Softcolor automata 1.0 in Title/Summary

SoftColor Automata
SoftColor Automata provides enterprise class hot-folder photo workflows for your daily photo editing tasks. It features: automatic professional quality enhancements for color, exposure and contrast, restore low light photos with rich dynamics enhancements, smart sharpening and noise removing tools, automatic resizing and cropping, high quality color management tools, and more
- Publisher: SoftColor Oy
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 13th, 2015

SoftColor Server Automata
SoftColor Server Automata is a program designed for an advanced color correction, image editing and color management workflow automation. It loads automatically new and changed image files from the input folder and after processing, it saves images to the output folder. White balance, exposure and contrast adjustments are processed as separate layers.
- Publisher: SoftColor
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 27th, 2014

SoftColor photo sledgehammer
With SoftColor photo sledgehammer you can do oneclick automatic color correction to digital photos. Sledgehammer utilizes power of illumination spectrum which helps you to make professional photo tuning extremely easy and fast.
- Publisher: SoftColor Oy Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 9th, 2010
Softcolor automata 1.0 in Description

SoftColor Toolbox
SoftColor Toolbox is a lightweight batch-processing and server software for advanced color correction, image processing and color management. SoftColor Toolbox operates with many digital image formats and with camera RAW formats. Toolbox can save processed images in JPEG, TIFF, PNG and PSD formats.
- Publisher: SoftColor Oy
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2012

A 3-D general purpose Cellular Automata simulator. Aimed at researches in various fields, or anyone fascinated by Cellular Automata. The aim of this project is to create a customizable tool that can be used by anyone to create interesting and useful 3D CA simulations.
- Publisher: knicos, ncc33843, nickw85, tomhirst, wildeep
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 29th, 2011

Automata Pro
Automata Pro is a workflow automation software for advanced color correction, image editing and color management. Its automatic color correction algorithm corrects color balance, exposure and contrast problems from original image in single step. White balance, exposure and contrast adjustments are processed as separate layers. Automata has support for standard ICC profile based color management.
- Publisher: SoftColor Oy
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

A few bots (deemed "veggies") get nrg from the simulation for free to simulate an inflow of energy. Most actions (movement, DNA execution, eating, etc.) cost nrg. Conceptually, Darwinbots is the ALife descendant of C Robots, as opposed to Avida or Tierra which descend from Core Wars. Most of the universe rules in Darwinbots descend from that conceptual past.
- Publisher: Darwin Bots
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

QCADesigner is the product of an ongoing research effort by the Walus Group at the University of British Columbia to create a design and simulation tool for Quantum Dot Cellular Automata (QCA). This tool is still under development and is provided free of cost to the research community "as is".
- Publisher: University of Calgary
- Last updated: November 13th, 2009
Additional Softcolor automata 1.0 selection

PhotoEQ is more than just an image editing tool. Besides giving you access to a wide variety of photo editing options, this program is also packed with a built-in color picker, helps you analyze your digital photographs like a professional, enables you to convert your pictures to other file formats.
- Publisher: SoftColor Oy
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

flOw is a simple game for Win32 based machines based on a cellular automata algorithm which mimics the properties of a liquid. It is not a game with an object or goal, but it is rather more like a toy which exists merely to be fiddled with. Obstacles can be changed in real-time, with the liquid responding accordingly.
- Publisher: Jenova Chen
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 17th, 2008

AtoCC is a learning program dedicated to students and it is very useful in teaching them abstract automata, formal languages, and some applications in compiler construction. AtoCC contains 6 programs : AutoEdit, AutoEdit Workbook, kfG Edit, TDiag, VCC, SchemeEdit.
- Publisher: Genesis-X7 Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 26th, 2012

ViaThinkSoft ColorManager
ColorManager is a wonderfully designed, useful open-source application that will help Web designers and developers in creating their own color palette. This interesting tool not only allows you to create new colors quickly and easily, but it also provides you with the color codes required to use them in your HTML, Delphi, C++, Visual Basic, or Java applications.
- Publisher: ViaThinkSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 26th, 2012

Mirek's Cellebration
Mirek's Cellebration is a 32-bit Windows freeware program designed for running one-dimensional and two-dimensional cellular automata. It supports more than 300 CA rules and over 1000 pattern files in 14 different families including Life, Large than Life, Vote for Life, Weighted Life, 1-D binary CA, 1-D totalistic CA and Generations.
- Publisher: Mirek Wojtowicz
- Last updated: June 8th, 2008

Visions of Chaos
Visions of Chaos is a professional high-end software application for Windows. It is simple enough for people who do not understand the mathematics behind it, but advanced enough for fractal enthusiasts to tweak and customize to their needs. It is the most complete all in one application dealing with Chaos Theory available. Every mode is written to give the best possible quality output.
- Publisher: Softology
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 30th, 2018

Bojan Mitrovic's Fun3D is a software for generating parametric 3D surfaces, curves, spatial cellular automata structures and L-systems.Main features:- 2D Export (JPG, PNG) - 3D Export (JavaView - jvx, DXF) - Animation - 3D Surfaces
- Publisher: Bojan Mitrovic
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 19th, 2010

Cell HD - emergence
Inspired by tense '80s arcade games like Defender, Centipede, and Missile Command, Cell offers 17 punishing levels that require players to decipher a level's "cellular automata" simulation and then battle living processes with speed and dexterity. In 'Cell: emergence' players fight a nanoscale war against disease inside the body of a sick child.
- Publisher: New Life Interactive, LLC
- Last updated: April 14th, 2014

UnitexGramLab Rev.
Unitex/GramLab is an open source, cross-platform, multilingual, lexicon- and grammar-based corpus processing suite.The automata-oriented technology of the Unitex/GramLab Natural Language Processing engine allows to handle electronic resources such as electronic dictionaries and grammars and apply them to a text for fast processing and analysis.
- Publisher: Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 9th, 2018

CellFighter ScreenSaver
CellFighter Screensaver will bring a battle to your desktop. This unique screensaver is based on the game of the same name. You will see a couple of pixelized figures on the screen. Each of a different color. At first, the screen will be almost empty. But as soon as the action starts, your “warriors” will start moving and reproducing themselves.
- Publisher: BriskLogic
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018