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Sonar 7 producer edition trial in Title/Summary

SONAR Producer Edition

SONAR Producer Edition

SONAR X1 Producer has everything needed to deliver the polished, “radio-ready” recordings that are expected in today’s music industry – all in one box. Included are all of SONAR’s cutting edge music creation tools plus an unparalleled collection of world-class instruments and effects.

  • Publisher: Twelve Tone Systems, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 6th, 2012
MAGIX Music Maker Producer Edition

MAGIX Music Maker Producer Edition

MAGIX Music Maker Producer Edition is the new generation of multimedia software, and an upgraded version of the MAGIX Music Maker. From your private collection of love songs to entirely homemade video clips – everything's possible! For your songs, music videos, video emails, karaoke shows, funny clips, and much more.

  • Publisher: MAGIX AG
  • Home page: www.magix.com
  • Last updated: April 12th, 2010
ModelMaker C# Edition Trial

ModelMaker C# Edition Trial

ModelMaker C# Edition is specifically designed for generating native C# code. The C# 1 - C# 4 .NET framework syntax is fully supported. This program has full reverse engineering capabilities and import existing C# code. including generics and nested types. Delphi and Visual Studio IDE Integration experts take care of synchronizing ModelMaker and the Delphi and or Visual Studio IDE editors.

  • Publisher: ModelMaker Tools BV
  • Last updated: September 2nd, 2011

Sonar 7 producer edition trial in Description

Cakewalk ProChannel Concrete Limiter

Cakewalk ProChannel Concrete Limiter

Tame rogue peaks and get punchier, in your face, mixes with the ProChannel Concrete Limiter. Designed exclusively for SONAR X1 Producer Expanded and SONAR X2 Producer's ProChannel, the Concrete Limiter’s advanced DSP combines highly transparent, look-ahead, limiting with low-latency performance and is suitable for peak limiting of individual tracks and level maximization of mix buses.

  • Publisher: Cakewalk Music Software
  • Last updated: April 8th, 2013
LingvoSoft Dictionary 2008 English<->Albanian for Windows

LingvoSoft Dictionary 2008 English<->Albanian for Windows

LingvoSoft Dictionary 2008 English <-> Albanian for Windows is one piece of a complete language learning and translation solution for your PC. Each piece can handle two languages but if you prefer you can bur the whole solution at once. You can buy this product right from the developer’s site on Internet for $ 34.95, and you can try it before with some limitations.

ReefMaster Sonar Viewer

ReefMaster Sonar Viewer

Sonar Viewer combines a multi-channel sonar viewer with the display of side-scan sonar over a world base map. The sonar viewer works with sonar logs from Lowrance and Humminbird units, and lets you view any combination of your available sonar channels with smooth playback at speeds of up to 30x.

Axialis Professional Screen Saver Producer

Axialis Professional Screen Saver Producer

Axialis Screensaver Producer is a powerful and easy-to-use tool to create and compile redistributable Windows screensavers. You can create all kind of screensavers based on Sprites (animated objects), Flash, Slideshows and Video Clips. It has a fully integrated workspace that permits working efficiently and create professional screensavers in minutes.

  • Publisher: Axialis Software
  • Home page: www.axialis.com
  • Last updated: February 2nd, 2023
Easy RM Producer

Easy RM Producer

With Easy RM Producer you can convert lots of files into RM formats. The software supports many video and audio formats and allows you to convert them easily. Some of the formats it supports are: AVI, WMV, WMA, MPA, MPG, MPEG, Mp2, Mp3, WAV and AU. The program provides you with the function of converting many files into RM at the same time with no quality loss at all.

  • Publisher: WordAddin Studio
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Additional Sonar 7 producer edition trial selection

SmartWorks Enterprise Edition Trial

SmartWorks Enterprise Edition Trial

SmartWorks Enterprise Edition is a cost effective and scalable collaboration sofware which icludes three useful tools, Project Planner, Smart Tracker and Meeting Manager. This sofware helps organizations in managing changes to its services or processes, helps to collect various statistics of the project that helps in analysis for the manager and more.

