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Secure passwords in Title/Summary

Secure Password Store

Secure Password Store

The use of secure passwords is essential nowadays, to access email accounts, install applications, etc. Most of the cases, it is difficult to remember all of the passwords you use daily, unless these are not secure enough. With Secure Password Store you can safely store your passwords and also generate random numeric hexadecimal or alphanumerical passwords.

  • Publisher: L.M. Photonics Ltd.
  • Last updated: November 15th, 2009
AQL Secure Password Generator

AQL Secure Password Generator

AQL Secure Password Generator(http://www.aqlsoft.com) allows you to create random password that are highly secure and extremely difficult to crack or guess due to an optional combination of lower or upper case letters,numbers and punctuation symbols

  • Publisher: AQLSoft
  • Home page: www.aqlsoft.com
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2009
Secure Password Manager

Secure Password Manager

Do you have too many passwords, which expire on different dates, are subject to different rules, or are managed with different tools? This complexity creates problems, like forget your passwords. Secure Password Manager is the right solution to manage your passwords.

Secure passwords in Description

Password Reviver

Password Reviver

Password Reviver is designed to help you create secure passwords as well as remember those passwords and automatically populate them into your browser and other applications for you. No more having to remember passwords!

  • Publisher: ReviverSoft
  • Last updated: February 17th, 2014
PowerCryptor Password Generator

PowerCryptor Password Generator

PowerCryptor Password Generator allows you to create highly secure passwords that are difficult to crack or guess. Using PowerCryptor Password Generator you do not have to think out new passwords. Password Generator will do it instead of you.

  • Publisher: PowerCryptor Software
  • Home page: www.powercryptor.com
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020


PWMinder is a Password Manager that is used to store passwords and other sensitive data in a secure encrypted file. Includes a configurable Password Generator, Encryption Tool and ability to automatically log in to web sites.

PWMinder Desktop

PWMinder Desktop

PWMinder is a Password Manager that is used to store passwords and other sensitive data in a secure encrypted file. Includes a configurable Password Generator, Encryption Tool and ability to automatically log in to web sites.

Password Provider

Password Provider

Password Provider is an easy-to-use, completely free tool. The algorithm of this application is highly advanced and could not be traced or cracked. While this tool allows users to save the data to file, it also allows to copy them to clipboard and to use them wherever one wants.

  • Publisher: Symphonic Software
  • Last updated: February 20th, 2010

Additional Secure passwords selection

Norton Identity Safe

Norton Identity Safe

Norton Identity Safe is a free password manager that makes logging into your favorite sites easier and more secure. It keeps your passwords synchronized across different computers, browsers and mobile devices. It warns you of unsafe sites right in your search results and blocks them.



LastPass remembers all your passwords across your devices. It lets you install browser add-ons for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, and Edge, along with the desktop application. Your passwords are synchronized using a LastPass account that you create.

  • Publisher: LogMeIn, Inc.
  • Last updated: December 25th, 2023
iSkysoft PDF Editor

iSkysoft PDF Editor

Just as its name suggests, iSkysoft's PDF Editor can help you create and edit PDF documents as well as perform conversions between various formats. The program’s interface is very much like those of other similar editors, so there is not much to learn if you have had previous experience with this kind of tools. It has a ribbon and tabs properly labeled with suggestive names.

  • Publisher: iSkysoft Studio
  • Home page: www.iskysoft.us
  • Last updated: April 3rd, 2018
Credential Manager for HP ProtectTools

Credential Manager for HP ProtectTools

Credential Manager for HP ProtectTools is a utility that securely manages your multiple log-ins enabling you to remember only one ID and password. When it is used with an optional biometric reader, like a fingerprint reader, you will have no need to remember passwords.

  • Publisher: Hewlett-Packard
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008
AI RoboForm

AI RoboForm

AI RoboForm is a password manager that allows you to store all your on- and offline passwords in one place and manage them through a master password. The program is easy to use, and not only stores passwords for online sites. You can also store and manage passwords for Windows applications, documents, and even store private contacts and create secret notes.

  • Publisher: Siber Systems
  • Home page: www.roboform.com
  • Last updated: September 4th, 2017


PWGen is capable of generating large amounts of cryptographically-secure passwords. It can create "classical" passwords, pronounceable passwords, pattern-based passwords, and passphrases consisting of words from word lists. It uses a “random pool” technique based on strong cryptography to generate random data from indeterministic user inputs.



eWallet helps you remember usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, bank accounts details, DNS settings, and other important data. It includes a sync engine to keep your data in sync with eWallet on other devices, using direct connect, local WiFi, or the cloud.

  • Publisher: Ilium Software
  • Home page: www.iliumsoft.com
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2022
WiFi Password Key Generator

WiFi Password Key Generator

WiFi Password Key Generator is exactly what its name suggests: a program that helps you create Wireless WEP and WPA/WPA2 keys on your Windows PC. These types of keys are necessary when a modem or a router requires you to provide WEP or WPA keys during a Wireless security setup.

Invisible Secrets

Invisible Secrets

Keep those prying eyes out of your emails and prevent unwanted people from reading your private documents! Invisible Secrets not only encrypts your data and files for safe keeping or for secure transfer across the net, it also hides them in places that on the surface appear totally innocent, such as picture or sound files, or web pages.

Password Manager Deluxe

Password Manager Deluxe

Password Manager Deluxe is a versatile application that helps you keep track of all your account names and passwords. With this program, all you need to do is to memorize your master password, and it will take care of storing all your other log-in information.