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Software for single line diagram in Title/Summary

Convert Multiple Line File To Single Line or Single Line To Multiple Line Software

Convert Multiple Line File To Single Line or Single Line To Multiple Line Software

Convert files with multiple lines to files with single lines. Convert files with single lines to files with multiple lines.

ASE Visual SCL

ASE Visual SCL

ASE’s Visual SCL is a graphical tool that allows the creation, editing and viewing of IEC 61850 SCL files without requiring knowledge of the underlying XML syntax.This allows the user to concentrate on the engineering process as opposed to XML syntax.

  • Publisher: unknown
  • Last updated: February 25th, 2010
Advanced Command Line PDF Stamper

Advanced Command Line PDF Stamper

A scriptable utility that automates stamping of PDF documents with single-line or multiple-line verbiage. The application, has no graphical user interface, automatically locates all PDF documents in the input directory and its subdirectories, duplicates input subdirectories in output directory, allows assignment of stamp verbiage, stamp location, stamp font and much more.

Software for single line diagram in Description

PowerNet Circuits

PowerNet Circuits

PowerNet is a smart electrical engineering design and analysis software for electrical contractors, consultants, and other electrical engineering organizations. Use it for all projects requiring an easy to implement and easy to use the software.



PowerVue is a general purpose electrical engineering program, suitable for electrical individual, electrical contractors, and electrical organizations, in need of a inexpensive program for use in small to medium size projects. The use of POWERVUE Circuit Analyzer consists of three basic steps: drawing the circuit diagram, entering data for all devices in the diagram, and calculating the circuit.

  • Publisher: Megasys Software
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2010


Caneco BT is an application for automatic diagrams and sizing for Low Voltage electrical installations. It performs all calculations for cable dimensioning, dimensioning of breaking and protective devices, power balance, and phase balancing. It can automatically create a general single-line diagram of the installation and the single-line diagrams for each panel.

PowerStar Electrical

PowerStar Electrical

PowerStar Electrical is a program designed for electrical engineering design and analysis applications. With this tool you can draw and print a single line diagram; display complete electrical data, including node voltages, voltage drops, and current; calculate three-phase, line-to-neutral, and line-to-line load flows; print or plot to any Windows compatible printer or plotter, and more.

  • Publisher: Megasys Software
  • Last updated: August 19th, 2017
ABB IED Connectivity Package REF615 DE IEC Add-On

ABB IED Connectivity Package REF615 DE IEC Add-On

The REF615 is a dedicated feeder IED perfectly aligned for the protection, control, measurement and supervision of utility substations and industrial power systems. Connectivity Package containing a compilation of software and IED-specific information including single-line diagram templates, a full IED data model including event and parameter lists.

  • Publisher: ABB Oy, Distribution Automation
  • Home page: new.abb.com
  • Last updated: May 8th, 2018

Additional Software for single line diagram selection

ID-Spec Large

ID-Spec Large

ID-Spec Large is dedicated to designer of electrical distribution in industrial and tertiary buildings. The application allows you to design single line and specify electrical distribution equipment. Benefits: - Power Summary including load implementation directly in the architect layout drawing in DWG format.

  • Publisher: Schneider Electric
  • Last updated: May 1st, 2012
Subtitle Edit

Subtitle Edit

Subtitle Edit is a software to create, edit and synchronize subtitles. This program has a networking mode through which several users can connect to work on a subtitle. Video and Audio playback modes are present and help in subtitle synchronization. Auto-Spell checker corrects common mistakes in subtitles.

  • Publisher: Nikolaj Lynge Olsson
  • Home page: www.nikse.dk
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
GameMaker: Studio

GameMaker: Studio

GameMaker Studio lets you start creating your game from scratch. It has two options: Drag-and-Drop, and Game Maker Language. The first one is by far the easiest, since you only need to select the elements you want to include in your game, and drop them into the workspace. The second one needs you to have a solid programming knowledge.

  • Publisher: YoYo Games Ltd
  • Home page: www.yoyogames.com
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2022
Wondershare PDFelement

Wondershare PDFelement

One-stop PDF solution powered by AI. Fast, affordable, and easy way to edit, convert, sign PDFs, and more - accessible across desktop, mobile, and web platforms. Quickly summarize PDFs into text summaries and export them as Markdown files. Translate or rewrite entire PDF documents and export modified versions instantly.

  • Publisher: Wondershare Technology Group Co. Limited
  • Home page: pdf.wondershare.com
  • Last updated: January 9th, 2025
Almeza MultiSet

Almeza MultiSet

Almeza MultiSet will automatically install all the applications you require, either onto your original computer or onto a new one. It's an ideal solution for rebuilding your systems quickly! You can use Almeza MultiSet Professional software to create a bootable USB Flash Drive for automatic installing Windows and software onto a computer.

  • Publisher: Almeza MultiSet
  • Last updated: September 25th, 2014
Circle Dock

Circle Dock

Circle Dock belongs to a genre of programs known collectively as "Application Docks and Launchers" which first appeared on Apple's Macintosh computers and later on Windows-based PCs. Most of these programs use a single line of items, unlike Circle Dock which uses "rings". In fact, the term "Circle Dock" is now a bit of a misnomer since it can also present itself as an elliptical dock.

Axure RP

Axure RP

Axure is intended to help developers design interactive web pages and sites without needing to write the underlying code. The tool has the complexity inherent to web design and the results will logically depend on your graphic design skills. Luckily, there is a tour file to let you know what the program can do. However, it would have been nicer to have more templates at hand.

  • Publisher: Axure Software Solutions, Inc.
  • Home page: www.axure.com
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2019


The Zip component is a DLL that provides Zip archive functionality. You can pack/unpack a file or folder with a single line of code. This component can be used in environments that support COM such as Active Server Pages, Windows Scripting Host, Visual Basic, etc.



MaxStream announces the X-CTU software for configuring and testing MaxStream radio modems. The software is easy to use and allows MaxStream customers to test the radio modems in the actual environment with just a computer and the items included with the radio modems.

  • Publisher: Digi International Inc.
  • Last updated: April 24th, 2013
Tableau Desktop

Tableau Desktop

Tableau Desktop is a business analytics application. It lets you connect to your data and perform queries without writing a single line of code. Visual analysis lets you filter data dynamically, split trends across different categories or run an in-depth cohort analysis, all using simple mouse clicks.

  • Publisher: Tableau Software
  • Last updated: November 11th, 2015