Scrolling desktop stock ticker in Title/Summary

Stock Ticker Application Bar
Stock Ticker Application Bar is a software designed for continuous retrieval of stock quotes through the Internet. It is simple stock ticker that resides at the top or the bottom of your screen and displays 20 minutes delayed quotes of predefined list of stocks, indices and currency symbols as a scrolling message.
- Publisher: Ashkon Technology LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 13th, 2023

FrenzelSoft Stock Ticker
FrenzelSoft Stock Ticker Tool to provide information about the percental and monetary change of chosen stock prices and your portfolio. Furthermore you can set min and max alerts when stock prices fall below or exceed your specified limits and get news for the comanies you added. The stocks are linked to the Yahoo! Finance website so you can easily get charts for stocks by a simple mouse click.
- Publisher: FrenzelSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 5th, 2017

Desktop Stock Alert
Free Desktop Stock Alerts: Hot Stock Alerts to your desktop by syndicated stock traders. Receive reports throughout the day. The DSA Icon sits in Windows System Tray. When they post a new alert, a small window appears, advising you of the message.
- Publisher: Stocks That Move
- Last updated: August 4th, 2009
Scrolling desktop stock ticker in Description

Features: -Use the traditional scrolling ticker view to see your stock performance at a glance at any time -See a snapshot of your entire portfolio at once with the all-new portfolio view -Easily customize the appearance and information displayed by the ticker and the portfolio view -Support for 9 different exchanges and two quote sources (Yahoo! Finance and MSN Money)
- Publisher: Lightweight Labs
- Last updated: September 2nd, 2011

Personal Stock Monitor
Personal Stock Monitor is a desktop companion for online investors. Use the built-in portfolio manager to automatically track the value of your holdings to show you how the days events are affecting your investments. It pulls quotes and news headlines from popular financial web sites around the world, organizes them into convenient views, and displays them in a scrolling desktop ticker bar.
- Publisher: DTLink Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 19th, 2011

FeedRoller comes pre-configured with several news feeds. FeedRoller is a lightweight RSS feed ticker. It is designed to show scrolling headlines from your favorite news sites and blogs, directly on your desktop. Supports RSS, and Atom feed format. Shows news title, summary, age and source. Customizable interface.
- Publisher: Sector-Seven
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 11th, 2009

Wall Street Raider
A highly sophisticated financial / stock market game and simulation in which you trade, invest and finagle in simulated 'live' environment. NOW INCLUDES FUTURES AND OPTIONS TRADING, interest rate swaps (derivatives) and trading of ETF's.
- Publisher: Ronin Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 21st, 2023

RSScrawler displays your favorite RSS news feeds as a flicker-free ticker bar on your Windows Desktop. RSScrawler keeps you always informed in the same way as those ticker bars known from various TV stations. Never miss any breaking news!
- Publisher: mirabyte GmbH & Co. KG
- Last updated: August 23rd, 2022
Additional Scrolling desktop stock ticker selection

Stardock ModernMix
Stardock ModernMix is a program that lets you run Windows 8 apps in individual separate windows on the desktop as well as launch them. Modern app window sizes are remembered the next time you launch them. The active apps will also appear on your taskbar where they can be pinned for quick access later.
- Publisher: Stardock Software, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 21st, 2015

US Stock Ticker is a free download that allows you to have streaming, real time, U.S. stock quotes displayed on the top portion of your V.D.U. as you work. You choose the number of U.S. stock symbols you wish to see streaming across your screen with no minimum or maximum. You can also set your scroll speed.
- Publisher: Linos Software
- Last updated: February 25th, 2012

Presentation Ticker
Presentation Ticker allows to scroll a text message across your screen and also scrolls hyperlinks that are clickable. Just install this software on a computer at a trade show, define your message headlines and corresponding URLs and visitors will be able to click on a headline and read more about your product or service.
- Publisher: Filesland
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020

Shark Ticker
Shark Ticker is an application that displays stock prices by means of a small bar on your desktop. This bar can be placed at the top or the bottom of the screen. It blinks when a price changes, and shows alerts when a stock drops below or rises above a certain price.
- Publisher: Steve Hanov
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Almost every Internet user reads news on the Internet. RSS and Atom feeds are the easiest way to get the latest news headlines from various sources. But checking news from various RSS or Atom feed sources is boring and time consuming. Now, with NewsPiper there is no need to hunt for news here and there and no need to check different RSS or Atom feeds one by one.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: November 10th, 2009

Fast Screenshot
Fast Screenshot provides an easy way to capture screenshots, scrolling areas, desktop, and more. You can then export to your favorite image format, or export directly to PDF. You can take screenshot from Fast Screenshot using the icons in the top left, or you can use the menu options.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: January 21st, 2012

YouTrader Terminal
This gives you power to make you successful & disciplined trader. This analyze the scripts for you where possible movement can happen and where the professionals would be interested. This is so thin that even not takes a MB in your machine. So what are you waiting for? Just Download it and check yourself the power of YouTrader.
- Publisher: Ravindra Pandit.
- Last updated: February 29th, 2012

Stock Ticker 7 is a free application that keeps you up to date with important stock market information. The ticker displays the total amount that you currently have invested, the current value of your investments and the percent of change between the two amounts.
- Publisher: StockTicker
- Last updated: March 14th, 2012

StockWize is an easy to use stock market monitoring software for Windows. StockWize allows you to quickly view near real time stock quotes from stock exchanges in an easy format, manage the monitored market stocks list, view historical market data for selected stock ticker
- Publisher: Hillstone Software
- Last updated: September 16th, 2011

Speculator: The Stock Trading Simulation
Highly realistic simulation lets you learn while you have fun trading stocks and bonds. Try to build a $100,000 inheritance into a retirement fund and, along the way, qualify to also do short sales and trade put and call options and commodity futures
- Publisher: Ronin Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 19th, 2023