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Serial para power record trial in Title/Summary

Power Record Trial

Power Record Trial

Power Record allows to record the sound coming from any source, like a microphone or an online radio. You can start the recording manually, or schedule them beforehand, with a starting and ending time. You can also choose to schedule periodical recordings, something specially useful if you want to record a radio or TV program.

  • Publisher: Singing Electrons, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 21st, 2011
Blaze Audio Power Record

Blaze Audio Power Record

Power Record is a digital audio recorder for scheduled, timed or instant recording of AM, FM, and internet radio. It works like a VCR for streaming audio. Convert MP3,Wave, Real Audio. Use Song Grabber to record content you forgot to schedule.

  • Publisher: Blaze Audio
  • Last updated: June 29th, 2008
Power Record

Power Record

Power Record is a digital audio recorder for AM, FM, and internet radio. It does both scheduled and timed recordings. It's like having a VCR to record streaming audio! Record internet radio, convert Real Audio to MP3, or use it, along with Blaze Audio's RipEditBurn, to convert records, LPs, and tapes to CD or to create MP3s or WMA files for your portable player. It does this and so much more, in fact it's like having a streaming audio ripper as well as a recorder! When used as a radio and sound recorder you can schedule as many events as you want for one-time, daily, weekly, or monthly recording; record directly to wave and mp3; record instantly from any source including streaming audio; and get flawless sound and eliminate clipping with Automatic Gain Control. Power Record is perfect for capturing streaming audio and recording your favorite web programs or catching a sports or news program that you can't listen to while it's on the air. The only limit to the length of the recording is the size of your hard drive.

  • Publisher: Blaze Audio
  • Last updated: February 6th, 2010

Serial para power record trial in Description



It includes everything to quickly develop a reliable Serial EEPROM design. Features: - Windows 95/98, ME, NT, 2000, and XP -Total Endurance™ software model -SEEVAL 32 developer board -SEEVAL 32 user interface software -RS-232 serial cable -Power supply -Serial EEPROM sample pack -SEEVAL 32 Quick Start Guide

  • Publisher: Microchip Technology Inc.
  • Last updated: March 18th, 2010
Advanced MP3/WMA Recorder

Advanced MP3/WMA Recorder

Record sound to MP3/WMA/WAV files from your cassette tape directly, from any voice from MIC directly, from CD audio directly while playing, from any other sound line in such as radio, TV, CD Player directly. Record any Web DownStream/AVI/WMV/ASF/RM/AU/MIDI file sound to MP3/WMA/WAV files only if you can hear it, record Scheduler and Record Timer Support also featured.

  • Publisher: Linksys, a Division of Cisco Systems, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 1st, 2010


Calculiware es un programa freeware (gratis) que incorpora una calculadora de bolsillo sencilla y completa, un convertidor de unidades fisicas, calculos estadisticos sencillos,dibuja funciones y calcula prestamos e hipotecas. Dispone de Ayuda.

  • Publisher: Oliware
  • Last updated: November 4th, 2009
Alitronika DvsStation 2

Alitronika DvsStation 2

Alitronika's DVSStation is an integrated Transport Stream Player, Recorder, Analyzer and Editor. Indeed DVSStation is the only application software one may need to make a complete DVB transport stream station, be it Transport Stream generation, recording or analyzing.

  • Publisher: Alitronika
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011
HHD Software Serial Port Monitoring Control

HHD Software Serial Port Monitoring Control

HHD Software Serial Port Monitoring Control is a powerful and yet easy to use library which provides the monitoring functionality for your code. This incredible program allows you to enumerate all installed serial devices, including, but not limited to serial ports and modems.

  • Publisher: HHD Software
  • Last updated: June 26th, 2018

Additional Serial para power record trial selection

Star Defender 4

Star Defender 4

Enjoy Star Defender and fight against alien enemies. This game will entertain you with a great battle adventure. Each level will speed up your challenge and will put some adrenaline to your fun. You will love this shooting battle and the challenge of beating your score record.

Auto Power-on & Shut-down

Auto Power-on & Shut-down

As you can easily deduce from its name, this program allows you to schedule automatic power-on and shutdown events for your PC. However, you can also schedule other similar events, such as restart, shutdown, log off, lock session, and hibernation. Besides, this tool can also launch programs, terminate processes, open files or web pages, or simply show text messages at the specified date and time.

  • Publisher: LifSoft
  • Last updated: September 11th, 2017
SoundTaxi Media Suite

SoundTaxi Media Suite

SoundTaxi Media Suite is 5-in-1 solution, which contains: Audio and Video Converter, Web Video Downloader, Music Downloader, Radio Recorder and 1Step DVD Copy

  • Publisher: Ramka Ltd.
  • Last updated: December 11th, 2012
Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is the most popular office package, featuring a word processor (MS Word), spreadsheet tool (MS Excel), presentation designer (MS PowerPoint), and database manager (MS Access). Latest versions of Office also comes with OneDrive for uploading and managing your files on the Cloud.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.microsoft.com
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2023
Power Presenter RE II

Power Presenter RE II

Turn your screen into a Whiteboard/Blackboard with Microsoft PowerPoint. Its just like working with a natural pen on paper. Save all handwriting, annotation and notes whenever necessary within a presentation. The Power Presenter Kit provides the best functionality to record your notes and replay your presentation.

  • Publisher: Adesso Inc.
  • Last updated: August 26th, 2014
Power Screen Capture

Power Screen Capture

With Power Screen Capture, you can capture screen from your desktop with high quality. Besides, it offers you the function of capturing video and image from other devices, DV and TV tuner. A list displays all the files captured by Power Screen Capture, and then you can view, copy, delete and rename these files freely and easily.

  • Publisher: Jam Video Software Solution Inc.
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2011
3D MP3 Sound Recorder

3D MP3 Sound Recorder

Capture sound from sound card or any other sound sources to MP3 or WAV files.

  • Publisher: TongSoft Inc.
  • Last updated: August 16th, 2022
Power MP3 WMA Recorder

Power MP3 WMA Recorder

With the growing use of streaming media, speed and quality are the main measuring issues; hence the power MP3 WMA Recorder helps in recording very high quality media. These recordings are made directly from the sound card. It also helps recording of the mentioned streaming audios directly to the required format without creating temporary files.

  • Publisher: SagaSoft
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2008


Powercam is a very comprehensive tool intended to help you record different types of video presentations right from your desktop. In this respect, you will be able to record presentations from PowerPoint. In addition, it will also allow you to record anything happening on your computer screen. Moreover, the results can be edited, exported to different formats and even uploaded to web sites.

  • Publisher: FormosaSoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.powercam.com.tw
  • Last updated: June 29th, 2012
Mp3 Convert Master

Mp3 Convert Master

MP3 Convert Master is a very compact and powerful audio tool that can help you rip, convert and record audio files easily. You can convert almost all popular audio formats into WMA, VOX, MP3, and WMA. Its CD grabber can save the files of any audio CD into WAV, MP3 or Ogg, and the audio recorder supports endless recording in the format of your choice - WAV, MP3 or WMA.

  • Publisher: Power Convert Mp3 Solution Ltd.
  • Last updated: January 20th, 2011