientific notation and normal decimal notation. Scientific Notation, also called as "Standard Form" or "Exponential Form", is a numeric value written in the form of a * 10 ^ n (1 <= a < 10); it can easily represent very big or very small number.

Scientific Unit Converter

Scientific Unit Converter

It is an easy to use unit converter application that allows you to convert between hundreds of units of measurement. It supports 650 units of measurements in 30 different categories. It also comes with a Unit Manager tool to add your own custom units and a History feature to view your past conversions.

  • Publisher: Abhisoft Technologies
  • Last updated: August 13th, 2013
Unit Conversion Tool

Unit Conversion Tool

Unit Conversion Tools is a fast, small, easy to use software for all your unit conversion and calculation needs. It offers a wide range of conversion categories, such as Numbers, Prefixes, Data Storage, Data Transfer, Length, Angle, Area, Volume, Volume - Dry, Time, Velocity, Acceleration, Velocity - Angular, Mass, Density, Force, and much more.

  • Publisher: Unit Conversion Tools
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2008

Scientific notation conversion unit in Description



Math Center Level 2 consists of Scientific Calculator, Graphing Calculator 2D Numeric, Graphing Calculator 2D Parametric, and Graphing Calculator 2D Polar. Math Center Level 2 can be used for various Windows versions including: Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP and Vista

  • Publisher: Tvalx
  • Last updated: November 5th, 2012
Beam 2D

Beam 2D

Beam 2D offers a much wider range of formatting options than those available in Beam II. While all Beam II text output was displayed and printed in scientific notation, Beam 2D provides choice between scientific and standard notation with various degrees of user-selected precision.

Desktop Calculator

Desktop Calculator

DesktopCalc is an enhanced, easy-to-use and powerful desktop calculator with an expression editor, printing operation, result history list and integrated help.

OC Conversion Pro

OC Conversion Pro

OC Conversion Pro is a powerful and great converter, it supports a huge amount of converting options. The customized math parser the program uses allows for much better accuracy than found on the site. Up to 15 decimal places, fewer rounding errors, even the ability to use Scientific Notation for very large or very small numbers.



The main purpose of any calculator is to do arithmetic, and Unc has a large set of arithmetic functions. It does the usual addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, as well as powers and roots, logarithms, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. It can handle numbers in conventional or scientific notation.

  • Publisher: Greenwood Software
  • Last updated: May 16th, 2011

Additional Scientific notation conversion unit selection



ProKon (short for Professional Converter) is a 32-bit Microsoft Windows program that is intended to perform numerical conversions between the various units used in the scientific and business community.

  • Publisher: ShowMe Software
  • Last updated: August 13th, 2024


Converber is an excellent and free unit conversion tool that supports more than 2000 units, neatly organized in 53 categories or scientific fields. From angles to areas, from data rates to electric resistance, or from weight to force, you will find it difficult to identify a unit that Converber does not support.

  • Publisher: Xyntec Automation
  • Last updated: May 6th, 2012


Uconeer is an advanced engineering calculator and units conversion tool that allows you to get instant units conversions for 48 categories that include mass, power, pressure, temperature, time, torque, velocity, area, angle, entropy and many more. The program is a must-have not only for engineers but also for students, teachers, technicians, Physicists and similar professionals.

  • Publisher: Katmar Software
  • Last updated: September 12th, 2014


ESBUnitConv is an easy-to-use tool that converts units of measurements. It includes units for temperature, distance, mass, area, volume, pressure, velocity, acceleration, force, energy, power, fuel consumption, flow, torque, angles, luminous intensity, illumination, time, quantity and radioactivity.

  • Publisher: ESB Consultancy
  • Home page: www.esbconsult.com
  • Last updated: September 14th, 2012
Free Unit Converter

Free Unit Converter

Free Unit Converter is a measurement unit converter for Windows. It contains a list of measurement units and their values and you can calculate what a certain unit is in another unit by simply selecting it from the list. Although you can now get conversions for measurement units on the Internet, it is always good to have an offline app for your calculations, if you really need to some very often.

PG Calculator

PG Calculator

PG Calculator is a wonderful scientific calculator that simulates a real one. It includes many of the functions included in a real one and can be easily used by anyone who has had experience with real ones. Apart from the basic functions it includes several applications as well, such as a constants library, a time value of money solver, and a wonderful unit converter.

  • Publisher: P.Gridniew
  • Home page: www.pgcalc.net
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2008
Moffsoft Calculator

Moffsoft Calculator

Moffsoft Calculator can replace the calculator that is built in Windows as it includes a lot of other features. As most applications of this type, this one has been designed to resemble a real handheld calculator; so, it is quite unlikely that anyone has problems to use its basic features. However, some people may have difficulties performing financial operations.



This free program is a calculator that can make complex, non-conventional mathematical operations. It has many functions, such as a unit converter, which is more functional than the one in Windows 10, since it includes units like nanometers and light years. You can also manage statistics, polynomials, function derivatives, function graphs, and more.

Sporlan Valve Unit Conversion

Sporlan Valve Unit Conversion

Unit of measurement categories are grouped on to tab sheets, and clicking on the desired tab brings up available units of measurements within that category. You may click on any unit of measurement from either “Convert From” or “Convert To” list. Significant digits desired (3 to 18) for your conversions may be selected from the combo box.

  • Publisher: Sporlan Valve Co.
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2008


DigitizeIt allows you to digitize a scanned graph or chart into (x,y)-data. With this program you can import almost all common image file formats, including GIF, PNG, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, capture screenshots, export data in CSV file or via clipboard in scientific notation, sort data values, and more.