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Seascape plugin max 2010 in Title/Summary

Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 SDK Help for Visual Studio

Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 SDK Help for Visual Studio

This program offers you an HTML help format that integrates the 3ds Max SDK help collection into the Visual Studio environment. Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 SDK provides extensive C++ and .Net code samples to help you get started developing with the 3ds Max API for Autodesk 3ds Max.

SolidRocks LITE for Max 2010-2012

SolidRocks LITE for Max 2010-2012

SolidRocks fully automates the complex setup of V-Ray. This lite version can be installed in 3D Max versions 2010 to 2012. SoliRocks comes with modular GUI and useful tools and settings to stay concentrated on creation instead of loosing time on tedious technical settings.

Hair Farm Demo for 3ds Max 2010 32-bit

Hair Farm Demo for 3ds Max 2010 32-bit

Hair Farm is a complete hair solution for 3ds Max. It is specifically designed for CG professionals who whish to create gorgeous hair quickly and precisely. Hair Farm comes with 40 different tools for hair modeling, animation and rendering. It is fully integrated into 3ds Max and even allows you to use many existing features of 3ds Max with hair objects.

Seascape plugin max 2010 in Description



TheX-Ray SDK application includes 3DS Max (х86) plug-ins for .object and .skl export to Clear Sky format. The plug-in versions are: - 3DS Max 8 - 3DS Max 9 - 3DS Max 2008 - 3DS Max 2009 - 3DS Max 2010 The pack also includes: - ActorEditor - ShaderEditor - ParticleEditor - PostprocessEditor - LevelEditor (fixed) - xrAI compiler

  • Publisher: GSC Game World
  • Home page: www.gsc-game.com
  • Last updated: July 20th, 2012
3ds Max Performance Plug-in

3ds Max Performance Plug-in

Create stunning 3D. Visual effects artists and graphic designers creating games, film and television content can take advantage of incredible performance gains with 3ds Max® 2010 and 2011 running on ATI FirePro™ professional graphics, compared to comparably-priced consumer cards.

  • Publisher: ATI Technologies Inc.
  • Home page: www2.ati.com
  • Last updated: May 7th, 2011
Plus Max 2010

Plus Max 2010

Plus Max 2010 features : - Added improved handling of missing tooth triggers on Select ECUs - Added software debouncing of VSS inputs on Select ECUs - Added oil metering control for Select ECUs - Support for additional plug-in Select ECUs - Additional RPM control algorithms for really large plenum engines (eg post-throttle supercharger and intercooler systems)

SimLab Sketchup Importer for 3ds Max

SimLab Sketchup Importer for 3ds Max

SketchUp importer for 3ds Max plugin enables users to add SketchUp import capability to Autodesk 3ds. It allows 3ds Max users to import SketchUp files and edit them inside 3ds. Use SimLab SketchUp Importer for 3ds Max, to add artistic touch to your SketchUp models in 3DS Max powerful environment. Assign advanced materials, add 3DS objects, and Create high quality renders.

SimLab SketchUp exporter for 3ds Max

SimLab SketchUp exporter for 3ds Max

SimLab SketchUp exporter for 3ds Max is a plugin that allows users to export 3ds Max models as SketchUp files (*.skp) readable by SketchUp 7and 8. 3ds Max designers can now make their desings viewable by exporting their models into SketchUp. The plugin is supported on 3ds Max / 3ds Max Design 2010-2013 (32 and 64bit), and on 3ds Max / 3ds Max Design 2014, 2015, and 2016 (64bit).

Additional Seascape plugin max 2010 selection

Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 Tutorials Files

Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 Tutorials Files

Work through the tutorials to practice some typical workflows. Download 3ds Max 2010 Supplementary Files.exe Save the files to your local machine. You will need to navigate to this folder 3ds Max 2010 Tutorials folder when you are asked to set the Project Folder in the lessons.

