Sony content analysis turn off in Title/Summary

Symphony Content Analysis
Symphony is an extraordinary tool for organizing, analyzing, and reporting on text data. Whether you are analyzing and reporting on a few hundred or tens of thousands of paragraphs of text, Symphony is your time-saving solution that will help you glean the important insights from your client's data.
- Publisher: Active Java
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Sony Media Manager for PSP
Sony has provided a free solution to PSP download management with their PSP Media Manager software for PC. PSP Media Manager keeps your PSP download content (and any other files you want accessible to your PSP) neatly organized, and makes downloading from the PlayStation Store relatively simple. Don't look for a Mac version, though--there isn't one and it doesn't look like there ever will be.
- Publisher: Sony Creative Software Inc.
- Last updated: October 28th, 2008

Sony Picture Utility
Initial investigations indicate that the Sony Picture Utility is some kind of editing package included with Sony Digital Cameras.With This program you can add and edit images and you will discover many more features like video editing and slideshow maker.
- Publisher: Sony Corporation
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2010
Sony content analysis turn off in Description

Forecheck is the fast SEO Crawler Software that will speed up many of your daily tasks. Forecheck is an extremely powerful Website and SEO Analyzer that runs like a search engine crawler at lightning speed through any website. Reports give you detailed insights into relevant search engine factors.
- Publisher: cyberpromote
- Last updated: January 30th, 2018

WordStat is a highly advanced content analysis and text mining application. This application is suited whether you need text mining tools for fast extraction of themes and trends, or careful and precise measurement with state-of-the-art quantitative content analysis tools.
- Publisher: Provalis Research
- Last updated: April 28th, 2015 Synchronizer Synchronizer is a simple, neat, and handy application that lets you easily and quickly synchronize the content of two folders. One of the best things about this handy utility is that it can synchronize the contents of directories located on the local hard drives, on an external hard disk, on a network drive, or even on a remote FTP server.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

NetResident is a network content analysis application designed to monitor, store, and reconstruct a wide range of network events and activities, such as e-mail messages, Web pages, downloaded files, instant messages, and VoIP conversations. NetResident uses advanced monitoring technology to capture the data on the network.
- Publisher: TamoSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Web Info Extractor
Web Information Extractor is a powerful tool for web data mining and content extraction, content analysis. Just browse to the web page you are interesting and click what you want to define the extraction task, and run it as you want, or let it run automatically.
- Publisher: WebIESoft
- Last updated: July 29th, 2010
Additional Sony content analysis turn off selection

SportTracks is a GPS-integrated workout logging software for Windows PCs. Enjoy tracking your fitness goals in an easy-to-use tool and monitor weekly time & distance totals to prevent over-training. Also, it shows GPS routes with street, topo & satellite maps.
- Publisher: Zone Five Software LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

Concordance makes it easy to identify, organize and analyze case-critical information, providing the convenience of complete accessibility, anytime and anywhere. Regardless of time zone or location, your teams can easily search, review, produce and share documents across your firm or around the world.
- Publisher: LexisNexis
- Last updated: October 2nd, 2014

Spyware Doctor with Antivirus
Detection, blocking and removal of threats awarded top ratings by independent testing labs and recommended by reviewers worldwide. Advanced rootkit detection technology identifies and removes hidden threats from your PC. Memory Scanner helps eradicate threats lurking on your PC. Multi-layered browsing protection against web-based attacks including phishing attempts.
- Publisher: pcTools Inc
- Last updated: September 6th, 2010

Copy Changed Files
Copy Changed Files is intended to help you copy or move folders and files. Its particularity is that it provides a series of options that will allow you to customize the copying process. This application will specially take care of managing the process of copying different versions of the same file.
- Publisher: andromeda IT
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 12th, 2021

VDG Sense
VDG Sense is an innovative video management system. VDG Sense is created to fit in any kind of security environment and it can be expanded with intelligent video content analysis (VCA), adding huge value to collected video data. The program uses its available storage as efficiently as possible, by only recording data when the camera detects movement.
- Publisher: VDG Security
- Last updated: November 30th, 2016

Hold'em Partner
Hold'em Partner lets you play a variety of card games online. It includes strategy tools such as hand analysis, professional recommendations, number of outs, and over card percentages. It provide you with a very easy to use Card List window which opens up on the right side of your screen. The program also works with sites other that of the developer.
- Publisher: Net Results
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

T-LAB software is an all-in-one set of linguistic and statistical tools for content analysis and text mining. T-LAB uses a kind of text-driven automatic approach which allows meaningful patterns of words and themes to emerge. Various measures and several analysis methods can be applied.
- Publisher: T-LAB
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 22nd, 2016

Texas Hold'em Poker Software Companion calculates odds on the fly and includes: hand analysis, professional recommendations, number of outs, over card percentages, online poker tells, pocket card ranks, pocket card nicknames and much more.
- Publisher: Micro Application

TextQuest is program for the analysis of texts. It offers a varity of analyses, from a simple word list up to a content analysis or readability analysis. The menus use common defaults, so clicking the OK-button starts the analyis. A line counter in the left lower corner shows the progress of the selected analysis.
- Publisher: ocial Science Consulting
- Last updated: April 10th, 2012

It lets you quickly analyze the content of one or more files to find out how many words, fuzzy matches, repetitions, etc. there are, and even incorporate all this information into a quote. All the settings you need, from project templates and TMs to prices and precise settings for each language, can be predefined in goAnalyze and even assigned different customer profiles.
- Publisher: Kaleidoscope GesmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 31st, 2018