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Simple viewer swf in Title/Summary

Simple Viewer

Simple Viewer

Easily create slide shows and screen savers with Simple Viewer.

  • Publisher: DeBrosse Consulting, LLC
  • Last updated: November 9th, 2009
NFO Viewer

NFO Viewer

NFO Viewer should run on all major operating systems, but is primarily targeted for Unix-like systems (GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, etc). The user interface is based on the GTK+ toolkit and has been designed to best fit the GNOME desktop environment.he easiest way to install NFO Viewer is via your operating system's package management.

  • Publisher: Osmo Salomaa
  • Last updated: October 20th, 2009
Message Viewer Lite

Message Viewer Lite

Simple viewer to open Outlook .msg, .eml and winmail.dat email files. View email messages in full html, text or rich text format. Set as default for .msg or .eml files. Print messages, extract file attachments. Works in Citrix environments.

Simple viewer swf in Description

Free DOC Viewer

Free DOC Viewer

The Free DOC Viewer software is specifically designed to perform a few simple functions, mainly- open, view and print word document without any hassles. The DOC Viewer is an easy application with a simple software interface. The program allows the users to open and view Doc and Docx files easily. This free software offers a huge range of viewing options to the users.

  • Publisher: Media Freeware
  • Home page: mediafreeware.com
  • Last updated: February 18th, 2015
Picture To Go

Picture To Go

Picture To Go is a user-friendly image viewer that allows you to see all the images you have on your computer in a snap. The program scans your entire computer searching for image files and then shows them as thumbnails or in their real size. It also allows you to email images from within the program as a thumbnail (120x90), Internet ready (500x375) or in the original size.



3D Stamp is the software for tracking the stamp collection. '3D Stamp' offers you features that you will not find in any other philatelic software. It is set based, and allows you to see the full set in the image display window, while in other software, you can see only one stamp at a time.

  • Publisher: 3DStamp
  • Last updated: September 1st, 2010


MKViewer is a Dicom( Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine ) Open and Viewer. MKViewer is a simple viewer for DICOM medical images, to be used expecially on removable devices like usb flash or any cd-rom, dvd-rom or any other device which contains Patient images.

  • Publisher: Geeknet
  • Last updated: June 24th, 2011
FRAFS Bench Viewer

FRAFS Bench Viewer

FRAFS Bench Viewer is a simple viewer for Fraps 'frametimes' benchmark results. It has the ability to tell the amount of time each frame took to display. It can compare performance impact of different game and graphics settings. It is also a tool for microstutter analysis.

  • Publisher: raffriff42
  • Last updated: January 29th, 2016

Additional Simple viewer swf selection

Flash Player Pro

Flash Player Pro

Flash Player Pro is a handy flash tool kit designed as Adobe flash player and manager . It has several powerful flash tools: download flash movies from the Internet, preview and browse flash movie, capture flash image and set it as wallpaper, create flash screensaver with ease, make conversion between SWF and EXE flash movies etc.

Image Viewer

Image Viewer

Image Viewer is a small, easy way for you to view your images. We've also incorporated a screen capture feature that will capture the entire screen or just the active window on your desktop. With a click of the mouse button you can view you images in full screen.

  • Publisher: Linos Software
  • Last updated: December 2nd, 2009
Quick Flash Player

Quick Flash Player

Quick Flash Player is a useful application that will let you play SWF files and get them converted to EXE. By right-clicking on any file you can advance to the next frame or simply zoom in or zoom out. The program supports full screen mode. Using this software, you can create your own playlist and watch all of your SWF files.

Embroidery Reader

Embroidery Reader

Embroidery Reader is intended to view and convert PES, a file type used in CAM processes. In this respect, this file type is a standard for the industry as it allows storing embroidery designs and other kinds of images that specific machinery can interpret.

Haihaisoft Epub Reader

Haihaisoft Epub Reader

Haihaisoft’s Epub Reader is a free and simple viewer that will allow you to read your EPUB e-books on your computer and navigate through their structure in an easy and rewarding way. The program’s interface is clean and intuitive, and it provides text-based links instead of cryptic icons to facilitate navigation through the book.

  • Publisher: Haihaisoft.com
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2012


Powerful ActiveX control for scientific and business graphs

ZW Text Mosaic

ZW Text Mosaic

ZW Text Mosaic is a cute and small application that can convert your images into nice mosaics using only ASCII characters. As input you can use any BMP or JPEG image file, and the program will generate an HTML file. The result is always gratifying – it works well with almost all kind of images, though “flat” images (with very few color contrasts) produce less appealing mosaics.

  • Publisher: Erwan Martin & Ze Waren
  • Last updated: April 30th, 2010


DicomObjects is designed to make DICOM development very simple, hiding most of the complexities within the toolkit, giving you a simple high-level API which can be used for just about any DICOM application, whether that is a simple viewer, an associated application such as a worklist server, or a full-scale PACS

Action Script Viewer

Action Script Viewer

Action Script Viewer is a fantastic tool for diagnosing problems in SWFs, or even problems in Flash Player. When I worked on the Flash Player engineering team, I used Action Script Viewer even more often than internal SWF debugging tools. Now reveals even more SWFs!

  • Publisher: Manitu Group
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Mihov JPEGar

Mihov JPEGar

A simple picture viewer for images in JPEG, GIF, BMP, ICO, and PNG graphic formats. It includes features like user adjustable slideshow, shrink to fit, drag-and-drop and more! Easy to setup and use.

  • Publisher: Miha Psenica
  • Home page: www.mihov.com
  • Last updated: January 8th, 2010