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Central European Starter Kit

Central European Starter Kit

Central European Starter Kit is compatible with Office Suites, Web browsers, e-mail programs, and more. Central European Starter Kit includes an extensive online help system with detailed notes on using Central European languages in a variety of popular Windows applications.

Cossacks - European Wars

Cossacks - European Wars

Cossacks: European Wars is a real-time strategy game based on historical events that took place during the 16th-18th centuries in Europe. It concentrates on a time when nations and states were created and demolished, gold was turned into numerous armies and the neverending stream of wars shed oceans of blood.

  • Publisher: GSC Game World
  • Home page: www.gsc-game.com
  • Last updated: May 11th, 2008
Strategic Command - European Theater Gold

Strategic Command - European Theater Gold

Strategic Command - European Theater is WWII Grand Strategy at its best. As the supreme commander of the Axis or Allied forces, the player shapes the fates of the nations at war during the Second World War in Europe. Political options, research and upgrade of equipment, management of supply and resources and the strategic employment of one's armed forces are some of the keys to success.

  • Publisher: Battlefront.com, Inc.
  • Home page: www.battlefront.com
  • Last updated: February 28th, 2010

Set central european coding html in Description

HTML Catalog Maker

HTML Catalog Maker

HTML Catalog Maker

  • Publisher: Xarka Software
  • Last updated: November 10th, 2009
RTF Converter

RTF Converter

RTF Converter is free to use. This software performs character code conversion of Text Files and Rich Text Files. It covers 116 codepages, including European (Western European, Central European, Baltic, Cyrillic, Greek, Turkish, etc.),Japanese (Shift-JIS, EUC-JP, ISO-2022-JP),Unicode (UTF-16, UTF-8, UTF-7, UTF-32), and other.

Character Set Converter

Character Set Converter

Character Set Converter gives you an easy way to convert documents between Unicode and a wide variety of character sets used for Baltic, Central European, Cyrillic, and Western languages. You can also add custom character sets if necessary. The text to be converted may reside on disk or in the clipboard. Keep in mind that this version only converts plain text.

Unicode Keyboard

Unicode Keyboard

Unicode Keyboard is designed to type all other Unicode characters such as Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Katakana, Hiragana, Kanji, Hangul, Vietnamese letters, mathematical equation marks, technological and chemical characters etc. directly from your normal keyboard quickly and easily.

  • Publisher: Fanix Software
  • Home page: www.fanix.com
  • Last updated: April 24th, 2010
Friendly Clock

Friendly Clock

Friendly Clock is a simple desktop clock for Windows XP and 2000. This analog clock can be moved all across your desktop, but you cannot minimize it to tray. It isn't too big (just the right size) and you can adjust the transparency percentage as you wish.

  • Publisher: A. Kilievich & Co.
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2008

Additional Set central european coding html selection

Sothink JavaScript Web Scroller

Sothink JavaScript Web Scroller

Sothink JavaScript Web Scroller is a program that creates web scroller including pure text, images or a combination of both of them, with no limitations on the number of images. The generated image scroller can detect the browser's window size and fit the window automatically when its width value is set as percent.

  • Publisher: SourceTec Software Co., Ltd.
  • Home page: www.sothink.com
  • Last updated: February 26th, 2009


FlashDevelop is an open source code editor for ActionScript and Haxe development. It is also a great web development IDE with source-control support (svn, git, mercurial), tasks, snippets, XML/HTML completion and zen-coding for HTML. You also get access to various third party plugins.

  • Publisher: FlashDevelop Team
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
Raptor Web Designer

Raptor Web Designer

Raptor Web Designer is a program that enables compose your website in fast and convenient manner. It allows your content to be displayed consistently across all web browsers and mobile devices. You can enter information exactly where search engines will look for it and control how your website appears in search results.

  • Publisher: Selteco Software
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020


With this program you can convert a batch of plain text or HTML files in various characters set encoding to Unicode in UTF-16 or UTF-8 encoding. Unifier develop auto-update of HTML character-set Meta Tag, converting HTML character and numeric entity to raw unicode character, converting between UTF-16 and UTF-8, config profile and command line mode.



dBKAisla is a theoretical calculation software of acoustic insulation. The versatility of the software allows users to calculate single, multiple and mixed elements. Furthermore, it allows combined these taking into account the parameters set by European Standard EN 12354 based on buildings acoustics.

  • Publisher: ICR
  • Last updated: September 5th, 2014
XP Web Buttons

XP Web Buttons

Create superior XP and Vista-style web buttons in a few clicks! XP Web Buttons generates all button images,required Javascript and HTML code on the fly, so you don't need any additional graphics or programming skills and will get instant result.

Softany Txt2Htm2Chm

Softany Txt2Htm2Chm

Txt2Htm2Chm is a template-based text to html converter that easily convert text files to a set of good organized HTML files such as chm project, webhelp, html ebook, faq and single html(can be easily converted to Word Document or PDF). These HTML files can be directly used in web site or be converted to CHM files.

  • Publisher: Softany Software
  • Home page: www.softany.com
  • Last updated: August 18th, 2008
BibleMax Hungarian Bible

BibleMax Hungarian Bible

This free BibeMax module features the translation of the Bible into Magyar or Hungarian language. It can be very useful for scholars, clerics or serious Bible readers. You need BibleMax core software for using this module. You can download for free both the core program and many Bible modules at the developer's site.



WebWrap is a small utility program to compress and code your HTML web files. It can reduce the size of your files by more than 50%. It also renders the source text of any HTML pages you have created inaccessible to easy viewing.

  • Publisher: Tac-Software
Melody-Soft Unifier

Melody-Soft Unifier

Unifier is a Unicode Converter which converts Text or HTML files to Unicode in UTF-16 or UTF-8 encoding. Features include auto-update of HTML character-set Meta Tag, converting HTML character and numeric entity to raw unicode character, converting between UTF-16 and UTF-8, config profile and command line mode.