Serial for 3.2 in Title/Summary

HW Virtual Serial Port
HW Virtual Serial Port is a one-of-a-kind piece of software that allows you to emulate an unrestricted virtual serial port driver meant especially to be read and used by TCP/IP devices. This application is basically a driver that creates and adds a virtual serial port to the system.
- Publisher: HW group
- Last updated: May 2nd, 2010

Virtual Serial Port Kit
Virtual Serial Port Kit creates virtual serial ports and connects each pair of them via a virtual null-modem cable. Serial Port Splitter allows getting access to a device connected to a COM port from several applications simultaneously. Virtual serial ports look and work exactly as real hardware serial ports.
- Publisher: FabulaTech, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 17th, 2020

Virtual Serial Ports Driver XP
Virtual Serial Port Driver creates virtual serial ports and connects them in pairs via virtual null-modem cable. Applications on both ends of the pair will be able to exchange data in such a way, that everything written to the first port will appear in the second one and backwards.
- Publisher: ELTIMA Software GmbH
- Last updated: September 29th, 2011
Serial for 3.2 in Description

SYNCING.NET Outlook Backup
SYNCING.NET - the ultimate Outlook Backup. SYNCING.NET Outlook Backup is the ultimate Backup & Recovery tool for Outlook 2000, XP, 2003 and 2007. Regular or automatical backups are as possible with our intuitive software as their recovery.
- Publisher: SYNCING.NET Technologies GmbH
- Last updated: December 5th, 2009

SYNCING.NET is a peer-2-peer solution used for data transmission processes with highly secure data synchronization of Outlook and files on all PCs and notebooks. Main features: - Manager Editon: The complete business solution for data management and synchronization - Filesharing Editon: Real-time synchronization for Windows folders
- Publisher: ASBYTE
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

Guidelines for applications using Serial/IP to access serial devices using public/private networks and wireless data services. Use remote serial devices on TCP/IP networks through Serial/IP virtual COM ports that work like local COM ports. Serial/IP virtual COM ports appear in the list. Selecting a port shows its current settings.
- Publisher: Tactical Software, LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 19th, 2012

Serial Port Splitter
Serial Splitter allows you to manage virtual and real ports by creating various types of port bundles. You can split, redirect, join, and share serial ports. The programs can switch among the free ports sharing the same name.
- Publisher: Serial Port Software
- Last updated: December 22nd, 2015

SUDT SerialNull
SUDT SerialNull is an advanced configuration utility, which purpose is to emulate RS232 serial ports connected via virtual null-modem cable using Virtual Serial Ports Driver, with SerialNull you can create any number of pure virtual serial ports in your system connected into pairs via virtual null-modem cable without having real serial ports occupied.
- Publisher: SUDT Studio
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 19th, 2010
Additional Serial for 3.2 selection

Serial Key Generator
Serial Key Generator is a program to help developers generate serial numbers for applications. You can generate serial keys using a custom number of columns and characters per column. The sequence of numbers/digits can be defined in the application. The output can be saved as CSV or TXT documents.
- Publisher: VCL Examples
- Last updated: September 3rd, 2014

Advanced Serial Port Monitor
This program allows you to check the flow of data through a computer's COM ports. As you can see from software name this application can work as serial port monitor. It supports full duplex mode, flexible adjusting of parameters, output received data to file, automatic and manual modes.
- Publisher: AGG Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 13th, 2022

Serial Key Maker
Serial Key Maker is a powerful program that enables you to create secure software license keys. You can create time-limited, demo and non-expiring keys, create multiple keys in one click, quickly encrypt strings using your own private key and lock a license key to a particular machine.
- Publisher: Puresoto Group
- Last updated: August 1st, 2012

Free Virtual Serial Ports
Though it's free, Free Virtual Serial Ports is also one of the best tools of its kind, as it's really reliable and accurate, allowing you to emulate a large variety of serial ports, all correctly registered and visible in Windows device manager under standard Ports (COM & LPT) device class, and all behaving exactly like real hardware serial ports, with full serial port functionality.
- Publisher: HHD Software, Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 19th, 2015

Advanced Serial Port Terminal
This program is a tool for every developer and programmer. With this program you will be able to change serial port settings without the need to close and re-open the serial port, adjust baudrate, databits, parity, stop bits, flow control parameters; save all received bytes into a file for later analysis and lots more.
- Publisher: Eltima Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 25th, 2011

Serial Port Utility
Serial Port Utility is a professional communication software for serial port. The program can boost the speed to design, development, debug and test applications and hardware devices, such as relay boards, Electronic Total Station, Global Positioning System, chemical and medical analysis instruments and DMX devices etc.
- Publisher: Darkwood Studio
- Last updated: October 5th, 2021

Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control
With VSP ActiveX your application is capable of creating ports that will emulate real ones, so any application will communicate with a virtual COM port the same way as a serial device is communicating with a real serial port. Your application using VSP AX will be able to send data to a virtual COM port and other applications will receive it as from a real RS232 port.
- Publisher: ELTIMA Software GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2020

Advanced Serial Data Logger
This program inputs RS232 data directly into file, Excel, Access, or any Windows application. The program has the capability to log multiple serial (RS232,RS485,RS422) ports in the same time. It handles the RTS signal and control the direction of data flow.
- Publisher: AGG Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2023

Volume Serial Number Editor
Volume Serial Number Editor allows you to modify your disk drive's volume serial number (not hard disk's physical serial number which you can find at back of your hard disk) without reformatting your hard drive. Volume Serial Number Editor supports NTFS, FAT and FAT32 file system.
- Publisher: KRyLack Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 6th, 2012

ActiveXperts Serial Port Component
ActiveXperts Serial Port Component adds serial communication capabilities to any Windows application. Use this tool to control manufacturing machines via the serial port and to transfer files through a null modem cable. Main Features: - Support for any baudrate; - Ability to set baudrates, parity, stopbits; - Full buffered data transfer; - Advanced logging.
- Publisher: ActiveXperts
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 13th, 2013