Screensaver earth night day in Title/Summary

Winter Night 3D Screensaver
Winter Night 3D Screensaver will take you to a beautiful town on a mountain. You will be able to walk along the snowed streets, lit by faint streetlights. As you walk around the beautiful and picturesque little town, you will almost be able to see what is going on inside the houses and will even think you are smelling what is being cooked inside.
- Publisher: Astro Gemini Software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Free Night Halloween Screensaver
Free Night Halloween Screensaver is a slideshow with cartoonish images with a Halloween theme. You will see pumpkin lanterns, ghosts, haunted mansions, funny characters, ugly spiders, among other things. The images are shuffled, and they are all shown with a different transition effect.
- Publisher: 3D ScreenSaver Jam
- Last updated: August 16th, 2010

Louvre Night Screensaver
Louvre Night is a nice screensaver which shows an image of the Louvre museum. The scene shows the museum from the outside at night with its characteristic huge pyramid made of glass and the museum's building behind it. As the photo was taken at night, the pyramid's as well as the building's lights are turned on and they are both reflected in what seems to be a fountain.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: April 12th, 2011
Screensaver earth night day in Description

FlightLog Professional
FlightLog Professional offers very comprehensive data collating ability and fine presentation. This is all FREE OF CHARGE and of significant benefit compared to other software which is often only remotely competitive. FlightLog Professional pilot logbook software is designed by pilots for pilots and its virtues continually speak for themselves.
- Publisher: Stratosoft
- Last updated: September 4th, 2008

Amazing City Screensaver
A free screensaver featuring several animated nigh views of urban landscapes. The animated effect is reasonably realistic, and the program has a control panel which lets you customize many of its features. The drawback is that you need to install a toolbar and agree to change your browser's startup page for the program to run properly.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: May 10th, 2009

3D Earth ScreenSaver
Have you ever wondered what astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle see around them? Would you like to see the Earth from space? 3D Earth ScreenSaver will let you feel like a space traveller! As you are absorbed enjoying the beauty of our planet, you will surely feel mesmerized when suddenly you realize you are watching your first sunrise from space!
- Publisher: DeaddyBear
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 21st, 2009

Catfood Desktate
Catfood Desktate is an eye catching earth simulator that combines satellite imagery and near-live cloud data. Day and night are continuously calculated and the result can be set as your desktop wallpaper or used as a screensaver.
- Publisher: Catfood Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 5th, 2009

3D World Map
3D World Map is a pack comprising two programs: a realistic 3D world map and a screen saver. The wonderful screensaver will shows you a view of the planet Earth revolving around the Sun; and the brilliant 3D world map includes information about all the countries and the cities of the world.
- Publisher: Longgame
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Additional Screensaver earth night day selection

Living Earth Desktop
Live view of Earth from the space right on your desktop. You can decorate your desktop easily with this little software. -Weather info on the map -Real time clouds -Day and night (city lights in night areas) -Time Zones. Never call your international offices at the wrong time again!
- Publisher: GimmeGoody Software
- Last updated: December 16th, 2011

Cities of Earth 3D Screensaver v.
Cities of Earth 3D Screensaver shows many cities of the Earth as if you were in the space. It also displays information about the cities including their countries, the number of inhabitants, and the time in their time zones. You can set it to show FPS, adjust the quality of graphics, etc.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 17th, 2008

Earth 3D Screensaver
Earth 3D Screensaver takes you on a trip to outer space around our beloved planet. This awesome screensaver allows you to take a look outside a space shuttle window and marvel with the magnificent views of the Earth. You will feel just as an astronaut on a space mission flying around Earth and enjoying breathtaking views of everything that happens below.
- Publisher: 3Planesoft
- Last updated: October 30th, 2017

Nature Reserve Screensaver
The Nature Reserve Screensaver brings the magnificence of nature to your desktop. This really beautiful screensaver will take you on a trip to some of the most wonderful places on Earth. You will be able to see awesome waterfalls, in the middle of a lush forest, a breath-taking sunset at a beach, or a great stone of wall with another waterfall dropping on its side.
- Publisher: FullScreensavers
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 30th, 2008

Horror Of The Night Screensaver
This awesome screensaver will make you recall all your fears. You will b able to see all the typical Halloween characters doing different things on your screen. Watch a skeleton hanging from the roof. Watch a witch flying on her magic broom. And don't forget the Ghosts. They are everywhere!
- Publisher: FullScreensavers
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 2nd, 2018

Earth 3D Space Tour screensaver
Earth 3D Space Tour Screensaver will take you on a journey through space. This awesome screensaver contains very realistic images and animation of our Earth as seen from a spaceship in orbit around it. The camera moves in different ways and positions, so you will be able to watch amazingly beautiful sunsets and sunrises, as well as all kinds of very realistic atmospheric effects.
- Publisher: FP Software lab
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Earth 3D Space Survey Screensaver
Have you ever imagine to have the world in your computer? Now you can. Earth 3D Space Survey Screensaver represents a colorful and sophisticated way of embellishing your screen. Developed by Digital Minds Software, this top-rate screensaver offers different space views of the planet Earth.
- Publisher: Digital Minds Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2008

Nature Illusion Screensaver
Nature Illusion Screesaver is a beautiful screensaver that offers seven animated landscapes to enjoy. Among the landscapes you will find waterfalls, snowed places, lakes, mountains, etc. They all feature animated objects like water flowing or moving, snow falling, etc., and also pleasant nature sounds that contribute to create a very relaxing atmosphere.
- Publisher: Nufsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 5th, 2011

Planet Earth 3D Screensaver
Space tourism is only available to very rich people. Here is a unique opportunity to do that without having to pay 20 million dollars. You will actually get to see more than a regular space tourist. A fantastically realistic 3D model of the planet!
- Publisher: Astro Gemini Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 15th, 2008

Solar System 3D Screensaver
Solar System 3D Screensaver will bring the Planets to your desktop. Watch and study the rings of Saturn, our neighbor Mars and all its mystery, the giant of our system, Jupiter, and even the farthest planets like Pluto and Neptune. When the view is near a planet, a small textbox will appear, giving you information about the planet that you are watching.
- Publisher: Astro Gemini Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 4th, 2008