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Slow cpu speed utilities in Title/Summary

Slow Down Or Speed Up MP3 File Software

Slow Down Or Speed Up MP3 File Software

Slow Down Or Speed Up MP3 File Software is a program that offers a solution to users who want to slow down or speed up MP3 files and save as new files. You can add MP3 files or choose and entire folder for processing. There are sliders to choose how fast or how slow. You can save converted tracks to any folder you specify.



Cpukiller3 allows you to slow down the CPU speed of your computer to run old programs. You can slow down only certain applications or slowdown the entire computer. You can adjust the CPU slowdown factor from 0% to 100%; you can set hot keys to start, stop, increase or decrease the slow down factor; enable hyper threading/multiprocessor support; select between two slow down algorithms, and more.

mytuning utilities

mytuning utilities

When your PC always gets slower and hangs or crashes after starting games or movies, mytuning utilities brings back the lost computing power - and additionally creates new storage space.

  • Publisher: BeanOX UG
  • Home page: www.beanox.com
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2020

Slow cpu speed utilities in Description



Obrut can simulate varying levels of single or dual CPU usage intensity at three levels of regularity, and both virtual and physical memory loads. While Obrut is primarily designed to be a programmers tool, it can also be used to slow down old games that assume a certain CPU speed or to test how a computer handles under heavy load.



CPUgenie is an advanced CPU power management application that can reduce CPU temperatures, increase notebook battery time and much more! Unlock the true potential of your CPU while saving power and reducing temperature loads! Main features: - Adjustable CPU Speed Management - Per-Application Acceleration - GreenVoltage Undervolting Made Easy! - Powerful Monitoring

  • Publisher: GreenVantage LLC
  • Home page: www.clockmod.com
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2010
Emsa FlexInfo Pro

Emsa FlexInfo Pro

Emsa FlexInfo Pro is an advanced system information and diagnstics utility. Gets system information data, also benchmark (CPU Speed test), and network info (IP/host lookup, Ping),realtime stats, html reports etc. Freeware.

  • Publisher: EMSA SYSTEMS LTD
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2008


Increase or reduce the CPU speed to execute processes. What TurboCPU does is to set the priority to process an application’s request in a high level so it gets more CPU processing time. In other words applications with lower priorities can not be activated until higher priority operation terminates; but TurboCPU forces the execution of the processes to highest priority.

  • Publisher: SoftPuls.com
  • Last updated: March 12th, 2008


CPUSpeed by NetworkDLS is an application that detects the speed of your CPU and provides you a report about it. The utility has a very primitive interface. It consists of just one small window with the name of the processor, its nominal and actual values of CPU speed. Actual indicators show current, lowest and highest speed values.

  • Publisher: NetworkDLS
  • Last updated: April 1st, 2008

Additional Slow cpu speed utilities selection



A-Tuning is a program that helps you to optimize and maintain your system's performance. It has different functions you can use to change your system's settings according to your needs. It has several options that allow you to overclock your system's speed, check the hardware status, and more.

  • Publisher: ASRock Incorporation
  • Home page: www.asrock.com
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2018


From a quick overview unfolding into the depth of all hardware components. Always up-to date supporting latest technologies and standards. Comprehensive hardware analysis, monitoring and reporting for Windows and DOS. Accurate monitoring of all system components for actual status and failure prediction.

  • Publisher: Martin Malík - REALiX
  • Home page: www.hwinfo.com
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2021
Process Lasso

Process Lasso

Process Lasso performs real-time optimization of running processes so that your Windows desktop remains responsive at all times. It manages CPU affinities, power usage, and processes to run on selected CPU cores. You can also set programs to automatically restart if they terminate.

  • Publisher: Bitsum
  • Home page: bitsum.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


i-Cool adjusts and monitors your CPU usage, fan noise and CPU performance level. It enables PC users to reduce the heat generated by CPU. i-Cool can adjust the CPU performance in 2 modes: manual and automatic. i-Cool continuously monitors the CPU loading and accordingly adjusts the CPU power usage and CPU fan noise.

  • Publisher: GigaByte Technology, Co. Ltd.
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2011


NovaBench 2.0 is a free benchmark program for Microsoft Windows. This program lets you perform extensive CPU speed tests, multi-threaded tests for multiple cores/processors, hardware accelerated graphics tests, hard drive write speed test and CPU temperature monitor. NovaBench has a tabbed interface for benchmark results.

  • Publisher: NovaTech Network, Inc.
  • Home page: novabench.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Game Speed Adjuster

Game Speed Adjuster

Game Speed Adjuster is a powerful tool to adjust the speed of Windows games and applications. It can speed up or down programs. Players can run faster, slower, get more powerful gun fire, or more reaction time.

  • Publisher: PC2DOWNLOAD.COM
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Modem Booster

Modem Booster

Modem Booster is a program that may improve your modem connection speed. By tweaking some hidden values in your system, it is able speed up your dial-up, DSL, ADSL or cable modem Internet connection. Or, if you prefer, you can change the values manually and test the results.

  • Publisher: inKline Global
  • Last updated: October 10th, 2011


I8kfanGUI is a graphical Windows application to show the internal temperatures and to control the fan operation on the Dell Inspiron/Latitude/Precision notebook series. It's running under Windows 2000 and above operating system versions (Windows 2000/XP/Server2003/Vista)

  • Publisher: Christian Diefer
  • Home page: www.diefer.de
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008


UseJump is just another web browser based on WebKit (the rendering engine employed by Chrome or Chromium). As its developers claim, it was especially designed to stand against censorship and content filtering, yet it fails in many other areas. While testing it, the app crashed several times. Also, it provides slow browsing speed which is a great drawback for a web browser.

  • Publisher: Usejump Team
  • Last updated: June 15th, 2010


CPUMon is a CPU monitoring application for Windows users. The application is rather simple and has no other purpose than monitoring your processor. However, it is nice to keep an eye on the most important component in your computer. The application features a lot of displaying options, which all display the same, but fit your needs.

  • Publisher: Denis Kozlov
  • Home page: www.den4b.com
  • Last updated: December 12th, 2016