Solway solway .song mp3 2013 in Title/Summary

Mp3 Song Plays Increaser
Increase MySpace Music Plays and Soundclick Plays, Increase Video Views.Select to increase all songs or any particluar song. Climb up the myspace and soundclick charts, attention from record labels, gigs, venues, club promoters. Unlimited Plays.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: November 21st, 2010

Solway's Internet TV and Radio
In theory, this program allows you to watch TV channels or listen to radio stations simply by clicking on their name, without needing to open their website. Nevertheless, not all the stations/channels listed work properly, so half of the links are useless. On the other hand, the program has an application that lets you record streaming audio in various formats.
- Publisher: Kevin Solway
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 7th, 2012

Solway's Internet Search
A small and fast FREEWARE program enabling you to search up to FOUR search engines simultaneously and display the results on one screen (provided that your web browser can handle frames), or up to ELEVEN search engines in multiple full-screen windows. Win 3.1, Win 95 or Win98.
- Publisher: Kevin Solway
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 14th, 2008
Solway solway .song mp3 2013 in Description

Super WMA Cutter Joiner
Super WMA Cutter Joiner is a powerful tool to cut/join wma files that supports MP3, WAV and OGG formats. It combines an audio cutter and an audio joiner into one single software. With Super WMA Cutter Joiner, you can cut a piece from a big file and then convert it to a WMA or MP3 or WAV or OGG file. You can also join multiple files into one big file.
- Publisher: WMATool
- Last updated: January 20th, 2006

Abee MP3 Database Organizer
Abee Mp3 Database Organizer is a program for sorting out your mp3, wma and ogg files. It searchs files at your computer disks and then classify them by artists, albums, years, genres and by first letter of title. Thus you can find easyly any song you want.
- Publisher: AbeeTech
- Last updated: March 22nd, 2008

Aleo Flash MP3 Player Builder
Including a music player on your website usually doesn't come out as cheap, especially if you draw on a professional Flash developer. An inexpensive solution comes from Aleo Flash MP3 Player Builder, a simple to use program that lets you generate an audio player for your website containing your favorite music.
- Publisher: Aleo Software Inc.
- Last updated: November 29th, 2010

MP3 Music Organizer Platinum
MP3 is the most widespread music format in the digital world. Many people have huge music and sound collections in this format. Almost inevitably, most of us tend to accumulate too many MP3 files, and then finding any of them when we need it or want to listen to it can be a very time-consuming task.
- Publisher: MP3 Music Organizer, LLC
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2009

Pitch Switch
Slow down or speed up any song with Pitch Switch! Now you can slow down MP3s without affecting the pitch, or lower the key of a song into your range without changing the speed. Pitch Switch is the amazing, must have tool for musicians!
- Publisher: Inspyder Software Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2020
Additional Solway solway .song mp3 2013 selection

KaraFun Player
KaraFun Player is a free karaoke player that includes more than 28,000 high-quality karaoke songs recorded in professional studios. You can customize the key and tempo of any song in the catalog; project an additional karaoke window to your external monitor or video projector; sync the songs that you want for offline playing, and more.
- Publisher: RECISIO
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 28th, 2020

Creevity Mp3 Cover Downloader
A system in which MP3 files are tagged correctly is a must for any digital music collection. Adding the right cover to your favorite tracks is an add-on that will enrich any audio collection. Creevity Mp3 Cover Downloader has been designed to make cover search and cover adding a really straightforward task.
- Publisher: Creevity Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 25th, 2011

MP3 Key Changer
MP3 Key Changer is a small tool that has the ability to change the key of MP3 files. With this application, you will be able to transpose audio files, that is, change the key or pitch of any MP3 or WAV file that you have in your computer. It is also possible to speed up/down audio, in other words, adjust the tempo.
- Publisher: Song Galaxy
- Last updated: January 22nd, 2012

MP3 Audio Recorder
MP3 Audio Recorder is an application designed to help you record audio from different sources, such as microphones, line-in, websites, online radio stations and any audio or media player installed in your computer. You can literally record any audio you listen to with your computer. Also, you can play all of your Mp3 files with this useful application.
- Publisher: FlyWing Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 1st, 2015

Clean Disk Security
Clean Disk Security is intended to protect your privacy by securely erasing sensitive data from your hard drives or external storage devices. The application has an intuitive interface, but I have to say that it may seem too crowded with options. It would be better if it had a default configuration, which is safer for inexpert users.
- Publisher: Kevin Solway
- Last updated: May 20th, 2022

Solway's Audio Recorder
Solway's Audio Recorder is a useful application that provides you with the function of recording audio from different sources. With it, you can record your own voice or yourself playing music instruments by using your microphone. The program can also be used to record music or audio being played on audio and media players.
- Publisher: Kevin Solway
- Last updated: October 27th, 2014

MP3 Cutter by Aiv Software
Long audio mixes usually include some parts that I don't really like and that can ruin the entire listening experience. MP3 cutter offers a simple solution for this problem by helping its users extract the song fragments they want to keep. This program comes with only one purpose in mind and that's to cut your favorite sections from an audio file without damaging its sound quality.
- Publisher: AIV Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 2nd, 2011

Free MP3 Cutter and Editor
This is an MP3 song editor with simple editing commands. Delete Selected option deletes selected part from the mp3 document. Delete Unselected deletes unselected part from the mp3 document. Change Volume lets you chang audio volume by specifying a percentage value. Maximize Volume increases volume as high as possible without distortion.
- Publisher: musetips
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 25th, 2023

Super Mp3 Download
Super MP3 Download is easy-to-use software which enables you to search and download over 100 million MP3 files. With this app you can search songs in tags of titles, artists, albums, and editions. You can even search the live, piano, guitar or cover editions of your favorite songs.
- Publisher: Super MP3 Download
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

MP3 Karaoke
MP3 Karaoke is intended to turn any song into a karaoke file by removing vocals. The tool supports processing batches of files as a single operation. Regrettably, the only file format supported both as input and output is MP3. Whether you will be satisfied or not with this program depends on your expectations and level of expertise.
- Publisher: Accmeware Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 30th, 2012