Send modem commands in Title/Summary

Send Fax Doc
The Send Fax Doc is a free program for personal use giving you the ability to send tiff doc files from Windows using any data modem, fast, easy and free for personal usage. Just select the device you want to use in order to send the fax, set the doc file you want to send, add the phone number ad click on 'Send', the Send Fax Doc will do the rest.
- Publisher: famephone
- Last updated: June 11th, 2011

Modem Booster
Modem Booster is a program that may improve your modem connection speed. By tweaking some hidden values in your system, it is able speed up your dial-up, DSL, ADSL or cable modem Internet connection. Or, if you prefer, you can change the values manually and test the results.
- Publisher: inKline Global
- Last updated: October 10th, 2011

Advanced Modem Data Logger
Advanced Modem Data Logger utilizes RS232,PCI,USB modems to dial and aquisite a data from data sources to file or to Excel. The program can use AT/TAPI interfaces and write the data from several devices together.
- Publisher: AGG Software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Send modem commands in Description

Fergo JoystickMIDI
Fergo JoystickMIDI it is a virtual MIDI interface where you can send MIDI commands to any device connected to the computer using a game controller.At the current release, Fergo Joystick MIDI can send MIDI commands (CC, NoteOn and NoteOff) and virtual key presses from any game controller connected to the computer or over a network.
- Publisher: Fergo
- Last updated: March 12th, 2011

Script Command Client
Client Configuration : - Install the Script Command Client on the target system if necessary. Otherwise, just run the executable ScriptClient.exe - Run the client, and click configure. If the client is to be used in conjunction with a server, select "Connect to Script Command Server, enter the name or address of the server system,
- Publisher: Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington
- Last updated: September 9th, 2012

MacroWorks translates commands from X-keys USB devices into actions on a Windows system. We also offer other applications for working with the X-keys as well as a full software development kit (SDK) which gives the developer direct access to input and output with all of our products.
- Publisher: PI Engineering
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 29th, 2012

The EAOM-210 FLJ unit communicates with PC by means of EAOM-210 FLJ PCIK. With EAOM-210 FLJ configuration software, the EAOM-210 FLJ unit’s parameters and status information can be reached over PC easily. Operator and Technician parameters can be viewed. It also allows download the ‘Serial Numbers’, ‘Device Code’ and ‘Modem Commands’ parameters to device.
- Publisher: Emko Elektronik
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 25th, 2013

PCMSCAN is a fully featured generic OBD-II scanner and diagnostic tool that supports a wide variety of OBD-II hardware interfaces.
- Publisher: Palmer Performance Engineering, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 17th, 2009
Additional Send modem commands selection

ActiveXperts SMS Messaging Server
ActiveXperts SMS Messaging Server is a messaging framework designed to send, receive and process SMS and e-mail messages. It can automatically send, receive and process messages. ActiveXperts SMS Messaging Server provides SMS communication through GSM, HTTP and SMPP E-mail communications through secured SMTP and POP3.
- Publisher: ActiveXperts Software
- Last updated: February 24th, 2015

Redis allows you to run Redis Server as a Windows service. It introduces the redis-service.exe binary file; this is a Windows service that simply starts and stops the redis-Server.exe binary. The program is expected to find redis-server.exe and conf\redis.conf files in the same directory as redis-service.exe.
- Publisher: Rui Lopes
- Home page:

With the use of the kit, applications can be developed over the supplied PKCS#11 or CSP, and this development is facilitated by ACS’s unique Card Tool that allows one to send direct commands to any PC/SC-compliant smart card readers and cards. Many benefits may be reaped from utilizing this SDK, among them being reduced investment of time and cost to R&D and Marketing.
- Publisher: Advanced Card Systems Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 28th, 2012

Card Explorer
This program is a powerful tool which allows dialogue with a Smartcard in ISO 7816-4 format. CardExplorer has been designed to function with programmers such as Phoenix/Smartmouse at 3,579/3,68/6,000 Mhz, or programmers such as Dynamite/Dynamite +Plus or Cas Interface 2 with Add-on and Cas Interface 3.
- Publisher: Duolabs srl
- Last updated: March 24th, 2013

AdbX is an open source Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool for Android Debug Bridge (ADB). You can easily connect your Android device to your computer, access the debugging info and send custom commands to your device. You can reboot, install or uninstall apps and sync data.
- Publisher: S.ANAND
- Last updated: April 8th, 2015

Query Application
Query Application wraps up all of the Internet technical information tools most technical-oriented users will ever need into a single clean-looking (and free) utility. Host To IP converts a hostname to an IP address. IP To Host does the reverse. Whoi...
- Publisher: Leeos Software
- Last updated: April 12th, 2008

Lefebure GPS Field
This is a project to build an auto-steer system for agricultural use. More specifically, the system uses GPS data to create a coverage map, and also to steer the machine.An auto-steer system has to get data from a GPS receiver, process that data, and send electronic commands to some steering control system.
- Publisher: Lefebure
- Last updated: October 28th, 2011

Gostai Lab
Gostai Lab is a powerful tool to graphically design GUI using parametrizable widgets that you simply drag and drop on a customizable layout. You can then export your interface as an application to remote control a robot, monitor sensors, cameras, or use the console to directly send urbiscript commands to your system. Gostai Lab is all you need to get started!
- Publisher: Gostai
- Last updated: December 14th, 2010

AutoTelnet help you to send text commands to telnet, SSH or any other application. Supports multiple configuration files which can be called by command line, read readme.txt If you want to change the script or configurations you can Delete config.ini and run AutoTelnet or simply edit the .ini file.
- Publisher: DJAnonimo
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 28th, 2011

AlwaysMouseWheel is a small portable Windows program (Multilingual) that gives you the possibility when using the mouse wheel over any window (under the mouse pointer) to scroll via mouse wheel even if the window is not in the foreground focused. You can send scroll commands to windows in the background.
- Publisher: SoftwareOK
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2014