Seismic interpretation in Title/Summary

PaleoScan is a new generation of software, which improves the seismic interpretation process. Unlike traditional approaches, PaleoScan uses a minimization method to build a geological model. Based on this, PaleoScan proposes a suite of applicative modules to generate horizons, faults, attributes, geo-bodies and correlate wells, with a sub-seismic seismic resolution.
- Publisher: Eliis
- Last updated: June 18th, 2012

kogeo seismic toolkit
kogeo seismic toolkit is a free and open toolkit for 2d/3d seismic data analysis. The program features: import/export/transform 2d/3d SEG-Y, SU or even bitmap data (images) in various sub-formats. Also features data editing is possible in many ways using kogeo, from simple filters to multi-trace or neural network attributes and more.
- Publisher: Philipp Konerding
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 29th, 2012

Seismic Toolkit
STK (Seismic Tool Kit) software is a tool for seismic signal processing in graphical interface: various filters, spectral analysis, polarization, time-frequency, Hilbert transform, instrumental response...etc. Signals processed in STK must be in SAC format.
- Publisher: domi_reymond, ptrv
- Last updated: February 7th, 2019
Seismic interpretation in Description

Geogiga Seismic Pro
Geogiga Seismic Pro is the complete full-featured seismic data processing and interpretation software package adapted to near-surface geophysics. This release introduces three new applications - DW Tomo3D, Surface3D, and EFit, and contains lots of improvements, such as geometry QC, first break picking, trigger delay correction, trace display.
- Publisher: Geogiga Technology Corp.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 29th, 2012

RokDocQED is a comprehensive Quantitative Interpretation platform designed for oil companies. It gives interpreters access to rock physics, forward modelling, seismic inversion, geopressure, advanced quantitative reservoir analysis and geomechanics. It enables asset teams to maximise the value of available data and regional knowledge.
- Publisher: Ikon Science
- Last updated: June 26th, 2014

Petroledge is an essential software for the systematic petrographic analysis of clastic and carbonate petroleum reservoirs and other sedimentary rocks. The system is provided with a complete technical database, allowing fast and detailed petrographic description and interpretation.
- Publisher: ENDEEPER
- Last updated: October 13th, 2017

Tesseral 2-D Full-Wave Modeling
Tesseral 2D is a program designed for full-wave modeling of complex structures to pre-stack depth migration. The program allows assigning different seismic acquisition geometries, numerical model building of complex seismic sections and modeling propagation of seismic waves in heterogeneous medium for the scalar, acoustic, elastic and elastic anisotropic wave equations.
- Publisher: Tesseral Technologies Inc.
- Last updated: August 13th, 2014

Structural Codes Assistant
Structural Codes Assistant is a simple software for better understanding of equivalent seismic loadings. Main Features: - Automated calculation of seismic loadings. - Calculation of lateral forces, story moments, diaphragm forces and story shears. - Vertical distribution of seismic base shear. - Automated import of story data from CSI ETABS.
- Publisher: RobustStructures
- Last updated: May 16th, 2014
Additional Seismic interpretation selection

Geosoft GM-SYS gravity and magnetic modelling solutions support the modelling of complex subsurface structures, including effective characterisation of sub-salt and sub-sea environments, and the integration of data and models with seismic interpretation for oil exploration.
- Publisher: Geosoft Inc.
- Last updated: April 29th, 2012

Seismic Eruption
Seismic/Eruption: A program for the visualization of seismicity and volcanic activity in space and time. The program, which runs under Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, has an extensive database of events. A number of pre-defined maps are included which illustrate the seismicity in various parts of the earth.
- Publisher: Alan L. Jones
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

DUG Insight
DUG Insight is a full-featured, 2D / 3D / pre-stack visualisation and interpretation package. It includes all the necessary tools for a complete interpretation workflow, from reconnaissance to crossplotting - with a fully-integrated 3D canvas, and support for pre-stack data throughout.
- Publisher: DownUnder GeoSolutions Pty Ltd
- Last updated: August 14th, 2015

Seismic Waves
Seismic Waves is a Windows program which illustrates how wave propagate from an earthquake hypocenter to seismic stations throughout the earth. One sees waves propagating out from the epicenter on a three-dimensional view of the earth at the same time one sees waves propagating through a cross-sectional view of the earth.
- Publisher: Alan L. Jones
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Seismic Analysis
GeoSonics' comprehensive software to display and analyze data from Geosonics' data recorders. It features Compliance reports, Waveform plotting, FFT computation, and a sophisticated export facility. The latest release includes support for GeoSonics' Micro II Seismographs and new models of printing seismograph.
- Publisher: GeoSonics Inc.
- Last updated: October 27th, 2011

Seismic Duck
Your task is to find and extract oil from underground anticlines, curved "hills" of sandstone. You find these anticlines by sending sound waves into the ground and recording the echos on a seismogram. The anticlines have characteristic echos that hint where to drill for oil. The difficulty increases as you play. See how far you can get before going broke!
- Publisher: Arch D. Robison
- Last updated: April 5th, 2012

Datgel CPT Tool
Streamline the processing and interpretation of Cone Penetration Test and Dissipation Test data. Main Features : - Import CPT data files in numerous standard and propriety formats - Filter rod changes - Calculate derived parameters - Soil behaviour type correlations - Dissipation test analysis - Seismic cone presentation
- Publisher: Datgel Pty Ltd
- Home page:

Seismic Acquisition Modeling
The Seismic Acquisition Modeling system determines the acquisition response of different configurations. Input parameters include gun depth, streamer depth, water depth, sea floor reflectivity, source wavelet type and bandwidth. In many cases it is the seismic acquisition method that has limited the resolution.
- Publisher: explorationist
- Last updated: September 28th, 2012

Baidu WiFi Hotspot
Baidu Wifi Hotspot can help you share your Internet access with other devices through a Wi-Fi network. The tool features a lovely interface, allowing the drag-and-drop operations. The information on the main screen is minimal and you can monitor the devices connected to the created hotspot and even block the undesired ones.
- Publisher: Baidu, Inc.
- Last updated: May 6th, 2015

MB Free Dream Interpretation Software
MB Free Dream Interpretation Software is an advanced yet simple to use dream analyzer program. This software lets people record their dreams and also explains the meanings of the different Dream Symbols that occur in one?s dream.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020