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Secure private chat in Title/Summary

Secure Network Chat

Secure Network Chat

Secure Network Chat (SNC) - is a text chat able to solve all the problems in communication between your company staff members cardinally. SNC is especially designed to work with medium and large local area networks

  • Publisher: SecureAction Research, Ltd
  • Home page: www.secureaction.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
easy.la Messenger

easy.la Messenger

For every contact, you can choose an individual font. Using the log files with full text search, you can find everything you have chatted about - unless you want to deactivate this. If necessary, you can also switch to a secure private chat session (log files will not be kept for both participants). This chat is encrypted.

  • Publisher: Goober Networks, Inc.
  • Last updated: June 29th, 2012


Client/Server components for private voice chat and instant messaging. Sample applications are included in Visual Basic 2005 and Delphi 7.

  • Publisher: BigSpeed Computing Inc.
  • Last updated: April 6th, 2008

Secure private chat in Description

Camfrog Cloud Server

Camfrog Cloud Server

Camfrog Cloud Server is an application that allows users to moderate their own private chat room and host multiple rooms at the same time, from a home PC and no dedicated server is needed. As private room administrators, users have the possibility to change different settings in order to prevent spam messages, as well as any kind of privacy violation actions.

  • Publisher: Camshare Inc.
  • Last updated: December 28th, 2011


Nicotine+ is a fork of Hyriand's Soulseek PyGTK2 client, Nicotine. Fixing bugs, adding new features, and keeping up-to-date with Soulseek's protocol is its purpose. Features: - GUI for built-in NowPlaying scripts and command to use them. Supported players: Amarok, Rhythmbox, BMPx, XMMS/Infopipe, MPD/mpc etc.

RDW Admin Suite

RDW Admin Suite

RDW Admin Suite is a chat suite, where you can create chat rooms. The application has the following key features: - Auto Group ban - Auto Kick - Messenger Type chat - Unlimited Room - Unlimited Private Chat - Unlimited Group Chat - Ban Fast Roll In Group Linked Room - Unlimited Anti Series Ban Unban - Flood Scan and kick - Bad word Kick.

  • Publisher: Rezwan's Digital World
  • Last updated: August 18th, 2011


Binfer is a file transfer software for sending and receiving large files such as videos, pictures and documents without uploading them anywhere. Fast, easy to use, practical and time saving alternative to website uploads, email attachments.

  • Publisher: GlobalSoftLink LLC
  • Home page: www.binfer.com
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2022
Dwyco Video

Dwyco Video

The Dwyco Video Conferencing System (CDC32) lets you see and hear the people you meet online, in real-time.Main features:- It's FREE, NO spyware, NO adware, NO popups - Color real-time video - G-rated and Adult directory listings. - Different servers and directories for different interests. - Public and Private chat etc.

Additional Secure private chat selection

Avira Phantom VPN

Avira Phantom VPN

Avira Phantom VPN is a software to make your Internet connection secure, private and untraceable. Avira has high-quality servers scattered all around the world that you can take advantage of. Using a VPN is recommended to unlock geo-restrictions set by ISPs and the government. You can choose from over 20 secure servers.

  • Publisher: Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG
  • Home page: www.avira.com
  • Last updated: January 19th, 2023


It encrypts your text and files with up to 6,144-bit and creates an extra file that is to be attached to an e-mail or uploaded to a Web site. Any file can be used as a key. Use an Internet browser to decode. It also features a Secure Private Chat.

  • Publisher: Dr. Bootz GmbH
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Beyluxe Messenger

Beyluxe Messenger

Talking to people over the Internet has become as common as talking to them face to face. That's why you should consider using Beyluxe Messenger, a useful instant chatting tool that will allow you to communicate with friends from all over the world. The interface is similar to other applications of this kind, so it's pretty easy to operate.

  • Publisher: Beyluxe Communication S.R.L
  • Last updated: May 31st, 2013
Chatter Desktop

Chatter Desktop

Chatter Desktop is a free program that allows you to connect with your coworkers to work together and be more productive. With File Sharing Links in Chatter, you can easily and securely send files to coworkers, partners and customers directly from your Chatter feed using an encrypted URL.

  • Publisher: Salesforce, Inc
  • Last updated: June 15th, 2015


Trillian is an instant messaging program that can be used on your desktop and mobile devices. It can be used to send private and group messages, share images and files, and keep your status updated so that your contacts can see them. Trillian features numerous emojis and the ability to chat using a web browser.



PureVPN gives you access to secure and surveillance-free Internet using encrypted VPN servers. Using this service, you can browse all the blocked websites from your school or company. Your identity and IP address will always be hidden from websites, making it difficult to track your location.

  • Publisher: PureVPN
  • Home page: www.purevpn.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


MahaSecure is an Internet banking tool for the Bank of Maharashtra customers. It provides features such as checking account balance, fund transfer, and paying bills. Military grade security through a secure private network (REL-ID Network) protects you against online threats.

  • Publisher: Bank of Maharashtra
  • Last updated: July 26th, 2022


Brosix is an instant messaging software for businesses, providing encrypted, real-time communication across multiple applications. It lets you create a team and send instant text messages to everyone; your messages to offline contacts are delivered the next time the recipient appears online.

  • Publisher: Brosix, Inc.
  • Last updated: December 2nd, 2019


GPGnet provides multiplayer and community support for current and future premier product offerings from Gas Powered Games. Once you create a free GPGnet account, you can use the GPGnet online matchmaking system to locate and connect to online games of Supreme Commander, or host your own games and invite others to join!

  • Publisher: Gas Powered Games
  • Last updated: November 17th, 2009
Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

Now that remote work, remote learning, and getting in touch with family and friends online is becoming more and more common (and, at times, necessary), tools like Microsoft Teams make it easier for anyone to chat with their contacts, hold online meetings, and organize and manage different teams of co-workers remotely.