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Script elf bot auto buy in Title/Summary

Auto Script Scroller

Auto Script Scroller

Auto Script Scroller is designed as an auto scrolling image which keeps scrolling automatically. The tip of each item will pop up when the mouse moves over the item. The scrolling will start from the last item with reverse sequence when all the items have been displayed.

PDA Auto Web Bot

PDA Auto Web Bot

PDA Auto Web Bot is a software which helps you to get real visitors to your website. Actually this is an advertising platform. Anyone can register in this platform and advertise his web page, blog or social media page. And you can earn points by visiting other advertisers’ web pages, blogs, etc.

  • Publisher: PDA LK
  • Last updated: February 27th, 2014
Elf Elfonsinio 2

Elf Elfonsinio 2

Elf Elfonsinio 2 is another part of adventure of a goofy elf, Santa's helper, with whom he lives in peace and tranquility at the North Pole. This time our main character will get special and very responsible task from Santa. EE2 is a regular platform game (gather, ass level, avoid enemies).

  • Publisher: Maciej Lamberski
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2009

Script elf bot auto buy in Description

Script it

Script it

Script It! is the lite version of our professional screenplay development software Movie Outline which was created by a produced writer to take the complexity out of the screenwriting process. While Movie Outline can be used by both the novice and professional writer, Script It! has fewer features but is ideal for the first time writer learning the craft of screenwriting.

WeBuilder 2007

WeBuilder 2007

Quick and powerful code editor for all web document types.

  • Publisher: Blumentals Software
  • Home page: www.blumentals.net
  • Last updated: March 11th, 2008
Storm8 Auto

Storm8 Auto

Storm8 Auto is a game bot for PC. It provides support for the following games: Kingdoms Live, iMobsters, Worldwar. The bot does still have some bugs. Main features: - Auto attack. - Auto heal. - Auto vault. - Auto invite. - Auto mission. - Buy properties with one click

  • Publisher: Stormexploits
  • Last updated: July 15th, 2013
Package: SpokenThai1.9

Package: SpokenThai1.9

"Spoken Thai" is a Thai language learning software package that includes six main components and some other useful tools for the beginner and the advanced student.With a total of over 25,000 useful words and phrases most frequently used by a foreigner in Thailand, this is the best and biggest learning tool of its kind.

  • Publisher: Granot
  • Last updated: April 18th, 2012
Tibia RedBot

Tibia RedBot

Tibia is a pretty old game, launched about 15 years ago by CipSoft GmbH. Unfortunately, especially after prolonged playing, some actions can become quite boring and repetitive. This "bot" have been created to help with this repetitive actions, and therefore, to make playing Tibia a more pleasant experience.

  • Publisher: TibiaRedBot
  • Last updated: January 15th, 2012

Additional Script elf bot auto buy selection



IvPBot is the next generation of PODBots for Counter Strike game. This bot is so advanced that when you're playing with them you'll think they are real players. The bot has been coded using simple yet powerful functions for great accuracy and movement using waypoints.

ApexSQL Script

ApexSQL Script

ApexSQL Script lets you script SQL objects and data into scripts and deployment packages.You can also script objects directly to Source Control and integrate with popular source control systems. For the purpose of database migration, ApexSQL Script can be used to create a single script from multiple sources.

  • Publisher: ApexSQL Tools
  • Home page: www.apexsql.com
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020


Com 7.2 Supports ANSI, VT52, VT100, VT220 and DOORWAY emulations. File transfer protocols: Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Kermit, Ascii, and Pure Binary. Macros, powerful scripting language with script learning ability. Auto connection, Command line parame

  • Publisher: TGL Microsystems
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2010
Steam Trader Helper

Steam Trader Helper

Steam Trader Helper is a Google Chrome extension for auto-buying on the Steam Community Market. Just add an item on the shopping list from the item's page and this application will automatically purchase items that are within your budget. You can set the maximum number of purchases, and scan rate of prices (slow, medium, fast).

  • Publisher: steamtraderhelper.com
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: June 28th, 2015
Uncanny Cookie Clicker

Uncanny Cookie Clicker

Uncanny Cookie Clicker is a Chrome extension which helps you play Cookie Clicker. It may auto-click the big cookie at given intervals, auto-pop Wrinklers, auto-click a golden cookie when it appears, notify you when a golden cookie appears, auto-buy upgrades and buildings, notify you when upgrades become available, speed up the game, and auto-click and notify when a season popup appears.

  • Publisher: Naoto Yokoyama
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: August 26th, 2022
Bowling Buddy - Pogo

Bowling Buddy - Pogo

Bowling Buddy - Pogo helps you to get extra tokens and bowling badges in Bowling Buddy. This bot can play Pogo Bowl automatically in Club Pogo rooms and provides multiple features and customizable options to improve your game. It includes play hints, quick and easy backdoor links to the Pogo Bowl room topics, and more.

  • Publisher: Play Buddy, LLC
  • Last updated: October 10th, 2017
Class First Buddy - Pogo

Class First Buddy - Pogo

Class First Buddy is an auto solitaire program designed specifically for Pogo's First Class Solitaire players. This specialized Pogo helper uses solitaire strategy to autoplay First Class Solitaire efficiently thereby improving your experience and maximizing your Pogo tokens.

  • Publisher: Play Buddy, LLC
  • Home page: www.playbuddy.com
  • Last updated: May 19th, 2015
Tumble Tiles Buddy - Pogo

Tumble Tiles Buddy - Pogo

Tumble Tiles Buddy is a specialized Pogo Tumble Tiles auto bot. The program automatically flips, flops, and swaps using its intelligent internal Tumble Tiles strategy, thus solving the puzzles for you. Also, it can earn Tumble Tiles badges, ranks, and tokens, track and display 'Rank' progress, show hint features to use during manual play, and more.

  • Publisher: Play Buddy
  • Home page: www.playbuddy.com
  • Last updated: December 29th, 2016
WeBuilder 2005

WeBuilder 2005

Complete all-in-one web code editor for all your web document editing needs. Edit HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, ASP within single program. Clean interface, quick startup, true flexibility and powerful features enable you to do more in less time.

  • Publisher: Karlis Blumentals
  • Last updated: April 27th, 2010
Peggle Slots Buddy - Pogo

Peggle Slots Buddy - Pogo

Peggle Slot Buddy is an auto bot designed specifically for Peggle Slots players. The program can play Peggle Slots automatically in Club Pogo rooms, refill coin bucket, display current Rank, show play hint and hint features to use during manual play, play bonus games, and more.