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Scp containment breach apk in Title/Summary

SCP Containment Breach

SCP Containment Breach

SCP - Containment Breach is free survival horror game written in Blitz3D. The events of the game take place in a containment site of The SCP Foundation, a secret organization dedicated to containing and researching anomalous artifacts and entities that threaten the normality of the world.

Containment: The Zombie Puzzler

Containment: The Zombie Puzzler

Containment: The Zombie Puzzler is an action puzzle game. The goal of Containment is to surround zombies with survivors of the same color. But watch out for the zombies—they'll fight back by infecting the survivors in the street. You surround zombies with 4 of the same unit, and destroy them. The zombies, not the units.

APK Icon Editor

APK Icon Editor

APK Icon Editor is an APK editor designed to easily change Android app icon, name, version, images, strings and other resources. The application helps you edit APK, extract and change APK resources. It has a multilingual interface and it supports various formats. You can sign and optimize Android applications and it includes presets sizes for various devices.

Scp containment breach apk in Description

Supply Chain Planning

Supply Chain Planning

Supply Chain Planning is user friendly & Intuitive (SCP is a perfect balance between power and ease of use).SCP includes one the world's best data integration tools and takes the bulk of the work away from IT departments and puts the power of implementation in the implementer's hands. A typical SCP project takes an average of TWO weeks.

  • Publisher: Jada Management Systems LLC
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2020


LocalAPK is a free program which helps you organize your APK file collection. It contains several features to facilitate the organizing of Android APK files. You can transfer APK files to your Android device by generating a QR code, remove outdated APK files, rename APK files to package name, application name or Play Store name.

  • Publisher: Breez
  • Last updated: June 10th, 2019
Pure APK Install

Pure APK Install

Pure Apk Install helps you install the applications stored on your computer directly to your Android device. It can also verify the authenticity of the installer package, as well as provide the supported Android versions. Moreover, it lets you decide the target location for the apk.

  • Publisher: APKPure Inc.
  • Last updated: September 18th, 2015


The first time you access APKSync it will ask you for the folder containing your APK for Windows program and data files. The default is c:\program files\apk. You do not need to change this unless you changed the installation folder during the "Select Destination Location" step, or you have installed the program on your server.



Each program that uses Swing components has at least one top-level container. This top-level container is the root of a containment hierarchy the hierarchy that contains all of the Swing components that appear inside the top-level container. As a rule, a standalone application with a Swing-based GUI has at least one containment hierarchy with a JFrame as its root.

  • Publisher: The Java(tm) Tutorial: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  • Home page: java.sun.com
  • Last updated: December 4th, 2011

Additional Scp containment breach apk selection

SCP - Classified Projects

SCP - Classified Projects

Miss Harrisson and an Agent of the SCP foundation named Max Benson are going to dive into an horrifying night where everything can happen everywhere in the most securised building of the earth. Beware of the simple aspect of the game. There's a "backstory". This game was made by a single person.

  • Publisher: Psyche Gamelab
  • Last updated: July 28th, 2015


KOPLAYER APK Install allows you to install Android applications and games in your mobile devices. It provides a simple interface where you can search for apps and install them by a single click. You may also download the APK file from koplayer website to your PC.

  • Publisher: KOPLAYER Inc.
  • Last updated: July 2nd, 2018
Website APK Builder Pro

Website APK Builder Pro

Powerful set of tools that allows you to customize everything and create stunning apps out of your website. You NEVER need to learn coding, complete process is automated, you are a few clicks away from your app. Special JavaScript functions that allows you to interact with native android functions via your Web Applications.

  • Publisher: Goyal Softech Pvt. Ltd.
  • Last updated: February 12th, 2018
APK Downloader

APK Downloader

APK Downloader is a free program that will allow you to download an APK file from the Android Market directly to your desktop rather than to your device. You can pick the app you want and you'll have the APK file on your computer, allowing you to sideload it onto any of your Android devices.

  • Publisher: Evozi
  • Last updated: September 4th, 2013
APK Image Extractor

APK Image Extractor

Android APK Image Extractor offers automated extraction of all PNG and JPEG images from Android application packages (APK files). All buttons, launcher icons, action bar icons, notification and status bar icons, menu icons, dialogs and list view icons, contextual icons, logos, startup screens and backgrounds can be extracted in a click of a button.

  • Publisher: ArmCode
  • Home page: www.armcode.com
  • Last updated: December 16th, 2014


If you turn around at the start of the game, it’ll be the last thing you see before you begin your descent in this bizarre and unnerving – or, perhaps, just lengthy and boring – staircase simulator. It’s based on a fantastically weird internet Wiki, in case you’re not aware of it.

  • Publisher: Haversine
  • Last updated: February 21st, 2012
Storage SCP Emulator

Storage SCP Emulator

The application can be used by service engineers, test engineers and software developers. You can validate the data, allow or reject duplicate data and create a DICOM Dir out of the received data.System Requirements:- Microsoft Windows XP (32 or 64 bits), Windows Vista (32 or 64 bits), Windows 7 (32 or 64 bits) - .NET 2.0 Framework

  • Publisher: PMS
  • Last updated: April 2nd, 2012


RFO BASIC! is a dialect of Dartmouth Basic that allows you to write and run programs directly on your Android device. RFO-BASIC! Quick APK lets you build Android apps and share them with your friends and family, or even sell it on Google Play. This application is targeted at beginners, and doesn't require any technical knowledge to use.

  • Publisher: mougino software
  • Home page: mougino.free.fr
  • Last updated: February 6th, 2017


FS2Open is the engine that is the core of the Source Code Project. This EXE goes in your FreeSpace 2 directory, and should be run with the Launcher in order to use the new FSSCP features. In order to download this application you need: AMD Athlon XP/64/X2, Intel P4/Core 2 Duo, or similar, Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista, Mac OS X 10.4+, or a recent and Linux distro.

  • Publisher: FS2 Source Code Project
  • Last updated: April 27th, 2012
APK installer beta 2a

APK installer beta 2a

This software will allow to install apk files directly to your phone. The software is free to use and install and it will work with most Android based phones. Before using the program you must click "Click Me First' for proper files to be installed on your Windows environment.

  • Publisher: level5team