Skp to step iges in Title/Summary

Tekla Step Iges Converter
The converter has been designed to transfer Tekla Structures WebViewer models to STEP and IGES format, which are widely used in the Mechanical Design business. Solutions like Solidworks, CATIA, SolidEdge, Inventor can read and process STEP and IGES files.
- Publisher: Tekla Corp.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 8th, 2015
- Publisher: SYCODE
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 11th, 2009

Glovius is a 3D viewer for CATIA, STEP, IGES, Creo, NX, JT, Pro/ENGINEER and SolidWorks files. With Glovius you can take accurate measurements, cut dynamic sections, compare differences between models, review changes and export to a variety of formats.
- Publisher: Geometric Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Skp to step iges in Description

Automesher is an application that extends AutoCAD, BricsCAD and ZWCAD with functionality to import and export 3D file formats and convert 3D drawing entities. It supports many of 3D file extensions, including STL, OBJ, 3DS, IV (Inventor File), SAT, PLY, VRML, 3DM, SKP, STEP, IGES, BREP and allows to convert drawing meshes (polyface or polygon mesh) into 3D solid objects.
- Publisher: Automapki
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Document Convert Toolkit
Document Convert Toolkit is a multipurpose files convert , preview and print application software, let you view, convert and print CAD(ECAD) drawing ,general business documents and other electronic file easily . With support for hundreds of document types, including 2D/3D CAD, EDA, image, Adobe, and MS Office(95~2007).
- Publisher: Magic Software
- Last updated: July 31st, 2022

CADEditorX is an ActiveX component for adding CAD features to the Web page or to the application under development in any development environment supporting ActiveX and COM technology, for example C#, Visual C++, Delphi, VB, JavaScript etc. It enables viewing, editing, converting, printing and measuring DWG, DXF, SVG, HPGL, PDF, STEP, IGES, STL and other CAD files.
- Publisher: Soft Gold Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 29th, 2020

Import solid models from STEP and IGES files. Draw construction geometry and lines and arcs. Create new primitive solids, or make solids by extruding a sketch or by making a lofted solid between sketches. Modify solids using blending, or boolean operations. Save IGES, STEP and STL. Printer plot the 2D geometry or to HPGL.
- Publisher: Heeks Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 20th, 2012

SKP4CAD 2007
SKP4CAD 2007 - Export SKP is an AutoCAD 2007, 2008 and 2009 application to export AutoCAD drawing entities to SKP file (Google SketchUp). It can export SKP files from polyface meshes, polygon meshes, faces and 3d solid drawing entities. It is compatible with AutoCAD 2007, 2008 and 2009.
- Publisher: STEFISKO
- Last updated: November 16th, 2011
Additional Skp to step iges selection

FormatWorks 2007
The automatic repair includes identification and repair of over 70 typical geometry and topology errors on reading stage. The automatic repairs are controlled and always performed within the original model tolerance, which prevents any model deformation.
- Publisher: Capvidia BVBA

ABViewer enables you to view, edit, convert, measure, and print DWG and other CAD files, as well as 3D models and raster images. You can open a drawing in this program and work with its various layers, blocks, dimensions, text styles, snap, etc. ABViewer has supports for a variety of file formats including DXF, DWF, HPGL, IGES, STEP, PDF, 3DS and STL.
- Publisher: Cadsofttools
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

LISA is a finite element analysis package for Windows with an integrated modeler, multi-threaded solver and graphical post-processor. It allows you to analyze the dynamic response and vibration, heat flow and thermal stress or the DC current flow in solids.
- Publisher: Lisa-Finite Element Technologies (Sonnenhof Holdings)
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 23rd, 2013

SpaceClaim enables engineers to easily create concepts and prepare 3D designs for digital prototyping, analysis, and manufacturing. SpaceClaim Engineer is especially suited for engineers and designers who need a tool that enables simulation-driven product design for Concept Modeling and much more.
- Publisher: SpaceClaim Corporation
- Last updated: April 7th, 2016

IDA-STEP is a new generation of standards-based tools from LKSoft. IDA-STEP is a fully modular application - you can create your own perfect IDA-STEP application for various data viewing and management purposes.IDA-STEP is based on international standard ISO 10303 (STEP) and supports various kinds of STEP data.
- Publisher: LKSoftWare GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 30th, 2012

sView is an open-source universal stereoscopic viewer which supports files of many kinds including images, video, audio, CAD models. This application displays images and photos in most popular formats including JPEG, PNG, MPO, BMP, EXR, TGA and WebP. It also plays video and audio files such as MKV, WebM, OGM, AVI and FLAC.
- Publisher: Gavrilov K.V.
- Last updated: June 25th, 2014

1 Step Remote Viewing
1 Step Remote Viewing allows you to view your DVR footage remotely in minutes. 1 Step™ Remote Viewing enables you to automatically connect your Defender DVR Security System for viewing online from anywhere in the world in 1 easy step. The application is easy to use.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: August 26th, 2013

With MYRIAD you can view, rotate, print, measure, compare, markup, save to PDF/TIFF/DWF, secure with Visual Rights®-protected CSF. Supports AutoCAD, Inventor, SolidWorks, Solid Edge, Pro/E Wildfire, MicroStation and standard formats like IGES, STEP, VRML, HPGL plot files, CGM, TIFF, and more.
- Publisher: Informative Graphics Corp
- Last updated: December 23rd, 2011

Chess Tutor Step
The Chess Tutor is a Windows program for the learning of chess. In the first step, the elementary knowledge is acquired which every successful chess player needs. Step 1 contains 23 lessons, 1800 exercises and 66 games. The Chess Tutor runs on all computers with Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 and is suitable for children from 8 years and all adults.
- Publisher: Cor van Wijgerden
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 29th, 2011

MegaCAD 3D
MegaCAD 3D is the ideal synthesis of an innovative solid and surface modeling system and a full-feature 2D drafting program. If you are developing your model in 3D or if you are drawing a 2D design, each step will automatically be transferred from one dimension into the other one.
- Publisher: Megatech Software GmbH
- Last updated: June 8th, 2011