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Sidereal clock with julian date in Title/Summary

Sidereal Clock

Sidereal Clock

Most clocks keep "solar time". A solar day is one in which the earth makes one rotation and the sun returns to the same place in the sky. Once you have a SIDEREAL CLOCK on your wall, if you see that it's 5:55 local sidereal time, you know that Betelgeuse and Orion are on the meridian. If it's 18:37 sidereal time, Vega and the constellation Lyra are on the meridian.

  • Publisher: PNC Bank
  • Home page: www.radiosky.com
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2008
Julian Date Converter

Julian Date Converter

Julian Date Converter is a free date conversion and calculation software for Julian Day, it can quickly convert Date Time to Julian Day, or convert Julian Day and normal Date Time. Software can support Modified Julian Day. If you often use Julian Day in your work or life, this small software will be an effective utility on your PC desktop.

  • Publisher: Juliandateconverter
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2017
Handy Free Clock

Handy Free Clock

You can easily set a new alarm or delete an existing alarm in just few steps. For setting an alarm, first you have to click on ‘Set Alarm’ option and enter date and time. Even you can also write the message to pop up in the “Alarm Message” box. Similarly you can use its stopwatch and eggtimer functions.

Sidereal clock with julian date in Description

Astronomers Digital Clock

Astronomers Digital Clock

Astronomers Digital Clock displays several clocks on your screen. You will be able to see your system´s time both in conventional and scientific format, the UTC time, the current Julian Date, the Greenwich Sidereal Time. It will also indicate your Time Zone, Longitude and Local Sidereal Time (LST). You can choose between three possible color combinations for the program to show.

  • Publisher: Matt Oltersdorf
  • Last updated: April 8th, 2008
Desktop Tray Clock

Desktop Tray Clock

Desktop Tray Clock, as its name indicates, is a shareware clock for our desktop tray. This application gives the opportunity to have a highly customizable tray clock. There are a huge number of skins to suit everyone's needs and preferences. Some of skins make the clock bigger so that the digits are much easier to see. We can set up as many alarms as needed.



Allows user configurable optional chimes every 60, 30 and/or 15 minutes. Calculates and displays the Julian Date, Sun Rise, Sun Set, Moon phase, Hours of Daylight, Provides unlimited count up/down stopwatches accurate to 1/100 sec with unlimited lap times and lap average.

  • Publisher: Pawprint
  • Home page: www.pawprint.net
  • Last updated: February 22nd, 2012
Settings Lock

Settings Lock

Settings Lock is a software program for Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP/NT/Vista computers that allows you to password protect 15 Windows settings and functions. These settings are: The computer clock time and date, System Restore, Video display properties, such as wallpaper and screen saver (called Display Personalization in Vista), Internet Options.

Unit Conversion Tool

Unit Conversion Tool

Unit Conversion Tools is a fast, small, easy to use software for all your unit conversion and calculation needs. It offers a wide range of conversion categories, such as Numbers, Prefixes, Data Storage, Data Transfer, Length, Angle, Area, Volume, Volume - Dry, Time, Velocity, Acceleration, Velocity - Angular, Mass, Density, Force, and much more.

  • Publisher: Unit Conversion Tools
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2008

Additional Sidereal clock with julian date selection

Free Desktop Clock

Free Desktop Clock

Free Desktop Clock is a very easy to use application developed to replace the standard Windows clock, while also offering a bunch of tools to enhance the whole experience. Free Desktop Clock dolls up the standard digital display with a handful of skins and shows the current date and day.

  • Publisher: Drive Software Company
  • Home page: drive-software.com
  • Last updated: November 22nd, 2010


ClockX is a handy software tool that simply installs an analog clock on your desktop. This clock, however, offers several interesting features and configurable functions, such as alarm support and a basic calendar. You can easily drag the clock to any position on your desktop ─ or apply a specific level of transparency to it ─ so that it doesn't interfere with your job.

  • Publisher: Bohdan Rylko
  • Home page: www.clocx.net
  • Last updated: February 4th, 2013
Desktop Clock-7

Desktop Clock-7

The program uses color scheme of OS Windows. You can resize or move the clock anywhere, hide or show it using system tray icon. Desktop Clock-7 is program that displays the current time, date, day of the week on desktop window. This is a free software, so everybody can use it.

Digital Clock GT-7

Digital Clock GT-7

This is a free and customizable desktop clock with big numbers that can be useful for visually impaired people and senior citizens. You can customize it by changing the color of the background and that of the font. Nevertheless, you can set it to appear always on top. If you want to change your default Windows clock, then this may be a good option.

1st Clock

1st Clock

1st Clock is a taskbar clock replacement that offers a fully customizable clock display with multiple time zones, alarms, atomic time synchronization, popup calendar and more. Never miss important moments in your life with powerful and reliable alarms and reminders, with unique unobtrusive notifications! Set any number of one-time and repeating alarms.

  • Publisher: Green Parrots Software
  • Home page: www.1stclock.com
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
LCD Clock

LCD Clock

LCD Clock is a small digital clock that runs on any Windows version. Its system requirements are minimum, but you must have administration privileges. Its window is not adjustable, and it has different configurable options which can be accessed by directly clicking on different parts of it.

  • Publisher: Pianosoft
  • Last updated: May 25th, 2012
Vector Clock Designer

Vector Clock Designer

Vector Clock Designer provides full high-fidelity vector graphics editor dedicated to creation and design of fully functional desktop clocks. Vector Clock Designer is sophisticated and robust software for functional clock designs. Allows detailed creation of all internal aspects of a clock - background, hands and time related stuff.

  • Publisher: MicroInvention Ltd.
  • Home page: www.crossgl.com
  • Last updated: May 14th, 2012
Desk Band Clock-7

Desk Band Clock-7

Desk Band Clock-7 is program that displays the current time or date on the taskbar or, as dock able, on the desktop. You can widely change appearance of the clock: use custom font, colors, background fill, format of the current time or date.



Shows current time and date in another time zone, next to your computer clock.

Absolute Time Corrector

Absolute Time Corrector

Absolute Time Corrector is a program that enables you to synchronize your PC’s time to the official time provided by a network of NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) servers or a local time server. Time can be synchronized on demand, automatically according to a schedule or whenever an Internet connection is detected. inutes and seconds only.