Script webmaster resistor in Title/Summary

Resistor Values
Resistor Values is an electrical engineering program that will calculate the value of a 4 band resistor.
- Publisher: Black Knight Software Solutions
- Last updated: June 26th, 2008

Resistor Colourcode Decoder
Using Resistor Colourcode Decoder, you will be able to decode, in an instant, all of your 4 or 5 band resistors, simply by inputting their colors into the boxes provided. Or, if you need to color code a resistor, you can input your values and the program will provide you with the correct color code.
- Publisher: Michael Barron
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Resistor Color Coder
Resistor Color Coder is a utility designed to help Electrical engineers in deciphering the color codes on four- or five-band leaded-type resistors, as well as the markings on SM resistors. The utility will display the resistor values and tolerances, depending on the selected code.
- Publisher: Schematica Software
- Last updated: May 19th, 2010
Script webmaster resistor in Description

ResCalc Master
ResCalc Master is a resistor calculator outfitted with various tools, meant to aid in work related to resistors. The program provides various tools: a colour code table, an EIA standard value table, decoding examples, resistor orientational dimensions as well as a series, parallel and LED calculator.
- Publisher: BATO
- Last updated: July 16th, 2014

Electronic Calculator
Electronic Calculator 2 is the must have companion for anyone who works with electronics, whether experienced or novice, working on vintage sets or the most up to date of circuits. EC2 is far more than just another resistor calculator (although it does of course offer this facility)
- Publisher: B.E.C. Networks Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 7th, 2008

Lucid Electronics Workbench
Calculate LED Load Resistor Values; Calculate Power Supply Component Values; Calculate Ohms' Law; Caculate Regulator Circuit Component Values, Transistor Circuit Component Values.
- Publisher: Lucid Enterprises, Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

MySQL PHP Generator
MySQL PHP Generator is a great GUI wizard that builds PHP code capable of connecting and performing MYSQL functions such as searching, creating, editing, deleting records and more. It has support for building multi-lingual scripts and the possibility of filtering and choosing which tables and fields to display. The program doesn't require any coding skills at all.
- Publisher: SQL Maestro Group
- Last updated: March 7th, 2008

Resistor Colour Code Solver
Resistor Colour Code Solver is a little program that can calculate the value of a resistor from its colour code and vice-versa. Its colour scheme is easily customizable. Moreover, the program is completely portable and is very low on system resources.
- Publisher: Abhishek
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 24th, 2011
Additional Script webmaster resistor selection

Lao Script for Windows
Lao Script allows Lao language text to be easily entered in text processors.Main Features:- Lao Unicode OpenType fonts optimized for screen and webpage use. - Non-Unicode Lao/English TrueType fonts. - Lao phonetic input keyboard mapping, using an easy-to-learn romanized method of writing Lao syllables. - Lao standard keyboard mapping, using the familiar Lao typewriter layout.
- Publisher: Dr. John M. Durdin.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 16th, 2012

Active GIF Creator
This utility was created to help you generate GIFs by using your personal images. The application features a straightforward interface, works with many image formats, and gives you access to a wide range of output configurations. You don't need much graphic design experience in order to work with this program. All of its output settings are very simple to configure.
- Publisher: Image Tools Group
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

SQL Multi Script
SQL Multi Script lets you execute multiple scripts against multiple SQL Servers quickly and easily. Main features: - Collect easy-to-view aggregated results in grid or text layout. - Export results as a .csv or .txt file. - Deploy multiple scripts on multiple servers with just one click. - Query databases in parallel.
- Publisher: Red Gate Software Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 31st, 2016

Inno Script Studio
Inno Script Studio is intended to help you write scripts you can later process with Inno Setup Compiler. In this regard, this tool comes in handy for generating hignly customized Windows installer packages. The utility has an intuitive interface, very similar to that of a text editor, which means that there are no difficulties to start using it right away.
- Publisher: Kymoto Soultions
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 14th, 2021

Free Script Editor
Free Script Editor 3.0 is an efficient tool designed specially for web developers. This program provides you with a lot of different functions. If you are a programmer or a user who uses PHP and HTML languages, then this program is the right choice. This software allows you to open unlimited-size text files.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

JavaScript Plus!
If you’re involved in the world of programming and need a powerful tool to edit Javascript code or you just want to experiment and take the first steps with this script language, then Javascript Plus! is a useful tool to consider. You don’t need to be familiar with all the methods and properties in each Javascript object.
- Publisher: VBSoftware
- Last updated: January 10th, 2009

Resistor Color Code Calculator
Resistor Color Code Calculator is a helpful little utility that allows you to find the value of a standard resistor without memorizing the color codes. Resistor Color Code Calculator also includes an Ohm Law calculator and a resistor color code quiz that it is under development at this time
- Publisher: Daniel Crowe
- Last updated: May 20th, 2014

ApexSQL Script
ApexSQL Script lets you script SQL objects and data into scripts and deployment packages.You can also script objects directly to Source Control and integrate with popular source control systems. For the purpose of database migration, ApexSQL Script can be used to create a single script from multiple sources.
- Publisher: ApexSQL Tools
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

SQL Script Generator
Generates MS SQL Server database scripts to recreate the data, tables, stored procedures, views, triggers, keys, indexes and more. Using SQLScriptGenerator you can connect to your local or remove SQL Server and generate T-SQL script of the whole database or just database structure or just data or specific database objects.
- Publisher: Pranas.NET
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

Windows Script Documentation
This download provides extensive reference and conceptual documentation for all of Microsoft® Windows® Script Technologies, including: - Microsoft Visual Basic® Scripting Edition - Microsoft JScript® - Windows Script Host - Windows Script components.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008