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Shaiya enchant cape in Title/Summary

Shaiya Olympus

Shaiya Olympus

Shaiya Olympus is a free MMORPG game that allows you to test your skills against players from all over the world. It is a free private server that enables you to play Shaiya in an online environment, you can choose from various characters with unique special powers and join a team to defeat your enemies.

  • Publisher: Shaiya Olympus
  • Last updated: February 6th, 2014
Shaiya Phoenix

Shaiya Phoenix

Shaiya Phoenix is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG that immerses players in a massive war between the forces of Light and Darkness. It allows players to quest for glory in solo or collaborative gaming, with many choosing to form powerful guilds capable of tackling some of the biggest and toughest monsters in the game.



Enchant appears to be a generic spell checking library. You can request dictionaries from it, ask if a word is correctly spelled, get corrections for a misspelled word, etc. Enchant does not use pipes to talk with command line programs. Enchant is a full-fledged library, with a C and C++ API.

  • Publisher: AbiSource

Shaiya enchant cape in Description

USEPA Cape Open Class Library with WAR Add-In

USEPA Cape Open Class Library with WAR Add-In

Chemical Process Simulation has long been used as a design tool for choosing between various process options. The CAPE-OPEN project, funded by the European Union, has undertaken the task of defining a common application framework for computer-aided process engineering (CAPE). The project provides a middleware standard for chemical process simulation component models.

  • Publisher: USEPA
  • Last updated: June 7th, 2011
Matlab CAPE OPEN Unit Operation

Matlab CAPE OPEN Unit Operation

The Matlab CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation is a unit operation implementation for which the calculations can be entered in Matlab.To get started with the Matlab CAPE-OPEN unit operation, start your CAPE-OPEN capable simulation environment. Insert a Matlab CAPE-OPEN unit operation. Edit a unit operation.

  • Publisher: AmsterCHEM
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2012
SciLab CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation

SciLab CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation

The SciLab CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation is a unit operation implementation for which the calculations can be entered in SciLab. To get started with the SciLab CAPE-OPEN unit operation, start your CAPE-OPEN capable simulation environment and insert a SciLab CAPE-OPEN unit operation. Edit a unit operation.

Excel CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation

Excel CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation

The Excel CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation is a unit operation implementation for which the calculations can be entered in Microsoft Excel. It will allow you to create an Excel workbook that defines the equations for calculating a unit operation, and use it in a CAPE-OPEN compliant simulation environment that supports CAPE-OPEN version 1.1 thermodynamics.



CAPE-OPEN standards are the uniform standards for interfacing process modeling software components developed specifically for the design and operation of chemical processes. They are based on universally recognized software technologies such as COM and CORBA. CAPE-OPEN standards are open, multiplatform, uniform and available free of charge. They are described in a formal documentation set.

  • Publisher: CO-Lan
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2012

Additional Shaiya enchant cape selection

cape pack

cape pack

Cape Pack is a modular suite of palletization software to help determine the best product size, case count, case size and pallet load. Main Features: - Design the optimum product size - Evaluate alternative case sizes - Maximize pallet loading - Create a sustainable packaging supply chain - Improve space utilization - Cut transportation costs - Reduce your carbon footprint

  • Publisher: Esko-Graphics
  • Home page: www.esko.com
  • Last updated: February 28th, 2012
Death at Cape Porto: A Dana Knightstone Novel Collector's Edition

Death at Cape Porto: A Dana Knightstone Novel Collector's Edition

Return to Europe in a brand new adventure as Dana Knightstone, the best-selling novelist with a gift for clairvoyance. A charming businessman invites you to the grand opening of his new hotel in Cape Porto, Portugal, which you discover is haunted by a troubled ghost.

  • Publisher: Boomzap Entertainment
  • Last updated: December 3rd, 2013
SciLab CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import

SciLab CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import

This SciLab package allows for importing CAPE-OPEN thermodynamic and physical Property Packages into SciLab. A command driven package allows for selecting a CAPE-OPEN Property Package, and then perform thermodynamic and physical property calculations as well as thermodynamic equilibrium calculations inside SciLab.

  • Publisher: AmsterCHEM
  • Last updated: October 6th, 2015
MatLab CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import

MatLab CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import

This Matlab package allows for importing CAPE-OPEN version 1.1 thermodynamic and physical Property Packages into Matlab. A command driven package allows for selecting a CAPE-OPEN Property Package, and then perform thermodynamic and physical property calculations as well as thermodynamic equilibrium calculations inside Matlab.

Cape Hope Screensaver

Cape Hope Screensaver

This screensaver shows a beautiful and peaceful place with cliffs at the ocean. The sky is overcast, but you can see some sunlight from behind the clouds. The cliffs are very high and they are covered in green grass. The water has movement, but there are no background sounds.

  • Publisher: ScreenSaversList.com
Death at Cape Porto: A Dana Knightstone Novel

Death at Cape Porto: A Dana Knightstone Novel

Return to Europe in a brand new adventure as Dana Knightstone, the best-selling novelist with a gift for clairvoyance. A charming businessman invites you to the grand opening of his new hotel in Cape Porto, Portugal, which you discover is haunted by a troubled ghost. Search for clues buried in old newspaper clippings, and solve challenging puzzles in your investigation for the truth.

  • Publisher: Boomzap Entertainment
  • Last updated: December 31st, 2013
CAPE-OPEN Logging and Testing Tool

CAPE-OPEN Logging and Testing Tool

CO-LaN has developed a software tool capable to log all the interactions taking place between a CAPE-OPEN Process Modelling Component and a CAPE-OPEN Process Modelling Environment. The tool, named COLTT, does not change the global interaction between the PMC and the PME.

  • Publisher: Michael Halloran, Michel PONS
South African Scout Association Western Cape

South African Scout Association Western Cape

South African Scout Association Western Cape is a software tool that keeps you up to date in relation to South African Scout Association Western Cape by offering you a time frame, expositions, events, community status, albums and a account to make it easy for them to contact you.



Imagina is an image viewer and editing application. You can transform different attributes of your images precisely with curves from a stock of known algorithmic shapes along with hand-tunable control points. It lets you reduce the noise in your images without destroying their fine structures or losing important textural detail.

  • Publisher: Rob Baker
  • Last updated: August 5th, 2014


TurboCASH helps you make your current accounting package . TurboCASH comes with no cut down features, no copy protection, no cover contract, no annual licence, no forced support contract, no specially-priced enterprise versions, at no cost to you.If you run a small business in Cape Town, or a multi-national enterprise in New York, you get the same full program. You are free to copy TurboCASH,

  • Publisher: Dynamic Bottom Lines Pty Ltd.
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020