Sms sending swing application in Title/Summary

Atomic SMS Sender
ePochta SMS 5.10 is the sms sending software allowing for short text messages to be sent right from your computer to cell phones of your customers or friends world wide.
- Publisher: AtomPark Software Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 4th, 2014

SMS Xplod
SMS Xplod is a Revolutionary SMS Sending Software developed by Dotcom Web Technologies service providers for SMS Software, Short Code Service, Voice Call and Mass Emailing for corporate clients and small to medium size businesses. SMSXpold is a client focused organisation which helps consumer successfully manage business using various internet based tools.
- Publisher: SMS Xplod
- Last updated: December 13th, 2010

AK SMS Sender
AK SMS Sender is an efficient GSM modem based bulk sms sending tool. This program allows you to import mobile numbers and messages from Microsoft Worksheet files and send SMS using any GSM modem or phone connected with PC through USB or serial interface.
- Publisher: Ashik Iqbal
- Last updated: May 14th, 2013
Sms sending swing application in Description

Bulk SMS Caster Standard
Bulk SMS Caster Standard is fast and reliable Bulk SMS Sender software adept at sending Bulk SMSs through PC and Laptop to unlimited mobile phones at one go. The software can handle 2 mobiles simultaneously. It can send SMSs in different languages.
- Publisher: The Sky Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 4th, 2014

DRPU Bulk SMS (Professional)
This handy application offers a convenient method of sending SMS messages to multiple contacts at the same time. It's really easy to use and it works using different SMS sending methods, including based on using USB modems, simple GSM mobile phones, or modern Android and Windows-powered smartphones.
- Publisher: DRPU Software Pvt. Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 25th, 2016

Bonrix Advance SMS Server
This package contains core for sending and Receiving SMS from eight GSM/CDMA/3G handset and Modems. This is a very basic software for any bonrix sms sending server. You Can Send Single SMS, Group SMS, SMS In Perticular Series And Also Random SMS Using This Package.
- Publisher: Bonrix Software Systems
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011

Desktop SMS SMPP tool
Broadcast bulk (or single) SMS directly from your desktop using txtNation's Desktop SMS tool which connects via SMPP
- Publisher: txtNation Ltd
- Last updated: July 11th, 2017

SMSBag Messenger
Smsbag delivers two different tools to aid your sms sending activities. These tools are the Upload tool and the Desktop Application. Smsbag`s Upload Tool allows you to handle all the work with different type of files very easy. The Desktop Application (SMS Messenger Pro) is a windows based application which allows you send messages from your system without using the browser.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: December 17th, 2009
Additional Sms sending swing application selection

Bonrix SMS Server 4 Huawei 3G/HSDPA
A group/bulk sms sending server software for CDMA USB Modem and USB datacards.
- Publisher: bonrix
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Windows Communicator
Windows Communicator is a cross-platform messenger that combines the advantages of desktop applications and web communications (web chat). The application allows you to do a private conversations between company employees, public conversations, conversations in chat rooms.
- Publisher: KiS Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 30th, 2012

Headwind SMS Communicator
Headwind SMS Communicator is a simple and powerful SMS application which provides your computer with the GSM short messaging facility. It is always available from a system tray. In several mouse clicks, you can send a short message to any mobile phone in the world or view the incoming messages. You can look for a funny SMS text in Internet, paste it to the application and send it to your friend.
- Publisher: Headwind Solutions Ltd.
- Last updated: October 28th, 2015

Clickatell COM-API
If you are connecting from a Windows-based programming environment, you can interface using Com. Our API's rich set of methods and definitions makes it easy for you to integrate SMS sending into your applications or .asp pages. Since the COM interface is fully documented, any COM enabled programming language can be used.
- Publisher: Clickatell (Pty) Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 16th, 2009

Bulk SMS sending software through your GSM mobile device. It sends minimum 12 SMS per mint. (Send 7200 SMS in 10 Hrs.)-Supported GSM Device connected with DKU-5 PC to Mobile data cable.
- Publisher: Multiicon
- Last updated: March 24th, 2011

Mobius Phone Explorer
Mobius/PX is the next generation of phone management software from LogoManager. Incorporating a modern drag & drop interface, Mobius offers users a simple to use yet powerful means of managing your phonebook and SMS messages, as well as a fully integrated online text messaging service.
- Publisher: LogoManager
- Last updated: November 11th, 2009

Ping Alert
Ping Alert is an app you can use to ping your Internet / Intranet servers and send alerts to your mobile when you get consecutive data of ping loss. You can schedule the program to auto-send you the last minute's ping log, set numbers of packs, bytes of packets, and time intervals. Also, the program will monitor ping timeout, and all other ping-related situations.
- Publisher: StanWell Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 7th, 2016

Bonrix SMS Manager
Main Features : - Download Live Market Rates(Gold, Silver, Platinum, Dollar, Euro) from Internet and Keep your client updated with Latest Rates via SMS - Schedule Downloading as per your requirement - You can Apply Calculation to Retrive Local Rates - Schedule SMS Sending As per your Groups of Customers.
- Publisher: Bonrix Software Systems
- Last updated: May 17th, 2008

Synqit is designed to continuously maintain Skype contacts in synchronization with user's address books. It supports additional import sources, such as mobile phones and Plaxo. Synqit converts local phone numbers to the international format required by Skype and recognizes different phone types, such as Work, Mobile, Home etc.
- Publisher: Synqit
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020 GSM GPRS Utility
GSM GPRS Utility is a program designed for the GSM Sim 900A Modem. The Modem is coming with an RS232 interface, which allows you to connect your PC as well as a microcontroller with the RS232 Chip (MAX232). The program provides bulk SMS sending, AT command testing terminal, step-by-step GPRS setup, and sample codes.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 23rd, 2015