Spectral shaiya in Title/Summary

Shaiya Olympus
Shaiya Olympus is a free MMORPG game that allows you to test your skills against players from all over the world. It is a free private server that enables you to play Shaiya in an online environment, you can choose from various characters with unique special powers and join a team to defeat your enemies.
- Publisher: Shaiya Olympus
- Last updated: February 6th, 2014

Shaiya Phoenix
Shaiya Phoenix is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG that immerses players in a massive war between the forces of Light and Darkness. It allows players to quest for glory in solo or collaborative gaming, with many choosing to form powerful guilds capable of tackling some of the biggest and toughest monsters in the game.
- Publisher: Aeria Games & Entertainment
- Home page: shaiyaphoenix.aeriagames.com
- Last updated: June 28th, 2013

Aldrich Spectral Viewer
The Aldrich Spectral Viewer is an electronic reference book on CD-ROM that contains thousands of actual spectra from the Aldrich spectral libraries.This easy-to-use software program is more powerful than a printed book, allowing text and data field searching and the manipulation, printing, and exporting of spectra.
- Publisher: Sigma-Aldrich Co.
- Last updated: March 7th, 2011
Spectral shaiya in Description

Extremely user friendly design. Extensive online help gives step by step processing instructions as well as explanation of algorithms used. LogCruncher is integrated with Mt. Sopris/ALT acquisition and presentation software. Main Features : - Basic Log Processing - Sonic Log Processing - Nuclear Log Processing - Formation Evaluation - Flow Modeling
- Publisher: Mercury Geophysics
- Last updated: June 22nd, 2010

SoniqWare Demo
SoniqWare releases SG-1, a stereo noise reduction / spectral noise gate plugin with parametric control over noise profile, spectral resolution control and graphical editor.SoniqWare SG-1 is a professional stereo spectral noise gate packed with high-end features that you will find very useful for most noise reduction needs, including hum, hiss, vinyl, tape, or background noise reduction.
- Publisher: SoniqWare
- Home page: www.soniqware.com
- Last updated: June 5th, 2010

Find best Spectral Estimation Method for a Power Spectral Density plot. A menu of 10+ spectral estimators from Steve Kay's textbook 'Modern Spectral Estimation' 1988 is available to choose from. Some estimator results differ dramatically!
- Publisher: Optimal Designs Enterprise
- Home page: fortranCalculus.info
- Last updated: May 3rd, 2023

MMSSTV is an amateur radio (or ham radio) application aimed, of course, at those interested in radio techniques. With this SSTV (slow scan television) utility, images can be sent and received using a computer, a keying circuit and a ham radio. The ham radio can be VHF or HF.
- Publisher: JE3HHT - Makoto Mori
- Home page: hamsoft.ca
- Last updated: September 27th, 2010

Audio Suite
AudioSuite is comprised of mainly two different applications – a waveform audio editor, and a digital mixing desk. However, once inside these two main utilities you will find that AudioSuite is also an audio player, an audio analyzing tool, an audio recorder, or an audio cutter and trimmer, among a wide range of options and possibilities.
- Publisher: Glowing Coast Technology
- Home page: www.glowingcoast.co.uk
- Last updated: June 30th, 2011
Additional Spectral shaiya selection

Spectral Transformer for Landsat-8 imagery
Spectral Transformer for Landsat-8 imagery is an advanced image stretching and pan-sharpening application that allows users to easily and rapidly make colorful and detail-rich Landsat-8 imagery composite .The GUI tool has 2 simple button clicks for fast band combinations, image stretching and pan-sharpening of Landsat-8 imagery.
- Publisher: Geosage
- Home page: www.geosage.com
- Last updated: August 24th, 2016

Adobe Audition
Audition is a comprehensive toolset that includes multitrack, waveform, and spectral display for creating, mixing, editing, and restoring audio content. This powerful audio workstation is designed to accelerate video production workflows and audio finishing — and deliver a polished mix with pristine sound.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: July 31st, 2024

EPD2 Spectral
Thermo Scientific Easy EPD2 Utility Software is a comprehensive utility program for the EPD readers. Compatible with all Thermo Scientific EPD readers, the software may be used for simple issue and return of dosemeters, with read/write logging of data; also provides secure access to all dosemeter functions, offering the ability to set all parameters and carry out maintenance and diagnostic work.
- Publisher: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012

Adobe Audition CC
Developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated, Adobe Audition CC is a powerful audio processing tool capable of creating various, numerous, and qualitative audio content. It provides the user with the means to mix, record, and restore audio content, and therefore to deliver a top-notch product.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: October 18th, 2018

CambridgeSoft ENotebook
E-Notebook Ultra electronically organizes information that is typically stored in paper notebooks by incorporating MS Excel & Word, ChemDraw reactions, stoichiometry grids and spectral data.E-Notebook Ultra provides an easy-to-use interface designed to replace a paper laboratory notebook
- Publisher: CambridgeSoft Corporation
- Last updated: December 15th, 2010

DJ Audio Editor
The simplest way of editing an audio file is to look at it as a waveform, so you can detect at a glance every track, every volume variation, every artifact, etc. DJ Audio Editor opens in a graphical interface where the waveform of your audio track can take up nearly all the space available. This will help you edit and enhance your files with a long list of audio effects in the most intuitive way.
- Publisher: Program4Pc Inc.
- Home page: www.program4pc.com
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2021

MAGIX audio cleaning lab
MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab is a program designed for digitizing vinyl records and restoring audio recordings. You can easily record vinyl, cassettes and other media to your computer; remove hissing, crackling, wind noise and other disturbances using the 290+ presets available; convert audio files into any standard format and save them to CD, smartphone or hard drive, and more.
- Publisher: MAGIX AG
- Home page: www.magix.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Spectral Simplicity
If you are involved in the qualitative determine of unknown small molecules by mass spectrometry then Spectral Simplicity will do the following things for you: -Leverage the maximum qualitative power out of your instrument -Apply a powerful statistical methodology -Create a statistically valid conclusion from your data
- Publisher: Kisotopic Solutions

iZotope RX
iZotope RX is a very powerful application designed to help its users repair audio files. This program offers an impressive amount of handy functions like denoise, spectral repair, remove hum, declip etc. Moreover, the application provides multiple selection methods, thus helping you process only the song fragments that you are interested in.
- Publisher: iZotope, Inc.
- Last updated: April 18th, 2016

ILWIS Academic
When looking for a powerful tool to satisfy various needs regarding vectors, raster and satellite imagery, ILWIS Academic is a great choice. The program comes with useful features such as points to create maps, lines for segment maps, closed area segments for polygon maps, spatial operations for raster maps and so on.
- Publisher: ITC
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008