Signage manager express 2.3 in Title/Summary

doPublicity Digital Signage Manager
The program creates Content from a selection of various Customizable Templates. The Digital Signage Templates are customizable templates, that can be personalized using images and text to suit various products and services. It remotely manages all screen, content and playlist settings through the website and asynchronously update media players.
- Publisher: doPublicity
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 18th, 2012

Signage Manager
Signage Manager is an easy-to-use digital signage content management software compatible with ViewSonic’s NMP302-W and NMP580-W media players. Main Features: -Easy-to-use playlist builder with automatic media player recognition -Supports LAN or USB playlist publishing -Available application templates and screen zone design options -Robust playlist scheduler
- Publisher: ViewSonic
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 22nd, 2018

Tivoli Provisioning Manager Express for Software Distribution - Agent
Tivoli® Provisioning Manager Express for Software Distribution helps automate inventory and manage software distribution. It helps you identify non-compliant users and quickly deploy critical software updates to reduce end-user downtime and the need for costly help-desk support.
- Publisher: IBM
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 19th, 2011
Signage manager express 2.3 in Description

VoIP Integration Phone Remote allows you to take control of a Cisco phone from anywhere with network connectivity. Key strokes are sent to the phone which are interpreted as if the user had pressed the key on the actual phone. Screen updates show the screen as displayed on the device.
- Publisher: VoIP Integration Tools
- Last updated: January 10th, 2012

Unit Manager Express
The Unit Manager Express (UME) is an engineering tool used to manage single Mediatrix units or a small amount of units within a lab environment . The Unit Manager Express can easily detect and configure remote APA units that use the SNMP protocol. It can also manage any other device that uses the SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3 protocol, no matter what the signalling protocol used.
- Publisher: Mediatrix Telecom Inc
- Last updated: March 30th, 2012

Cisco IPS Manager Express
Cisco IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) Manager Express help you configure, tune, and manage Cisco IPS sensors, Cisco Advanced Inspection and Prevention Security Services Modules, Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Intrusion Detection System Modules, Cisco IDS Network Modules, and Cisco IOS IPS modules. Cisco IPS is an intrusion prevention system with firewalls.
- Publisher: Cisco Systems
- Last updated: January 22nd, 2013

Patient Manager Express
Patient Manager Express is a program that empowers you to store in one place patient demographics, medical records, images, documents, calendars and billing. Patients are quickly accessible by typing parts of their name. You can schedule and organize the inpatients in rooms and wards.
- Publisher: Vertikal Systems
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 9th, 2014

DC Media Digital Signage Software
The Digital Signage Network Manager is the most advanced Digital Signage Network Management suite available today. Enabling you to reduce downtime, reduce operating costs and provide the highest level of service to your customers and partners. The application interface provides a wealth of management features that can be used to monitor players and detect and resolve problems.
- Publisher: MediaSight Inc.
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012
Additional Signage manager express 2.3 selection

AEI Rail and Road Manager Express
AEI Rail and Road Manager is a program that graphically shows the locations of rail vehicles on a map of a yard. The user can draw the yard map using this program. It will graphically represent locations of rail vehicles within the yard based on information received from these types of readers. Users can also manually drag and drop rail vehicles from one track to another.
- Publisher: Softrail
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 24th, 2015

Tivoli Provisioning Manager Express for Inventory - Agent
Tivoli Provisioning Manager Express for Inventory helps small to mid-sized companies to manage inventory. Allows you to easily access information, track assets and generate reports,delivers over 140 standard reports that can be customized and regenerated and much more
- Publisher: IBM
- Last updated: January 28th, 2010

ePoster Manager Express
ViewSonic’s new ePoster products make it easy to replace those old backlit printed signs with new impactful highdefinition digital posters. These sleek new displays feature built-in memory for storing high impact graphics as well as a powerful management tool featuring a content scheduler, duration timer and special effects editor for image transitions.
- Publisher: ViewSonic Corporation

Express Software Manager
Express Software Manager is a specialized software and hardware asset management solution designed for organizations. By integrating all the data related to your hardware and software inventory, usage, entitlements, and purchases, Express Software Manager helps you seamlessly track and manage your IT assets from purchase through retirement.
- Publisher: Express Metrix
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 30th, 2011

Cisco Unified CME Telephone Service Provider
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express (Cisco Unified CME, formerly known as Cisco Unified CallManager Express) telephony service provider (TSP) 2.1 is a Windows driver-based telephony application programming interface (TAPI) you install and configure on your PC to handle Cisco Unified CME VoIP calls.
- Publisher: Cisco Systems
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 24th, 2011

Express Project Business Project Manager
Plan and manage your business projects all in one free Windows program. Express Project helps you motivate and control resources to help achieve your specific goals. Gantt charts display project status on established scope, time, quality and budget.
- Publisher: NCH Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2023

EXSS Facility Manager
Facility Manager is a solution designed specifically for small hotels, boarding houses, fitness centers, SPAs, sports arenas, gymnasiums, turkish baths etc. With this solution You can easily manage Your facilities, customers, employees, activities, scheduled tasks, finanical operations.
- Publisher: Express Software Solutions
- Last updated: January 27th, 2012

Express Zip File Compression
With Express Zip File Compression Software you can shrink your huge files in the blink of an eye. This handy tool is wonderfully straightforward: just drag your files or folders into the program, click a button, and there you go. All your data is neatly packed away in a compressed ZIP file.
- Publisher: NCH Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 28th, 2025

Express Invoice Invoicing Software
Free invoicing software for managing client billing, invoicing, quotes, orders and applying payments. Make your business excel with an online console so multiple users can create invoices, reports and apply billing payments.
- Publisher: NCH Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022

Express Dictate
Express Dictate is much more than just a voice-recording tool for your dictations. This is a full-featured utility that will help you to record, store, manage, send, document, and distribute your recordings to typists or other colleagues. It includes encryption techniques to ensure that your most sensitive recordings remain confidential and available only to those recipients they were meant to.
- Publisher: NCH Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 5th, 2021