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Seesaw with vrml in Title/Summary

SMP Seesaw Pro

SMP Seesaw Pro

SMP Seesaw Pro is a more powerful, open source version of SMP Seesaw.Main features:-Support for up to 32 CPUs-Control processor affinities for system services-Programmatic interface for C/C++, Visual Basic, Windows Scripting Host (JScript and VBScript), etc.

  • Publisher: Mike Lin
  • Home page: www.mlin.net
  • Last updated: March 10th, 2008
SMP Seesaw

SMP Seesaw

SMP Seesaw is a utility for dual-CPU or dual-core computers that controls how Windows balances the compute load between the two processors. By default, Windows balances the processing load to both CPUs as evenly as possible among all programs. SMP Seesaw provides a convenient means to change the processor affinities for all running programs at once.

  • Publisher: Mike Lin
  • Home page: www.mlin.net
  • Last updated: March 12th, 2008
Seesaw Logic

Seesaw Logic

Seesaw Logic is an enjoyable logic game in which you must decide which is the heaviest object by looking at some seesaws with objects on them. The game is comprised of 20 levels of increasing difficulty, in which there will be more seesaws with more objects.

  • Publisher: Novel Games Limited
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Seesaw with vrml in Description

Cortona VRML Client

Cortona VRML Client

client for browsing 3D worlds written in VRML.

  • Publisher: ParallelGraphics
  • Last updated: January 2nd, 2009
VRML Beans

VRML Beans

An easy-to-use virtual reality authoring tool.

  • Publisher: PAKSoft Productions
  • Last updated: June 25th, 2008
VRweb Viewer

VRweb Viewer

VRweb Viewer is a Windows application written by Gerbert Orasche and Michael Picler that allows the user to view and rotate VRML 1.0 objects. This program is capable of running as a stand-alone application rather than as a plug-in for a web browser. The VRweb window is divided vertically into four areas: menu bar, tool bar, display area and status bar.

  • Publisher: Institute for Information Processing and Computer Supported New Media
  • Last updated: January 3rd, 2011


XYZ VRML software - The Virtual Reality Modeling Language. This is a vrml editor made in visual basic5 The source code is written in visual basic5, it uses the blaxxun contact ocx and the internet explorer microsoft control, it uses also the automatation for vrml pad.

  • Publisher: Dhyan
  • Home page: www.dhyan.it
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011


To get the best out of Foilmaker, you must make use of the virtual reality (VRML - Virtual Reality Modelling Language) output feature. Several VRML viewers are available as browser plug-ins. I used to use and recommend CosmoViewer from SGI, which is also free.

  • Publisher: Peter Thomas
  • Last updated: November 30th, 2009

Additional Seesaw with vrml selection



Rhinoceros is a powerful program that allows you to create complex models. It provides enhanced commands such as direct sub‑object manipulation and thin‑wall shelling, it provides support for texture mapping, 3D rendering, post-rendering effects and it also allows you to analyze your 3‑D models.

  • Publisher: McNeel & Associates
  • Home page: www.rhino3d.com
  • Last updated: April 6th, 2011
Room Arranger

Room Arranger

Room Arranger lets you plan your room or apartment and view the result in 3D. It provides a simple 2D interface where you can drag and drop various items and furniture to the floor; a single project can have multiple floors, as needed. There is a measurement tool in Room Arranger that helps you check if there is enough space left for other objects.



LISA is a finite element analysis package for Windows with an integrated modeler, multi-threaded solver and graphical post-processor. It allows you to analyze the dynamic response and vibration, heat flow and thermal stress or the DC current flow in solids.

  • Publisher: Lisa-Finite Element Technologies (Sonnenhof Holdings)
  • Home page: www.lisa-fet.com
  • Last updated: June 23rd, 2013
Pixelplan - PIXELPLAN O4C Viewer

Pixelplan - PIXELPLAN O4C Viewer

This simple little tool was originally designed to be used in conjunction with other PixelPlan software, as it was capable of loading and displaying PixelPlan O4C signed models and virtual 3D walks. Now, it can be used as a viewer that opens and displays various types of 3D object files, including 3DS, DAE (Collada), MDL, OBJ, B3D, DXF with textures.

  • Publisher: Pixelplan S.C.
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2013


SpaceClaim enables engineers to easily create concepts and prepare 3D designs for digital prototyping, analysis, and manufacturing. SpaceClaim Engineer is especially suited for engineers and designers who need a tool that enables simulation-driven product design for Concept Modeling and much more.

  • Publisher: SpaceClaim Corporation
  • Last updated: April 7th, 2016


gCAD3D is a simple 3D CAD design tool for Windows and Linux. The program uses an integrated 3D-OpenGL viewer, which will run on most graphic cards. You can import and export various file types, such as VRML, DXF, and SVG. It also has programming interfaces for remote control.

  • Publisher: Franz Reiter
  • Home page: www.gcad3d.org
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


VrmlPad is a professional editor for VRML programming. Key time-saving features include powerful editorial abilities and visual support for the scene tree and resource operations. Other features: Smart AutoComplete, dynamic errors detection, syntax highlighting, advanced find and replace, publishing wizard, automation and scripting, visual material editor.

BS Contact

BS Contact

Bitmanagement Software (“BS”) develops BS Contact as the core product of a visualisation platform. Customers use BS Contact as frontend of their applications on almost all computers and graphics cards in the industry and the consumer market.BS Contact can be tailored by functionality, GUI, menu or size to fit best to customer specific requirements

Data Viewer

Data Viewer

DataViewer is an object oriented toolkit for creating visualization applications. DataViewer has both standard and user definable OO data-structures, provides generic viewing facilities (rotation, zoom, etc. through either mouse, key-bindings or 6D controller), bitmap copy to file (PPM), VRML output, animation, stereo viewing.

  • Publisher: Dana Vrajitoru
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2012


3D-DOCTOR supports both grayscale and color images stored in DICOM, TIFF, Interfile, GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, PGM, MRC, RAW or other image file formats. 3D-DOCTOR creates 3D surface models and volume rendering from 2D cross-section images in real time on your PC.

  • Publisher: Able Software Corp.
  • Home page: www.ablesw.com
  • Last updated: October 6th, 2012