Secure harddisk eraser in Title/Summary

Secure Data Eraser
Secure Data Eraser is a program that allows you to wipe files and folders, wipe disk drives, flash memory and unused disk space. The program allows you to choose the security level from Standard to Military-strength and it supports FAT and NTFS file systems.
- Publisher: Essential Data Tools
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Free Secure File Eraser
Free Secure File Eraser is a security tool for Microsoft Windows which allows you to permanently and completely remove sensitive files (and folders) from your hard drive by overwriting them several times with various file wiping methods, including Gutmann (35 passes), DoD-7pass (7 passes), DoD-3pass (3 passes).
- Publisher: DVDAVITools
- Last updated: May 30th, 2014

Secure Eraser
Secure Eraser uses the most renowned method of data disposal and overwrites sensitive information in such a reliable way that it can never be retrieved even with specialized software.
- Publisher: ASCOMP Software GmbH
- Last updated: November 29th, 2024
Secure harddisk eraser in Description

Active@ Eraser
Active@ ERASER is a quality software package which includes various components required to keep your system secure from undesired data recovery. You can be sure that once you wipe a disk with Active@ ERASER full-featured commercial version, sensitive information is destroyed forever.
- Publisher: LSoft Technologies Inc.
- Last updated: February 7th, 2017

WinAES is an application that allows you to encrypt and decrypt files. It uses one of the most secure symmetric-key algorithms to protect your data. With the "Secure File Eraser" function it can erase a file up to 35 times, ensuring there is no possibility of recovering an erased file.
- Publisher: FatLYZ
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Secure Eraser ActiveX
Secure Eraser ActiveX 1.1.3 is a dll control to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns.
- Publisher: WinLib LLC.
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Soft4Boost Secure Eraser
Trying to remove and delete stubborn files, folders, and even software programs from your PC can be a tedious and frustrating task. Soft4Boost Secure Eraser offers a free and simple way to remove all those hard-to-erase items once and for all in a single batch operation and using state-of-the-art and secure erase methods.
- Publisher: Sorentio Systems Ltd.
- Last updated: May 31st, 2022

Trace Eraser
Trace Eraser is a privacy suite for Windows computers. This application allows you to carry out three tasks that will help you to erase your tracks so that no one can gather information about you: erase cookies, securely delete files, and securely format drives. All three features work pretty well.
- Publisher: Optimize Your PC
- Last updated: March 17th, 2008
Additional Secure harddisk eraser selection

ByebyeData Eraser
ByebyeData Eraser is a disk wipe utility to securely erase the hard drive and shred files, with built-in secure wipe standards like DoD 5220.22m and other government, approved algorithms. With this DoD wipe software, you'll know how to completely erase a hard drive (HDD or SSD) and make data clean. Wiping a hard drive with this data eraser will keep private data secure.
- Publisher: BaybyeData Technology Group
- Last updated: October 11th, 2017

Data Eraser
Ss Data Eraser is a permanent way to securely delete files, folders and disk free space. Ss Data Eraser completely implements the US Department of Defense DOD 5220.22 M clearing and sanitizing standard, to give you the confidence that once deleted, your data is gone forever and cannot be recovered.
- Publisher: Ss-Tools, Inc.
- Last updated: March 18th, 2008

Ransomware Defender
Ransomware Defender can detect and remove ransomware before it can harm your PC. It can also scan and remove existing ransomware on your PC. You can schedule automated scans at your desired frequency and timing. This program also features a browsing history cleaner and secure file eraser to protect your privacy.
- Publisher: ShieldApps
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 12th, 2024

StarBurn DiscEraser
Data Eraser Wizard allows erasing a rewritable optical disc. The program supports all kinds of CD/DVD/Blu-Ray/HD-DVD rewritable media and a wide variety of burning hardware. The wizard provides two erasing modes: fast and full. The fast mode erases only a technical area, which is quite enough to enable further burning sessions.
- Publisher: StarBurn Software Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 8th, 2014

Internet Eraser Pro
Tracks Eraser Pro is designed to protect you by cleaning up all the tracks of Internet activities on your computer. With only one click, Tracks Eraser allows you to erase the cache, cookies, history, typed URLs, autocomplete memory, index.dat from your browser and temp folder, run history, search history, open/save history, recent documents, and so on.
- Publisher: internet-eraser
- Last updated: October 28th, 2011

Eraser is an advanced security tool for Windows which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns. Eraser is currently supported under Windows XP (with Service Pack 3), Windows Server 2003 (with Service Pack 2), Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
- Publisher: Garrett Trant/Joel Low
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 16th, 2014

Tracks Eraser Pro
Tracks Eraser Pro can delete your Internet usage history, address-bar history of web browsers, auto-complete data, Windows start menu search, temp files, history of open/save dialog boxes, and recycle bin files. It can also be used to remove selected plugins from Internet Explorer.
- Publisher: Acesoft Studio
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Privacy Eraser Pro
Privacy Eraser Pro is an Internet Eraser that protects your Internet privacy by cleaning up all the tracks of Internet and computer activities. It supports popular web browsers such as Internet Explorer, MSN Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, AOL, Apple Safari and Opera. You can erase the Address Bar History, Cache Files, Temp Files Directory, Documents History or the Browser History.
- Publisher: Privacy Eraser Computing Inc.
- Last updated: November 25th, 2013

Active@ DVD Eraser
Active@ DVD ERASER erases DVD-RW, DVD+RW or CD-RW media to clear the old data from the disk.
- Publisher: LSoft Technologies Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 26th, 2023

CCleaner for PC helps you clean up your Windows computer, optimize performance, and maintain your online privacy. CCleaner's Driver Updater helps improve performance of your PC's graphics, sound, and internet connectivity while preventing software bugs, hardware problems, and crashes.
- Publisher: Piriform Software Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025