Soccer field layout tool in Title/Summary

Festo Field Device Tool
Device Tool for service and commissioning. The Festo Field Device Tool includes various services for all Ethernet-based Festo field devices. It supports, among other features, the update of firmware files to selected devices from Festo. Features: • Scanning function for Ethernet-based products • Automatic update function for application and firmware files
- Publisher: Festo
- Last updated: May 29th, 2014

Soccer Math
Get ready to score a goal like Mia Hamm, dribble the ball down the field like Freddy Adu, or bend it like Beckham. Test your math skills as you fake out your opponents on the soccer field. Through multiple skills levels you can test your knowledge in place values, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, U.S. and metric measurement, fractions, decimals and percents.
- Publisher: Edventure Software
- Last updated: December 25th, 2010

Team Sport Planner Soccer
Team Sport Planner Soccer is a complete management tool. It can be used to help you with the organization and management of every little aspect of a soccer tournament. I know how hard it is to organize a soccer match, even when you have lots of friends who play the sports. I can only imagine how hard it is to organize a tournament and keep track of all the information.
- Publisher: Visual Reality
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 20th, 2012
Soccer field layout tool in Description

SoccerSaver turns your screen into a soccer field with cartoonish 3D rendered players running around in an attempt to play a game of soccer.
- Publisher: Onwijs
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 28th, 2010

Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 offers notorious changes. In this new release, the ball passes are more sensible and intelligent, and now it is easier to control the ball more accurately in the desired direction. With new menus resembling Windows Vista, more goal celebrations, more technical gestures and, of course, mandatory improved graphics, Pro Evolution Soccer offers another choice to Soccer fans
- Publisher: KONAMI
- Last updated: November 17th, 2009

AssetCAT is a powerful inventory database program that will assist you in keeping track of your household items, valuables and collectibles. AssetCAT allows you to catalog a wide range of information, and create customized reports with details on each item including photos for your own records, or to share with your insurance agent so that you will be prepared if a disaster strikes.
- Publisher: FNProgramvare
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 29th, 2012

DBU offers an easy access to database objects for the IBM i5, iSeries or AS/400 and remote databases with a network connection to that system. When using DBU, the database object is presented in either 5250 display emulation (in 80 or 132 columns) or Graphical User Interface (DBU/GUI).
- Publisher: ProData Computer Services, Inc.
- Last updated: July 30th, 2011

GenFIT (Genesis Field Investigation Tool) is a standalone diagnostic tool, designed to provide basic “in-the-field” system information from MOTOTRBO devices. GenFIT can be used in conjunction with 1-2 USB-attached Control Stations or IP connectivity to a MOTOTRBO system in order to receive data.
- Publisher: Genesis
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 29th, 2017
Additional Soccer field layout tool selection

JavaFX Scene Builder
JavaFX Scene Builder enables you to design the UI for your JavaFX application without any coding, just by dragging and dropping UI components to the work area. After you choose and add the UI components to the interface, you can easily change their properties, apply different style sheets, and even integrate the resulting code with the application logic.
- Publisher: Oracle Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 4th, 2012

Soccer Stats Tracker
Which soccer fan anywhere the world would not love to have a handy free tool with everything they need to know about their team or their league in a snap? Soccer Stats Tracker offers you that and then more – match and team statistics of 845 teams, from the 51 top leagues in the world, all the way since the 2000-2001 season.
- Publisher: Soccer Stats Tracker
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 19th, 2021

Microsoft VOLT
The Microsoft Visual OpenType Layout Tool provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface to add OpenType layout tables to fonts with TrueType outlines. It is licensed free and can be downloaded from the online community set up for it.VOLT supports a wide range of substitution and positioning types
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2021

HydraForce i-Design
HydraForce's i-Design is a comprehensive and powerful hydraulic system design software that allows you to create custom integrated manifolds from the very beginning design stages all the way through pricing and quoting to your customers. i-Design incorporates the schematic layout and pricing tool with the addition of a 3D layout tool.
- Publisher: Hydraforce Inc.
- Last updated: June 26th, 2014

Canon PosterArtist
Canon PosterArtist is the poster creation software. Main features: - Auto Design feature combines the Dynamic Layout Engine (an automated layout tool that determines the positioning of elements such as images and text) with built in professional design expertise. - Design Check Feature.
- Publisher: Canon U.S.A., Inc.
- Last updated: July 30th, 2015

PechaMaker is a program designed for the creation of Tibetan Pecha. It integrates a simple editor that allows you to enter text with the keyboard or import it from RTF files. The program also comes with a layout tool that enables you to specify how your pecha pages will appear and print.
- Publisher: Frederick Johnson
- Last updated: July 17th, 2014

World Cup USA 94
World Cup USA 94 features a vertical soccer field with a top-down view of the action. A radar at the top left corner of the screen will show where your teammates are at all times, which should help make passing easier. Battery backup will save your formations, custom teams and tournaments, or your progress during the World Cup. The game also includes support for eight different languages.
- Publisher: GameFabrique
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 21st, 2010

Metso Device DTMs
Metso is part of an open solution for field device management that provides the best possible support during the commissioning, operation and maintenance of your site. The DTM, with which Metso Automation adheres to Field Device Tool Specifications, provides a user interface for configuration, monitoring, calibration, diagnostics, and testing of the device.
- Publisher: Metso
- Last updated: April 16th, 2012

PV*SOL® Pro is a program for the design and simulation of grid-connected and off-grid photovoltaic systems. You can create your system using a wide range of modules (including thin-film and crystalline) and the program determines the size of the system with the roof layout tool.
- Publisher: Dr. Valentin EnergieSoftware GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 4th, 2012

PROSOFT.fdt is an FDT (Field Device Tool) compatible frame application that allows you to easily create, configure and monitor PROFIBUS networks using the PS69-DPM Master and any compatible PROFIBUS DP Slave device. Use the simple drag-and-drop interface to select PROFIBUS DP devices from the device catalog.
- Publisher: ProSoft Technology, Inc.
- Last updated: December 30th, 2009