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Shaiya rebirth linkage in Title/Summary

Music Wars Rebirth

Music Wars Rebirth

Welcome to the music biz with Music Wars Rebirth. You’re the boss of your own record label. Sign your talent, oversee their careers and make the decisions to turn your studio into a hit factory. Will you make the right decisions to take the music world by storm and become the top studio in the world?

  • Publisher: Wolverine Studios
  • Last updated: August 8th, 2010
X Rebirth

X Rebirth

X Rebirth is a single-player space trading and combat game. In the distant future, the X universe faces a period of profound and irrevocable change. While the universe stumbles towards an uncertain future, countless adventures await as new enemies rise in search of power.

  • Publisher: EGOSOFT
  • Last updated: August 23rd, 2016
Shaiya Olympus

Shaiya Olympus

Shaiya Olympus is a free MMORPG game that allows you to test your skills against players from all over the world. It is a free private server that enables you to play Shaiya in an online environment, you can choose from various characters with unique special powers and join a team to defeat your enemies.

  • Publisher: Shaiya Olympus
  • Last updated: February 6th, 2014

Shaiya rebirth linkage in Description

easyLINKAGE Plus

easyLINKAGE Plus

easyLINKAGE is a program for automated linkage analysis. It can perform two-point parametric linkage analysis, two-point parametric simulation analysis, multi-point linkage analysis (GH, GHP, GH Imprinting), and multipoint nonparametric linkage analysis. It provides postscript based plots of many parameters for single chromosomes up to genome-wide analyses.

  • Publisher: Tom H. Lindner, Katrin Hoffmann
  • Last updated: December 22nd, 2009


The number of operations needed to add a link and get it connected to other links in the mechanism has been minimized to the lowest number possible, making this program ideal for “throwing together” a working machine. It is simplistic for a CAD program but that is the intent.



MapComp is a powerful and free Windows Software for drawing images of linkage maps and to compare linkage maps and indicate common markers. MapInspect can display, print and save these images, and has no limit to the number of maps it can compare (but only neighbouring maps are compared). Maps can be flipped within MapINspect, an the on-screen order of the maps can be changed.

  • Publisher: MapInspect
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2010


S.A.G.E. is a collection of programs that perform a wide variety of genetic analyses on both family data and data on unrelated individuals. The range of functionality includes tools for extracting summary statistics describing the data and evaluating general data quality; estimating allele frequencies and testing Hardy-Weinberg proportions, and more.

  • Publisher: Case Western Reserve University
  • Home page: darwin.cwru.edu
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2017
Studio Clean

Studio Clean

Studio Clean 1.6 is a software program suite of plug-ins developed for Windows users who run DirectX an VST compatible audio editing and processing software. The Studio Clean 1.6 suite of plug-ins offers users four, featured, plug-ins that they can use for enhancement and noise reduction purposes to enable them to produce quality audio recordings.

  • Publisher: Acon Digital Media GmbH
  • Home page: www.acondigital.com
  • Last updated: September 16th, 2011

Additional Shaiya rebirth linkage selection

Shaiya Phoenix

Shaiya Phoenix

Shaiya Phoenix is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG that immerses players in a massive war between the forces of Light and Darkness. It allows players to quest for glory in solo or collaborative gaming, with many choosing to form powerful guilds capable of tackling some of the biggest and toughest monsters in the game.

Linkage X3

Linkage X3

Linkage X3 is a powerful and easy-to-use but rich-featured 2D bike suspension analysis software for Windows systems, focusing on mountain bikes, but also simulating other suspension linkages - motorbikes, city bikes etc. This app also provides a user-extensible web library of bike models to help in comparing different designs or publish and share own ones.

  • Publisher: Racooz Software
  • Last updated: May 12th, 2015
Ran Online

Ran Online

Previously, these job classes are gender-bound, meaning one can only create a male Swordsman/Brawler and a female Archer/Shaman. In the recent game patch called “The Rebirth”, this limitation is now a thing of the past. Players can also do better in the game with the assistance of the RAN Pets, who can perform specific skills.

  • Publisher: Min Communications
  • Last updated: February 22nd, 2012
Visual Prolog

Visual Prolog

If you ever thought of developing your own application, the Prolog Development Center offers you a comprehensive software program that allows you to fully control the details of your project, such as environment, variables, parameters and other settings. The program is called Visual Prolog, and it's based on the logic programming language Prolog.

  • Publisher: Prolog Development Center A/S
  • Home page: www.visual-prolog.com
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2019
Cisco Configuration Professional

Cisco Configuration Professional

Enhance productivity and help network and security administrators and channel partners deploy routers with increased confidence and ease. Cisco Configuration Professional is a GUI device management tool for Cisco access routers. It simplifies router, firewall, intrusion prevention system (IPS), VPN, Unified Communications, WAN, and LAN configuration with easy-to-use wizards.

  • Publisher: Cisco Systems
  • Home page: www.cisco.com
  • Last updated: July 21st, 2011


DnaSP, DNA Sequence Polymorphism, is a software package for the analysis of nucleotide polymorphism from aligned DNA sequence data. DnaSP can estimate several measures of DNA sequence variation within and between populations, as well as linkage disequilibrium, recombination, gene flow and gene conversion parameters.

  • Publisher: Universitat de Barcelona
  • Home page: www.ub.edu
  • Last updated: May 29th, 2010


Booming bassdrums, saucy cymbals and crispy snares can be used to describe the sound of drum machines from the early 80's. ADM contains three classic vintage drum machines from that era rolled into one, combined with a 32-step internal sequencer and pattern controlled fx (PCF).

  • Publisher: AudioRealism
  • Last updated: October 1st, 2012
Link Plus

Link Plus

Although originally designed to be used by cancer registries, the program can be used with any type of data in fixed width or delimited format. Used extensively across a diversity of research disciplines, Link Plus is rapidly becoming an essential linkage tool for researchers and organizations that maintain public health data.

  • Publisher: CDC
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2010
Drosophila Genetics Lab

Drosophila Genetics Lab

Student reporting is now an option. Students are required to fill in the number and type of flies they observe before the program allows auto-counting, providing the teacher with a report on the students accuracy while counting. Also includes a Teacher Resource document in pdf format - 84 reproducible pages contain 15 experiments to guide students

  • Publisher: Newbyte Educational Software
  • Last updated: February 28th, 2012
IT Invent

IT Invent

IT Invent is designed for automating the stocking and inventory of computer hardware and other equipment in businesses.

  • Publisher: YuKoSoft
  • Home page: it-invent.ru
  • Last updated: February 2nd, 2023