Simple free train simulator in Title/Summary

Microsoft Train Simulator
Microsoft Train Simulator brings the power and excitement of some of the world's most famous trains to your PC.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 29th, 2010

Electric Drive Train Simulator
The program can be used to simulate electric drive trains. You can select the ratings of motors, batteries, wheels, etc. The power you'll get out of a system depends on the motor, batteries, and the electrical resistance of the speed controller and wiring. EDTSim takes all these factors into account and tells you the power of all the components combined.
- Publisher: Enigma Industries
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

UKTS Freeware Route Pack - Candlewick
UKTS Freeware Route Pack - Candlewick is a free train simulator add-on set in the Steam era and is approximately 6.25 Miles long. It operates a local passenger service between Edison, Lumens and Faraday. It includes two Free Roam Scenarios and one Standard Scenario along with a manual detailing the background to the route.
- Publisher: UKTrainSim
- Last updated: June 5th, 2014
Simple free train simulator in Description

Versystem Soundboard
Versystem-Soundboard is an automatic on-board announcement tool for Train Simulator. Main features: - Adjust the volume independently of Train Simulator. - No extra load for the game, audio is played outside the game. - Manual playback of the board announcements without Train Simulator is possible.
- Publisher: Trains and Drivers
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2017

Open Rails
Open Rails is a train simulator with a collection of routes, rolling stock, and activities, which are compatible with Microsoft Train Simulator. You can also run most of the contents developed for Microsoft Train Simulator on the Open Rails platform.
- Publisher: Open Rails
- Last updated: February 12th, 2017

Routes OnOff
A program to interactively enable/disable Microsoft Train Simulator routes. Disabled routes are not processed by the MSTS loader program, so the application starts quicker than with all routes enabled. The application requires that Microsoft Train Simulator is installed in your computer.
- Publisher: Keystone Computer Services, Inc.
- Last updated: August 14th, 2012

UKTS Freeware Pack - Blocks and Lofts #1
UKTrainSim ("UKTS") is a web site that acts as a kind of virtual club-house. People who enjoy Train Simulation gather here and share their work, knowledge and experience with others. It might be a new loco someone has built, or a route, or it could be sharing some knowledge about real world train operations.
- Publisher: Atomic Systems IP Ltd
- Last updated: October 3rd, 2011
- Publisher: 3D Train Stuff Llc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 13th, 2009
Additional Simple free train simulator selection

Celestia is a really nice tool that lets you explore the Universe as it provides real-time 3D visualization of space. Celestia is impressively comprehensive as it is based on the Hipparcos Catalogue (the result of the European Space Agency's "astrometric" mission from November 1989 to March 1993) and therefore contains more than 100,000 stars.
- Publisher: Celestia Development Team
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

Panda USB Vaccine
Panda USB Vaccine is a simple free antimalware and vaccine tool for PC and USB devices. There is a large number of malware applications which are being spread through removable devices and drives, and are modifying the autorun files from these devices. Panda USB Vaccine comes with a simple yet very effective solution against this kind of threats, offering a double layer of preventive protection.
- Publisher: Panda Security
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

SnapMyScreen is a very simple free application that helps you take snapshots from your computer screen. The tool can grab three different types of areas, including free rectangular selections, Windows snips and full-screen captures. The screenshots can be saved as an image files, copied to the clipboard or opened in Paint for editing.
- Publisher: Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc
- Last updated: July 28th, 2022

As Simple As Photoshop
This program is a virtual course on how to use Photoshop that takes advantage of all the computing resources currently available. It has interactive texts, as well as audio and video explaining every process in detail. Also, it has a very affordable cost.
- Publisher: Andrei Doubrovski
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Ping Pong or table tennis is a racket sport that can be played by two or four players. Now MyPlayCity gives us the option to play this particular game on our computers, providing us with a free 3D simulator, where we can feel the excitement of the game in a virtual world.
- Publisher: MyPlayCity, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 27th, 2009

Weeny Free PDF to Image Converter
Weeny Free PDF to Image Converter is a small, simple and handy tool that allows you to convert PDF documents to image files. You can choose one of the following image formats for the output image files: PNG, GIF, TIFF, BMP (Bitmap), JPEG, and WMF. The main characteristic and advantage of Weeny Free PDF to Image Converter is its simplicity.
- Publisher: Weeny Software
- Last updated: February 20th, 2013

music2pc takes downloading of free music to the next level. Offering access to more than 100 million MP3 tracks from free legal sources, this extremely easy-to-use utility searches for music files on the Web and downloads them for you either individually or in batches. Once downloaded, the files can be played back offline, uploaded to your favorite portable player, or saved to an audio CD.
- Publisher: MP3 Download
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 17th, 2016

Extreme Flash Player
Flash is one of the most popular formats for animated images. It is widely used in webpages throughout the Internet. This free program allows you to play SWF (Smart Web Format) images in an easy and fast manner. This is a very simple free program, so don't expect any editing or other advanced functions.
- Publisher: PC TEKNIX
- Last updated: February 25th, 2013

Kaspersky Software Updater Beta
Outdated apps not only lack all the new functionality of their latest updates, they are also less protected against security breaches than their newest versions. Kaspersky Software Updater Beta scans your system in seconds and detects all of those programs installed on your computer that are out of date, downloads the newest version available, and installs it for you in just a few clicks.
- Publisher: Kaspersky Lab
- Home page:

OpenBVE Object Editor is a small, simple, easy to use application specially designed to offer you a modeling program for openBVE, the free railway simulator. It will not have fancy effects, but the basic functionality to allow creating objects simpler.
- Publisher: openBVE
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 20th, 2022