Solo game all star bowling in Title/Summary

Bowling Stars
This little and free game lets you hone your bowling skills in an entertaining form. Nevertheless, it is not as easy at it may seems. You need to select the correct parameters to make a god shot. The animations and sounds are very good too. The game is in Flash format and you need the most recent version of the program to play the game correctly.
- Publisher: Free Downloadable Games
- Last updated: October 28th, 2010

Star Wars Galaxies
Join with Star Wars fans across the world and jump into exciting adventures 24 hours a day, seven days a week! You and your friends will travel to legendary Star Wars locations with famous faces from the films. Along the way, you can meet up with others on missions that take you across the galaxy, fighting against many familiar foes from the Star Wars universe.
- Publisher: Sony Online Entertainment
- Last updated: November 30th, 2011

Word Bowling
Word Bowling is a unique game where a word game collides with bowling. Instead of rolling balls you are createing words. Create a 10 letter word and you get a strike. Use all the letters in two words and you just bowled yourself a spare. Scoring is exactly like bowling.
- Publisher: Tams11 Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 9th, 2009
Solo game all star bowling in Description

Ultimate Bowling Fighter VGA for Pocket PC
Ultimate Bowling Fighter VGA for Pocket PC 1.0 is a great choice for any bowling lover. In this game there are three game modes: Solo game, Tournament and Multiplayer game. Tournament mode really looks like the good old Street Fighter. The game can be played using stylus or gauges.
- Publisher: Astraware Limited
- Last updated: March 8th, 2008

LEGO Star Wars 2
Lego Star Wars II is the sequel to the video game Lego Star Wars: The Video Game. The game was developed by Traveller's Tales and Amaze Entertainment and published by Lucas Arts and TT Games. It is based on Episode IV, V and VI of the Star Wars film saga
- Publisher: Eidos Inc.
- Last updated: February 27th, 2008

Wiz Word
Word Wiz is a multiplayer word game. Up to four players compete against eachother to make as many words as they can in 2 minutes. Word Wiz can be played against other players using the Tams11 Gaming Lobby. You may also practice by playing a solo game.
- Publisher: Tams11 Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2009

Elf Bowling Holiday Pack
Elf bowling is a great adventure and fun game. You will never get bored playing with Santa versus the elves in a great bowling game. In this game you can opt to play a single-player game, 2 players mode or to play versus computer. You can also select to play a standard tournament, or to play without tricks and bonuses.
- Publisher: Mumbo Jumbo
- Last updated: December 12th, 2008

Anime Bowling Babes
Anime bowling babes is a bowling game that gives you a whole lot of options to choose from. You have different characters (all of them Anime Babes), different balls, pins, alleys. It also has different modes, practice, exhibition, tournament, challenge.
- Publisher: Glimmer Games
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008
Additional Solo game all star bowling selection

Real Bowling
Real Bowling 1.0 is a realistic bowling game comes for the PC. It is possible to play against the computer or other player. As In the real bowling you score points by rolling a bowling ball along a flat surface called the lane into objects called pins. The variant used by this game is the 10-pin bowling.
- Publisher: Media Contact LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008

Gutterball 2
Gutter ball is a great simulation of bowling game, you will have the great feeling of a bowling challenge choosing a single game, a two player game, play versus computer or enter a round of tournament. This game allows you to subscribe and personalize your name.
- Publisher: Skunk Studios
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 25th, 2008

Avatar - Path of Zuko
Play as Prince Zuko and battle your way through 18 missions across 3 campaigns in the retelling of Avatar's third season from Zuko's perspective. Take control of 10 heroes and command 30 units as you fight enemies, slay dragons, and learn to become a mighty firebender!
- Publisher: Nickelodeon
- Last updated: October 14th, 2011

SWGEmu Launchpad
SWGEmu Launchpad is a free program that enables you to launch the Star Wars Galaxies massively multi-player online role playing game. The program enables you to get the latest game updates, to download the latest modes for the game and to create or delete game profiles.
- Publisher: SWGEmu
- Last updated: April 23rd, 2015

Star Stable Online Plugin
Star Stable Online Plugin is a program that enables you to play online the Star Rider game from the starstable website. The free plugin works with all major browser such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, allowing you to enjoy this virtual horse game.
- Publisher: Star Stable Entertainment AB
- Last updated: July 28th, 2022

Pin Action Bowling
This is a bowling game simulator. It can be played against a friend or against the computer. You can choose a player character and a difficulty setting. The graphics and animations are unattractive. The same is true for the music and sound effects. Even though the game is old, it could have been better.
- Publisher: XFusion Software LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 20th, 2012

Farkle is a simple dice game, in which users can play online with other players or against the computer. It includes four games: 5-dice game, 6-dice game, zarkle game, and team game. The rules for all of them are pretty simple: the players take turn rolling dice, then they should select at least one scoring dice: a 1 or a 5, three pairs, three of a kind, or a six-dice straight give you points.
- Publisher: Tams11 Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 6th, 2010

A tank combat game that is a blast for the new and experienced gamer alike with lighthearted, fast paced pandemonium. Play solo against brain-hungry bots or go head-to-head against other online.
- Publisher: Brave Tree
- Last updated: October 25th, 2011

STO Keybinds
STO Keybinds is a program that enables you to create complex keybinds for the Star Trek Online game. The program can be used if you are struggling to focus on your surroundings, so it might be a good approach to add some keybinds. It never interacts and it never sends key strokes to the Star Trek Online executable.
- Publisher: Federation Emergency Services
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2015

Quick thinking word game to test your skills creating words using tiles. Create as many words as you can in the time allowed, but be careful when you are quacked or you could lose points. Needs the Tams11 Lobby in order to with others.
- Publisher: Tamera A Shaw-McGuire
- Home page: