Sound card frequency counter in Title/Summary

Virtins Sound Card MultiInstrument
A powerful sound card based multi-function virtual instrument software. It contains Oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyzer, Multimeter, Frequency Counter.
- Publisher: Virtins Technology
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 14th, 2008

Word Frequency Counter
Word Frequency Counter calculates how many times a word appears in a document and in a list of given documents. Features - The user may specify whether letter case will be ignored. - The user may specify a list of stopwords to be omitted. - Data can be copied either as plain text or as HTML and MS Office Excel format.
- Publisher: Word Frequency Counter
- Last updated: December 13th, 2010

Virtins Sound Card Oscilloscope
Sound card based real time oscilloscope with sophisticated triggering method including pre-trigger and post-trigger which are generally missing from other sound card based instruments. It is a part of VIRTINS Multi-Instrument.
- Publisher: Virtins Technology
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Sound card frequency counter in Description

RoMac Basic Equalizer
The RoMac Basic Equalizer is a very basic and simple to use audio equalizer and easy to interface to your transceiver. Although it is very easy to use and setup, it has the same DSP engine as the RoMac 10 Band Equalizer and Receive Filter software. Using professional techniques such as audio equalization will enhance the audio quality of your signal.
- Publisher: RoMac Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 26th, 2012

TFD Scope
TFD Scope allows you to graph any signal read from the input of the sound card in real time. You can connect a Microphone, but as the input of the sound card has a left and right channel, you can read different signals, one signal per channel. The signals are shown in a time-domain graph as an oscilloscope and in a frequency-domain graph. You can change the amplitude and the time base.
- Publisher: AdroSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 25th, 2022

Speaker Workshop
Speaker Workshop 1.06 is a program to design loudspeakers in your PC. If your system has a plain sound card, you will also be able to test the designed speaker. You will be able to construct a loudspeaker circuit by including its different components (with values) into a chart. The program will then calculate the output that this system will produce.
- Publisher: Audua, Incorporated
- Last updated: March 26th, 2008

AML Easy Audio Record
AML Easy Audio Record is an easy to use tool to record audio from your sound card to MP3, OGG, WAV, WMA and MP4 formats. It can record files being played by other applications, multichannel sound cards, external USB audio cards and microphones, and supports several cards in the same system.
- Publisher: AML SOFT, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 7th, 2008
- Publisher: Brown Bear Software
- Last updated: June 15th, 2008
Additional Sound card frequency counter selection

Rife Generator
This application can turn your PC into a Rife Device. It generates signals in accordance with the theories of the researcher Royal Rife. It includes extensive scripting capabilities (Macros) and pulsed signals with variable duty cycle 1-99%. It provides frequencies 20Hz-22kHz (sine/square/triangle).
- Publisher: Timo Esser
- Last updated: April 9th, 2008

WiNRADiO Virtual Sound Card
WiNRADiO Digital Bridge Virtual Sound Card is a program designed to transfer digitized audio signal streams exclusively from the WiNRADiO G3-series receivers to other applications. This allows third-party applications, that normally rely on a standard sound card for signal input, obtain digital signal samples directly from the WiNRADiO G3-series receiver demodulators.
- Publisher: WiNRADiO Communications
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 29th, 2014

RoMac Sound Card Manager
RoMac Sound Card Management is a program that allows you you set up each of your apps that use a sound with its own individual levels for a sound card. The application is designed for amateur radio programs such as Echolink, WinDrm, SSTV, and PSK31. When you quit the selected program, the RoMac Sound Card Management utility will return all the sound card levels back to normal.
- Publisher: RoMac Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 7th, 2015

Virtins Sound Card Signal Generator
Signal generator and off-line oscilloscope, providing sine, square, triangle, saw tooth,white noise, pink noise, multi-tones, MLS, DTMF, music scale, arbitrary waveform generation including sweep function. It is a part of VIRTINS Multi-Instrument.
- Publisher: Virtins Technology
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 18th, 2020

Virtins Sound Card Spectrum Analyzer
Sound Card Spectrum Analyzer can turn your PC into a multi-function test and measurement instrument by using its built-in sound card as the ADC and DAC. It can be used to analyze amplitude spectrum, power spectrum, real time, octave, phase spectrum, correlation, frequency response measurement, distortion, noise, harmonics, etc. Additional sensors, transducers, ADC and DAC hardware, computers, etc.
- Publisher: Virtins Technology
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020

Reimage Repair Home Edition
Repairs the user's PC by eliminating viruses and Windows errors. Over 2 million downloads worldwide and counting. Comes with videos, FAQs, screenshots, logo, and box shot. High-performance network landing page ready-to-go.
- Publisher: Reimage Plus
- Last updated: November 5th, 2020

Letasoft Sound Booster
Letasoft Sound Booster can amplify sound of Windows applications including media players, games, browsers, and Skype. Sound from any application can be amplified up to 500%. It gives you a simple pop-up slider in the system-tray for easily changing the volume level.
- Publisher: Letasoft LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 28th, 2022

GoldWave has made a name in the professional audio editing field for the last two decades for all the right reasons – a comprehensive set of editing features, outstanding audio cleaning functions, superb waveform graphics, and simplicity of use. Its intuitive interface is the perfect wrapping for one of the most comprehensive catalogs of enhancing, cleaning, and editing tools available.
- Publisher: GoldWave Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 27th, 2024

Heroes of Hellas
You could classify this game in the puzzle category since you have to create chains of three or more identical objects to remove them from the game board. Some of the tiles conforming the game board are made of gold. You have to collect all of the gold tiles on the game board to complete the level. To do that, collect gold tiles by removing the objects on top of them.
- Publisher: Zylom Games
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 29th, 2009

3DP Chip
3DP Chip will enables you to enumerate devices and download the latest device drivers with few simple clicks. Problems with detecting your devices, finding device drivers to setup your system is worse than Blue screen of death. Everest and Aida32 doesn't provies you a device drivers and they are still heavy.
- Publisher: 3DP
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 27th, 2024