Single pile cap analysis xls in Title/Summary

Pile Cap
Pile cap by Digital Canal analyzes any pile arrangement and design the pile cap accordingly, including cap thickness, steel requirements, and rebar spacing. Any configuration of up to 200 piles may be analyzed for both axial and biaxial bending moments.
- Publisher: Digital Canal
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 16th, 2017

CAP Demo
Community Analysis Package (CAP) is a general multivariate analysis package suitable for for undergraduate and post-graduate students, and researchers. A unique range of analyses are available, covering both metric and non-metric methods. It can be used in various fields of research including biology, geology, and anthropology.
- Publisher: PISCES Conservation Ltd
- Last updated: August 18th, 2014

Okdo Doc Xls Ppt to Pdf Converter
Okdo Doc Xls Ppt to Pdf Converter is an easy PDF converter. Own it, you can batch convert your .doc, .xls, .ppt format files to your personal and searchable PDF. All you need to do is to add your converted files to the list and then click "Convert" button is ok so it is affordable for everyone. The speed is super fast, the quality is super good. It has numerous advantages for you to use.
- Publisher: Okdo Software, Inc.
- Last updated: March 30th, 2018
Single pile cap analysis xls in Description

Combined3D is a general purpose spread and combined (two load points on a single footing) foundation design software for use on many different types of foundation design projects.Whether you are designing foundations for your industrial, residential or other commercial projects, Combined3D will help you complete them in minutes.
- Publisher: Dimensional Solutions
- Last updated: December 27th, 2009

BIMware REX Piles
REX Piles is an extension for Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis that allows analysis and design of structures partially or completely supported on piles. You can analyze pile-soil interaction for different pile types with the shaft diameter from 0.2 to 1.8 m. Calculations are performed for a single pile or a group of piles, vertical or inclined (at an angle up to 45 degrees).
- Publisher: BIMware
- Last updated: August 25th, 2016

FreeTrack is a program designed to track and interpret optical motions over a web-cam. The objective is to provide free head movement in simulator games. By using a home-made LED device and this software, you can achieve results similar to the Track-IR system. It is a good, cheap choice for all simulator gamers.
- Publisher: FreeTrack Team
- Last updated: October 8th, 2008

GROUP has been well accepted as an useful design tool for analyzing the behavior of piles in a group subjected to both axial and lateral loadings. The program was developed to compute the distribution of loads (vertical, lateral, and overturning moment in up to three orthogonal axes) applied from any multiple locations in the pile cap to piles arranged in a group.
- Publisher: Ensoft, Inc.
- Last updated: May 27th, 2012
Additional Single pile cap analysis xls selection

Document Metadata Cleaner
The applications belonging to the Microsoft Office Suite commonly save certain personal information in the files they create - this information is known as "metadata". It may include your name, initials, the name of your PC, and even the contents of hidden cells. Document Metadata Cleaner allows you to detect that information on your documents and clean it, keeping your sensitive data safe.
- Publisher: Pointstone Software, LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018

Microsoft Excel 2013
Microsoft Excel 2013 is a program that allows you to discover and reveal the insights hidden in your documents data. You can access, edit and view documents, perform complex analyses quickly, summarize your data with previews of various pivot-table options, so you can compare them.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 25th, 2015

Geostru MP
Geostru MP is an application intended for users who want to calculate the bearing capacity of the foundation for a single Pile or for multiple Minipiles (known as pin piles). You can perform various calculations and change the pile length, view bearing capacity static formulas, calculate terrain inclination according to the Fleming theory, as well as to generate stress diagrams.
- Publisher: geostru
- Last updated: October 5th, 2017

Repute provides a rich set of tools for designing/analysing onshore piles, including various types of single pile, using current and historical design standards (such as Eurocode 7 & BS 8004) and pile groups under generalized 3-dimensional loading (using linear or non-linear soil models)
- Publisher: Geocentrix
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 16th, 2009

EasyPlanEx is a software application that provides a comprehensive solution for evaluating and optimizing any type of financial problems. EasyPlanEx widens the project scope because it does not only evaluate the proposed case, but it is able to evaluate all its alternatives automatically (even thousands of combinations), the result being that it shows the 20 best alternatives for the project.
- Publisher: BoraSystems
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Micro-Cap 12 is an integrated schematic editor and mixed analog/digital simulator that provides an interactive sketch and simulate environment for electronics engineers. Since its original release in 1982, Micro-Cap has been steadily expanded and improved.
- Publisher: Spectrum Software
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020

The application allows you to convert PDF files to Excel, CSV, etc. PDF2XL enables you to do the following: - Convert long PDF files by applying a “Single Page Structure” to multiple pages – By re-applying a single “page structure”, PDF2XL allows you to convert PDF files of any size.
- Publisher: Cogniview Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Advanced XLS Converter
Advanced XLS Converter enables conversion of Excel files (XLS, XLSX, XLSM) into various database formats, including DBF, TXT, HTML, XML, CSV, SQL, and RTF. Its super fast conversion algorithm has been optimized to handle large XLS files quickly, without slowing down your system.
- Last updated: February 15th, 2021

QDA Miner Lite
QDA Miner Lite is a free and easy-to-use version of the popular computer assisted qualitative analysis software. It can be used for the analysis of textual data such as interview and news transcripts, open-ended responses, etc. as well as for the analysis of still images.
- Publisher: Provalis Research
- Last updated: June 26th, 2013

Magic Office Recovery
Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and PDF files are among the most widely used Office-based documents, and also the ones we delete or lose more often. That is why EIS created Magic Office Recovery. This tool is specialized in recovering all those types of files plus OpenOffice-based documents. The program uses a wizard-like interface to guide you smoothly through the entire recovery process.
- Publisher: East Imperial Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024