Spc page creator full in Title/Summary

Boxoft Free Flip Page Creator
Boxoft Flip Page Creator, a simple but useful freeware will help you do so! It is a document converter to create a digital book with page-flipping effect. It will help you to transfer simple text documents to vivid interactive flipping book with a personalized layout which can be designed by you!
- Publisher: Boxoft Co., Ltd
- Home page: www.boxoft.com
- Last updated: March 31st, 2018

Arles Image Web Page Creator
Arles Image Web Page Creator is a program that allows you to create online image galleries in seconds. The program generates thumbnails, modifies images and automatically creates HTML pages. It comes with the Arles Image Explorer to manage your images.
- Publisher: Digital Dutch
- Home page: www.digitaldutch.com
- Last updated: August 28th, 2013

Personal Home Page Creator
Create personal home pages easily and quickly with your favorite backgound pictures. Each page can have up to 30 links. And you can have up to ten personal home pages. Totally customizable. Background pictures resize to fit the browser window
- Publisher: Macro Systems
- Home page: www.add-ins.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Spc page creator full in Description

Media Web Page Creator 2001
Create web pages using your GIF, JPG, WAV, MID, MP3, AVI, and MPG files.
- Publisher: Computer Works
- Home page: yourcomputerworks.com
- Last updated: October 12th, 2009

Ad Page Creator
nto Google AdWords but finding it all a bit difficult? Then Ad Page Creator might just be the sort of software you've been looking for! It'll also help you uncover tons of keywords, many of which you've probably never seen before or ever thought about using in your own AdWords campaigns.
- Publisher: freebieads
- Last updated: February 6th, 2010

Blaze Audio ePodcast Creator Trial
This podcast software has more filters than any other program we reviewed, so if you are looking to clean up some audio or restore an old recording this is the best software for the job. It has notch, pop and click removers and a record cleaner as well as a low pass filter and a noise reducer. Of course it can also trim or add silences.
- Publisher: Blaze Audio
- Last updated: January 21st, 2010

AJScroller Creator
AJScroller is a versatile cross-browser, cross-platform DHTML scroller that can be configured to scroll vertically or horizontally. You can run multiple scrollers on the same page, with full dynamic control over each scroller. Full HTML syntax is supported.
- Publisher: NavSurf
- Last updated: December 20th, 2008

Scripture on Art
Create personalized Christian gifts with Scripture on Art - Windows-based Bible software for the Christian entrepreneur or ministry. Imagine being able to place any verse from the Bible on beautiful Christian art paper backgrounds, personalized with the person's name and two additional sentiment lines of your choosing.
- Publisher: Ken Kirkpatrick Software
- Last updated: June 2nd, 2011
Additional Spc page creator full selection

The Island - Castaway
You are traveling in a boat through the ocean, but the ship wrecks and you and other people get trapped on a desert island. Now, your goal is to survive and help the other members to do so by giving them the element they need to take advantage of their unique abilities to help the whole group.
- Publisher: G5 Games
- Home page: www.g5e.com
- Last updated: November 1st, 2011

HTML Kit software is a complete web page editor and creator for those HTML, XML and Script developers that desire to have many tools together in a single application. Page preview at the same time, displaying the inserted changes in code. The application can open multiple web page files. The split view of the editor allows the user to copy and paste code between two different page windows.
- Publisher: HTML-Kit
- Home page: www.htmlkit.com
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

ffDiaporama is an application for creating video sequences consisting of titles (fixed or animated), images or photos (fixed or animated), movie clips and music. These sequences are assembled into a slide show by means of transitions to produce complete videos.
- Publisher: The ffDiaporama Team
- Home page: ffdiaporama.tuxfamily.org
- Last updated: January 26th, 2013

Serif WebPlus
Visual web page creator. Uses wizards, drag 'n drop. Easy to use, eg. wysiwyg editing, single-click upload. Advanced features, eg. code editing, HTML 4.0 support. Includes fonts, GIFs, scripts, etc. Award winning. FREE. Registration required.
- Publisher: Serif, Inc.
- Home page: www.freeserifsoftware.com
- Last updated: January 4th, 2011

Trellian WebPage
Trellian WebPage is a standard HTML editor with basic features. Main Features: -Intuitive Interface. -Imports pages compatible with today's browsers. -Absolute positioning of HTML elements. -Color Highlighted HTML Editor. -Meta Tag editor. -Drag & drop interface. -Imports all major image formats including PNG & JPEG. -Support for current Internet technologies.
- Publisher: Trellian Limited
- Home page: www.trellian.com
- Last updated: September 3rd, 2015

EximiousSoft ePage Creator
EximiousSoft ePage Creator let you convert Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word, RTF and TXT documents to Flash&Html5 flipping eBooks or make PDF, EPub, Mobi etc. digital publications which can be viewed on any desktop and mobile devices and shared widely.
- Publisher: EximiousSoft
- Last updated: October 6th, 2014

The TextBlue Proximity Sender has been designed to be extremely easy to use and even includes a built in Business card and Digital Flyer creator, allows the user to turn their PC or Laptop into a very powerful Bluetooth Proximity Advertising System which will automatically send Bluetooth messages directly to all Bluetooth enabled mobile phones in the area.
- Publisher: Soft Service Company
- Home page: www.btframework.com
- Last updated: February 1st, 2013

Clarity Legal Viewer
Clarity Viewer is a transcript viewer application that opens Clarity Legal Transcript files. You can exchange a transcript file with another user that might not own the full version of DepoSmart, TrialSmart, or DocSmart. Also it has print options for margins, font size, condensed font size, index font size, cover page titles, full, condensed and index printing options.
- Publisher: Clarity Legal Software LLC
- Last updated: April 20th, 2018

Doorway Page Wizard Professional
Doorway Page Wizard generates several doorway pages proven to work with major search engines.Main features:- Easy to use Wizard Interface: Doorway Page Wizard takes you through easy steps to create effective Doorway pages. - it can create hundreds of doorway pages in a matter of minutes, a task if manually done will take many hours if not days to complete and a lot of hard work.
- Publisher: Doorway Page Wizard
- Last updated: July 31st, 2008

PCPhoto Kiosk
Process your digital photos in the comfort of your own home. Just like Photo Lab or Drug Store Kiosks, your first step is to select your images for printing. Once an image list is selected, the popup photo layout dialog gives you complete control over image selection, templates and filters using the built-in property sheet controls.
- Publisher: Ob1gui, Inc
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021