Smart apk decompiler download in Title/Summary

APK Downloader
APK Downloader is a free program that will allow you to download an APK file from the Android Market directly to your desktop rather than to your device. You can pick the app you want and you'll have the APK file on your computer, allowing you to sideload it onto any of your Android devices.
- Publisher: Evozi
- Last updated: September 4th, 2013

APK Icon Editor
APK Icon Editor is an APK editor designed to easily change Android app icon, name, version, images, strings and other resources. The application helps you edit APK, extract and change APK resources. It has a multilingual interface and it supports various formats. You can sign and optimize Android applications and it includes presets sizes for various devices.
- Publisher: Qwerty Minds
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 26th, 2015

APK installer beta 2a
This software will allow to install apk files directly to your phone. The software is free to use and install and it will work with most Android based phones. Before using the program you must click "Click Me First' for proper files to be installed on your Windows environment.
- Publisher: level5team
Smart apk decompiler download in Description

Euforik's DJLan is the perfect software to listen to the music you love. Bundled with tons of features and its seamless playlist management, it aims at making your audio experience the best possible.
- Publisher: DJLan
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 15th, 2009

AndroChef Java Decompiler
AndroChef Java Decompiler is a handy application that lets you easily decompile Java files of various types, including JAR, APK, DEX, and also CLASS files. Reliability is one of the main advantages of this cool app. AndroChef Java Decompiler can even decompile obfuscated Java 6, Java 7 and Java 8 CLASS and JAR files without any problem.
- Publisher: Atanas Neshkov
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 31st, 2016

Pure APK Install
Pure Apk Install helps you install the applications stored on your computer directly to your Android device. It can also verify the authenticity of the installer package, as well as provide the supported Android versions. Moreover, it lets you decide the target location for the apk.
- Publisher: APKPure Inc.
- Last updated: September 18th, 2015

Sothink SWF Catcher
SWF is a type of Flash file used to enrich web pages with different types of media content. Unlike images, SWF files cannot be readily saved from your browser by using the right-click menu. Sothink SWF Catcher will help you grab SWF files so that you can re-use or view them offline.
- Publisher: SourceTec Software Co., LTD
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 3rd, 2012

LocalAPK is a free program which helps you organize your APK file collection. It contains several features to facilitate the organizing of Android APK files. You can transfer APK files to your Android device by generating a QR code, remove outdated APK files, rename APK files to package name, application name or Play Store name.
- Publisher: Breez
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019
Additional Smart apk decompiler download selection

Virtuous Ten Studio
Virtuous Ten Studio (VTS) is a powerful solution designed for the modification of Android applications. You can easily decompile, edit and recompile any APK or JAR file. It also allows you to manage entire Android projects within an easy to use and familiar environment.
- Publisher: Diamondback
- Last updated: November 13th, 2014

Heat Smart II
This custom developed application for Windows determines proper sizing for WaterWizard and A+ heaters. Performing with 90%-99% thermal efficiency, the unique 2-pass helical coil heat exchanger design of these single wall heaters is self-descaling and produces sub-cooled condensate (< 160°F ) to preserve condensate return pump life.
- Publisher: Aerco
- Last updated: May 29th, 2012

The amount of paper that comes through the average letter box is staggering but file@home is the answer! by using file@home with your computer and your scanner you've got a complete home filing system. Download a free 30 day trial now.
- Publisher: Intelligent Filing Limited

Internet Download Manager
Accelerate downloads by up to 10 times and easily organize your downloads with this tool. Schedule and resume broken downloads after errors. Download videos from from different steaming sites like YouTube. Supports all popular browsers and protocols.
- Publisher: Tonec Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

Smart Driver Updater
Smart Driver Updater is a simple and reliable tool that helps you keep your drivers up-to-date. Having the latest versions of needed drivers installed is a very good thing for the stability, speed, and safety of your system, as the newest releases of drivers often patch bugs, fix errors, and ensure better functioning of the computer's components, both hardware and software.
- Publisher: Smart PC Solutions, Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 16th, 2022

Download Manager
It guarantees you the fastest possible download , as it has speeding boosting technology such as automatically looking for the fast download sources and switching to mirror sites to make downloading even faster. And if that’s not fast enough, you can preview videos while they are still downloading
- Publisher: IGN Entertainment, Inc.
- Last updated: October 2nd, 2012

Firefox is the most popular open-source web browser, with a multi-tabbed interface. It can be installed on your Windows, iOS, and Linux based computers. Firefox View lets you synchronize your open tabs, browsing history, bookmarks, and other settings across devices.
- Publisher: Mozilla
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 15th, 2024

Smart PDF Creator Pro
Smart PDF Creator Pro is a program that not only lets you convert PDF files to Word format and edit the documents, but also gives you access to various PDF tools, such as merger, encryptor, splitter and many more. Furthermore, you have the ability to password-protect your PDF files to block other users from accessing valuable information.
- Publisher: Smart Soft
- Last updated: July 15th, 2012

File Download ActiveX
File Download ActiveX software is an activex component for developers that can download files from the internet. With this component you can download files directly from the internet to the hard drive, with a progress notification, fast, and easy to use.
- Publisher: Smart-ActiveX
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 15th, 2011

Smart Cook
Are you a puzzle gourmet, looking for some delicious entertainment? Lucky you! Get Smart Cook and feed your hunger for succulent, fun and engaging games. Download Smart Cook and Play for Free!
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020