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Show password characters online in Title/Summary

Show Asterisks Password Free

Show Asterisks Password Free

This simple program was created for those who forget passwords often used in Windows programs. With Show Asterisks Password Free program you can view the passwords that are forgotten and hidden by asterisks. The program runs on all Windows platforms.

Show Strings

Show Strings

Show Strings is ideal for the developer who wants to check that copyright messages and other text data is present in executables or libraries. It strips out blank space if desired and with drag and drop is easy and convenient to use.

  • Publisher: Dvana Limited
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Rite of Passage: The Perfect Show Collector's Edition

Rite of Passage: The Perfect Show Collector's Edition

Rite of Passage: The Perfect Show Collector's Edition is an entertaining game in which you are a teacher in Everlake, a small town recently struck by a series of unexplained child abductions. You will uncover secrets, solve challenging problems and encounter enigmatic characters with unclear motives.

Show password characters online in Description



The JPasswordField class, a subclass of JTextField, provides specialized text fields for password entry. For security reasons, a password field does not show the characters that the user types. Instead, the field displays a character different from the one typed, such as an asterisk '*'.

  • Publisher: The Java(tm) Tutorial: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  • Last updated: February 21st, 2014


Cherbox is a free password manager, (formerly BBox). In addtion, You can manage desktop icons of the operating system, application programs, files, folders, notes, URLs, etc. with it. There are two ways generate password, manual input password and automatically generate password which provided by system, through which it can randomly generate password characters with specified length.

  • Publisher: BAINSOFT
  • Last updated: May 8th, 2012
Advanced Windows Password Recovery

Advanced Windows Password Recovery

Recover all types of Windows passwords: logon password (when user is logged on and has Admin privileges), NET Passport password, screensaver password, RAS/dial-up passwords, to shared resources etc. Attacks on Windows PWL files are also implemented.

  • Publisher: ElcomSoft Co. Ltd.
  • Home page: www.elcomsoft.com
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2008


Windows and other windows based softwares provides a convenient storage of password that we use frequently, such as FTP, ISP Passwords. You often tend to forget these password beacuase you no longer have to enter these password manually, What are you to do when you need to know one of the saved passwords, that is hiding behind a row of asterisks. This is where ShowPassword 1.0 comes into play.

  • Publisher: LatestSoft
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2008
1-abc.net Password Organizer

1-abc.net Password Organizer

Manage your private login and password data with 1-abc.net Password Organizer. 1-abc.net Password Organizer allows you to organize all your passwords and login data, you only have to remember your master password. 1-abc.net Password Organizer allows you to generate passwords on a random base that nobody would think about.

  • Publisher: 1-abc.net
  • Home page: 1-abc.net
  • Last updated: January 21st, 2016

Additional Show password characters online selection

Asterisk Password Decryptor

Asterisk Password Decryptor

Asterisk Password Decryptor is a powerful tool to recover lost or forgotten passwords. It allows you to reveal the hidden passwords on password dialog boxes and web pages that are hidden by the row of asterisk. You can simply drag the icon to any password box to find the real password hidden by the asterisks.

  • Publisher: KRyLack Software
  • Home page: www.krylack.com
  • Last updated: April 4th, 2012
Asterisk Password Spy

Asterisk Password Spy

Most applications do not display real password in the login box for security reasons; instead, they show the asterisks (*****). Asterisk Password Spy can reveal the passwords written behind asterisks in any Windows program. Simply drag the 'search icon' to any password box to see the real password.

Weeny Free Password Recovery

Weeny Free Password Recovery

This free WeenySoft’s “password recovery” utility does not provide such a broad functionality as its generic name might lead you to think. Weeny Free Password Recovery can only show you what is behind those passwords that are usually shown as asterisks, and only in a specific group of applications – namely, those developed by Microsoft, together with some e-mail and FTP clients.

  • Publisher: WeenySoft.com
  • Home page: www.weenysoft.com
  • Last updated: March 21st, 2012
Aqua Deskperience

Aqua Deskperience

This is a state of the art tool for capturing anything in your computer screen - text, fonts, images, etc. A very easy to use tool and also a very useful one if you have forgotten some of your passwords. Aqua Deskperience enables you to capture text that is impossible to copy with the traditional copy and paste method.

Internet Password Recovery Wizard

Internet Password Recovery Wizard

Internet Password Recovery Wizard allows you to recover your lost or forgotten passwords saved on your computer by popular Internet-related software. Use it if you forget your passwords to web sites, mail boxes, FTP servers and other resources.

  • Publisher: FSPro Labs
  • Last updated: April 4th, 2008
Accent Internet Password Recovery

Accent Internet Password Recovery

This is a specialized program to recover all Internet-related passwords on any computer that you can access. There is a handy Wizard-like interface for fast and easy recovery and the program knows where your standard MS applications (Internet Explorer, Outlook, Outlook Express, dial-up, DSL, VPN and RAS) store your passwords and how to recover them.

IE Password Revealer

IE Password Revealer

IE Password Revealer does exactly that – it reveals the passwords behind the asterisks in Internet Explorer log-in pages. It can “batch-reveal” all your hidden passwords, as long as all log-in pages are active at the time of clicking on the “Reveal Passwords” button. Then, the program will offer you the possibility of saving all the passwords as a convenient TXT file for future use.

  • Publisher: WellTek Software & DECS
  • Last updated: September 11th, 2012
Versus Mod

Versus Mod

This mod is made to improve functionality of a clan, show statistics and online time of clan members. Versus gathers info about every battle on Global Map, shows activity of members in prime time. Mod will be very useful for those, who want to keep an eye on improvements of his society.

  • Publisher: Versus Co
  • Home page: eu.wotvs.com
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2016
FS Pass Safe

FS Pass Safe

FS Pass Safe is an open source app that allows you to generate complex and safe passwords in seconds. Main features: - Generate complex passwords 6 to 18 chars. - Generate hidden password. - Use checkbox to show password. - Copy password to clipboard. - Secure and reliable.

  • Publisher: Figerty Systems Inc
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2016
Access Password Recovery Professional

Access Password Recovery Professional

Access Password Recovery PROFESSIONAL is a Advance Access Password Recovery Tool, to unprotect MDB database password in 3 easy steps. Software supports access password recovery from all Microsoft Access versions: 2.0, 95, 97, 2000, 2002, XP, 2003.

  • Publisher: Access Password Recovery
  • Last updated: November 6th, 2009