  • Publisher: Autodesk, Inc
  • Home page: usa.autodesk.com
  • Last updated: April 4th, 2009
Phoenix FD for 3ds Max 2010 for x86

Phoenix FD for 3ds Max 2010 for x86

Phoenix FD is a powerful tool for fluid simulations. Aimed to meet the needs of VFX artist to simulate fire, smoke, explosions as well as liquids, foam and splashes, it has now become universal simulation software for every production house. Phoenix FD offers exceptional flexibility and speed. Phoenix FD’s unique simulation core optimizes computation time while maintaining physical accuracy.

  • Publisher: Chaos Software Ltd
  • Last updated: June 14th, 2012
Particle Flow Tools Box#2 Pro for 3ds Max 2010

Particle Flow Tools Box#2 Pro for 3ds Max 2010

This easy-to-use new software integrates with the Particle Flow system to let you create sophisticated, realistic physics simulations.Box#2 Pro provides operators and tests to replicate real-world effects such as natural and man-made forces, binding particles together and then breaking the bonds, collisions between particles and with other objects, and more.

  • Publisher: Orbaz Technologies, Inc.
  • Home page: www.orbaz.com
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2012
V-Ray Studio Setup Pro

V-Ray Studio Setup Pro

V-Ray Studio Setup Pro is a plugin for automating studio lighting setups for use with the Autodesk™ 3ds Max™ and V-Ray™ rendering engine.Main features:-Live creation of Studio Setups. -Quick access to all of the items properties. -Completely customizeable generated Backdrops and Base Walls (length, height, width, color, etc.).

Autodesk FBX Plugin - 3ds Max Design 2010

Autodesk FBX Plugin - 3ds Max Design 2010

Autodesk FBX Plugin - 3ds Max Design 2010 is developed by Autodesk. Whether you are using FBX within an entertainment pipeline or as part of design production, files are more seamlessly transferred, more data is retained, and workflows are more efficient.

  • Publisher: Autodesk
  • Home page: usa.autodesk.com
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2011
Autodesk FBX Plugin - 3ds Max

Autodesk FBX Plugin - 3ds Max

The Autodesk® FBX® plug-in allows all types of data to be packaged into one file format that can be used by most of today's 3D authoring software. Autodesk® FBX® asset exchange technology facilitates higher-fidelity data exchange between several Autodesk content creation packages.

Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2010 Tutorials Files

Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2010 Tutorials Files

With 3ds Max Design 2010 Tutorials, you can learn how to create 3D places and characters, objects and subjects of any type. You can arrange them in settings and environments to build the scenes for your movie or game or visualization. You can animate the characters, set them in motion, make them speak, sing and dance, or kick and fight.

  • Publisher: Autodesk
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2009
Adobe Flash Player Plugin for IE

Adobe Flash Player Plugin for IE

Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Internet Explorer allows you to play Flash video, animation, and games in the Internet Explorer browser. Flash contents are used in almost all websites to display advertisements and video. This plugin is required to be installed in IE for accessing YouTube.

  • Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • Last updated: December 10th, 2020
RPC Plugin for Autodesk Max Design 2011

RPC Plugin for Autodesk Max Design 2011

ArchVision Dashboard simplifies how RPC plug-ins, RPC Content and texture files are downloaded and installed. Simply click on the Plug-ins button, choose the desired applications and the matching plug-ins are automatically downloaded and installed when the user clicks on Continue and Install

  • Publisher: ArchVision, Inc.
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2012
SimLab SolidWorks Importer for 3DS Max

SimLab SolidWorks Importer for 3DS Max

SimLab SolidWorks importer for 3ds Max adds SolidWorks import capability to Autodesk 3ds Max. The plugin adds the ability to import native SolidWorks parts and assemblies (*.sldprt, *.sldasm), from SolidWorks 2015, and prior. The plugin is supported on 3ds Max / 3ds Max Design 2010-2013 (32 and 64bit), and on 3ds Max / 3ds Max Design 2014, 2015, and 2016 (64bit).