Seventh browser in Title/Summary

SevenTh Browser
SevenTh Browser is a lightweight and very easy to use application that allows you to quickly browse your favorite websites. This software also provides its users with shortcuts to various search engines and social websites for quick access. With this program you can also add and manage bookmarks. It has a simple and comprehensive interface that will quickly guide you through all its features.
- Publisher: Easytech Software Solutions
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 22nd, 2012

Seventh Sense
Seventh Sense is a comprehensive game state tracker, with automatic functions built in for combat, random number generation, limiting choices based on equipment/skills/etc. Despite the high level of automation, Seventh Sense retains much of the hands-on feel of reading the paper books.
- Publisher: David Olsen
- Last updated: April 7th, 2012

Seventh Umbral Launcher
The Seventh Umbral project aims at resurrecting version 1.23b of Final Fantasy XIV. This application helps launch the game. A game server service is offered, free of charge, to everyone who wish to relive the experience of Eorzea prior to Dalamud's landing.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: February 21st, 2015
Seventh browser in Description

Diversified Health Occupations StudyWare
The highly respected Diversified Health Occupations, now in its seventh edition, is the informational authority on careers in health care. Organized in two parts, the first section of the book presents foundational information required to enter a broad range of health professions.
- Publisher: Cengage Learning
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 5th, 2012

Listening music teacher helps you to improve your listening skills. Learn how to recognize triads and seventh chords. The software consists of two animated introductory lesson: - A chord explorer, which allows you to move up to four notes around on the staff. - 26 exercises, which will help you improve your listening and recognition skills.
- Publisher: AlgorithmsAndDatastructures
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

RoboGuru Guitar Tools
Free and useful software for guitar players, featuring three useful tools: a Chord Finder that can display any chord and its variations; a Guitar Tuner with realistic sounds and alternative tunings, as well as the standard one; and a basic Metronome that lets you choose between 3/4 or 4/4 time signatures, as well as the beats per minute you want to use.
- Publisher: RoboGuru
- Last updated: March 8th, 2008

Chinese Solitaire
The game is begun by dealing forty-nine cards to the tableau, arranged as seven stacks of seven cards each. The first three stacks are deal with all cards face up; the fourth has three cards face down and four face up; the fifth has four cards face down and three face up; the sixth has five cards face down and two face up; and the seventh has six cards face down and one face up.
- Publisher: Solitaire Central
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 22nd, 2009
- Publisher: Ilya Schepikhin
- Last updated: September 28th, 2008
Additional Seventh browser selection

Yandex.Browser is a web browser with unique features such as Turbo mode, DNS Spoofing Protection, and SmartBox. Turbo mode optimizes the web page when speed of Internet is slow, making the pages load faster. DNS Spoofing Protection scans files and websites for viruses, blocks fraudulent webpages, protects your passwords and bank card details, etc.
- Publisher: Yandex
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 9th, 2025

Maxthon MX5 Cloud Browser
Maxthon MX5 Cloud Browser provides a multi-tabbed web browser with a modern interface. Being connected to the clould, you can synchronize and get your files seamlessly across computers and phones. Maxthon 5 uses resource optimization, hardware acceleration, pre-rendering, pre-start, and multi-process processing technologies,greatly optimizing the browser speed.
- Publisher: Maxthon
- Last updated: June 22nd, 2020

Baidu Spark Browser
Baidu Spark Browser is an application that enables you to surf the Internet. The Internet browser also helps you download online video and MP3 sources to your computer. You can forget about switching between tabs to find what you were watching. Baidu Browser helps you enjoy any video in its own pop-up window. Watching videos online has never been easier.
- Publisher: Baidu Inc.
- Last updated: October 31st, 2017

Comodo Dragon Internet Browser
Comodo Dragon Internet Browser is built-upon the Chromium source code. It encompasses all the functions of Chrome, along with additional tools, security features, and performance enhancements. You get a browser with integrated social media programs, DNS service, and malware scanning.
- Publisher: Comodo Group, Inc.
- Last updated: July 28th, 2020

Adobe Dreamweaver Widget Browser
The Adobe Dreamweaver Widget Browser is an Adobe AIR application that lets you preview and configure widgets using a visual interface. The Widget Browser solves the problem of having to work with confusing or obscure CSS and JavaScript by providing designers with a tool for editing widget properties to suit their needs.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: June 24th, 2020

Avant Browser
Avant is a multi-processing browser featured with Private Browsing, Anti-Freezing, Low CPU Usage, No Memory Leak, Web Form Auto-Filler, Online Bookmarks, Mouse Gestures, AD/Popup Blocker, Full Screen/Desktop Mode, Flash Filter, RSS Reader...
- Publisher: Avant Force
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2020

Baidu Browser
Baidu Browser is a free-to-use web browser for Windows OS. Baidu Browser’s built-in Media Downloader lets you easily download video and audio directly to your computer, so you can put it on your phone or tablet and enjoy it again and again. Log in with your Google account and all of your bookmarks, history, plug-ins, skins and settings will be seamlessly transferred over.
- Publisher: Baidu Inc.
- Last updated: November 16th, 2020

Amazon Browser Bar
The Amazon Browser Bar is a free add-on available for Firefox 3.6 and higher and Internet Explorer 8 and higher. It comes with features (called apps) to help you search and comparison shop while surfing the web. It requires an Amazon account, and you need to be connected to the Internet for it to work correctly.
- Publisher: Amazon
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011

PlayFree Browser
PlayFree Browser is a program that gives you access to tons of top-quality casual games. The program allows everyone to be up-to-date on free to play premium casual game releases, so you can enjoy premium features such as unlimited downloads of the most popular games, game play sessions with no time restrictions.
- Publisher: MyPlayCity, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 3rd, 2014

Secure Browser
Secure Browser is a web browser with the capability to control users' surfing. If you are a school or company network administrator needing to prevent navigation to restricted sites or a parent wanting to control the kids’ activities, you will be able to provide a list of allowed sites. You may provide passwords to secure the settings or to prevent users from exiting the application.
- Publisher: Tropical Software
- Last updated: April 18th, 2016