  • Publisher: Accord Software & Systems Inc.
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2008
Fast-Help Corporate Edition Trial

Fast-Help Corporate Edition Trial

Fast-Help is a Windows Help File Generator that produces online and offline documentation. Compile to any of the following formats, all from a single source editor. That means you type once and compile to whatever format you need: -HtmlHelp (.CHM) -WinHelp (.HLP) -Website Help -Printable Manuals -MS Word Manuals -PDF -Windows Mobile Help -wxWidgets Help

  • Publisher: Auric Visions Ltd
  • Last updated: June 22nd, 2012
STGuru Standard Edition (Trial Version)

STGuru Standard Edition (Trial Version)

STGuru is a powerful professional Simplified Chinese (CHS) - Traditional Chinese (CHT) converter. Based on comprehensive analysis of user's requirements, STGuru provides full series of Simplified Chinese - Traditional Chinese conversion services at professional quality.

  • Publisher: Anasoft Studio
  • Last updated: September 4th, 2012
SD Developer Edition trial

SD Developer Edition trial

The Developer Edition is a software analysis tool that specifically and precisely records the dynamics of a software system at runtime and presents interactive visualizations of the system dynamics as well as profiling and debugging functions. Due to its seamless integration, for example in Microsoft Visual Studio, debugging and analysis activities are considerably accelerated.

  • Publisher: Software Diagnostics
SONAR X3 Producer

SONAR X3 Producer

SONAR X3 Producer is a program that allows you to edit and correct vocals like a pro with Melodyne Essential. You can create the most realistic and authentic drums sounds with the full version of XLN Audio Addictive Drums, get a pro-sound with the QuadCurve EQ Zoom and analyzer for the ultimate precision.

  • Publisher: Cakewalk, Inc.
  • Last updated: December 3rd, 2013
ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition

ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition

OCR software for efficient digitisation of paper documents in business environments. FineReader Corporate scans documents and creates editable, searchable files from paper documents, PDFs and digital photographs. Superior accuracy helps you eliminate manual retyping and reformatting. Advanced background processing combined with one-click automation speeds up conversion.

  • Publisher: ABBYY Software House
  • Home page: www.abbyy.com
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2017
MAGIX Music Maker

MAGIX Music Maker

The original for making music - now completely free. Making music with Music Maker has always been surprizingly easy. And now it's even free! Produce bright party hymns, massive trap or heavy hip hop beats with Music Maker!

  • Publisher: MAGIX Software GmbH
  • Home page: www.magix.com
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2022
ABBYY Lingvo Multilingual Edition

ABBYY Lingvo Multilingual Edition

ABBYY Lingvo Multilingual is a dictionary application for PC, delivering an ideal combination of language and software. It offers reliable and accurate translations,audio pronunciations of most common words recorded by native speakers, Lingvo tutor tool for memorizing words and much more

  • Publisher: ABBYY Software
  • Last updated: February 23rd, 2012
VCarve Desktop Trial Edition

VCarve Desktop Trial Edition

VCarve Desktop provide an intuitive software solution for cutting parts on a CNC Router. The software can import 2D designs from other programs but also provides a full set of drawing and editing tools. The toolpath options cover all typical 2D routing operations such as Profiling, Pocketing, Auto-Inlays and Drilling as well as 2.5D strategies such as V-Carving, Prism carving, etc.

  • Publisher: Vectric
  • Home page: www.vectric.com
  • Last updated: November 9th, 2015
Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is the most popular office package, featuring a word processor (MS Word), spreadsheet tool (MS Excel), presentation designer (MS PowerPoint), and database manager (MS Access). Latest versions of Office also comes with OneDrive for uploading and managing your files on the Cloud.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.microsoft.com
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2023