Spectro foobar in Title/Summary

FooBar is a toolbar that gives you an access to several useful tools. You can click on the available icons to access common tasks, such as opening documents, exploring folders, viewing calendars or launching programs. This program also allows you to create a list of reminders: you can tell the program to show you a note, play a sound, or run a program at a given date and time.
- Publisher: Ravi Bhavnani
- Home page: matrixsoftware.com
- Last updated: September 4th, 2012

MonkeyMote Foobar
MonkeyMote is a full-fledged wireless music remote control for your iOS and Android phones. It also lets you stream audio from your PC to your device. You can view and set song ratings, manage equalizer settings, etc. This application also allows you to set user-defined shake gesture actions.
- Publisher: Obsidium Software
- Last updated: August 24th, 2016

Spectro Signal Generator
Spectro Signal Generator provides you with the ability to generate a variety of static and sweep signals using your PC sound card. The signals that can be generated includes: sine, triangle, square, sawtooth and white noise. Amplitude and offset can also be adjusted. The program supports 16 Bit Rate and a sampling rates of 44.1 kHz.The software is compatible with Windows 2000 and XP.
- Publisher: nvhsoftware
- Last updated: October 6th, 2009
Spectro foobar in Description

TECHKON Spectro Connect
TECHKON SpectroConnect is a free program that displays all measurement values on the computer screen, which are transferred by SpectroJet via an USB connection. It also has support for devices such as Spectro Dens, Spectro Plate and Spectro Drive. All measurement values can be exported into other applications, such as Microsoft Excel.
- Publisher: TECHKON GmbH
- Home page: www.techkon.com
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2015

Barbieri Gateway
Barbieri Gateway allows you to drive a BARBIERI spectrophotometer for use in digital imaging applications. It supports Spectropad, Spectro Swing, and Spectro LFP instruments. This program is designed in a wizard like mode which guides you step-by-step through the measurement.
- Publisher: BARBIERI
- Home page: www.barbierielectronic.com
- Last updated: November 24th, 2015

AmoK Playlist Copy
AmoK Playlist Copy can read in a playlist and copy all contained files to a folder, MP3-Player, USB-Stick or whatsoever. In the target folder a new playlist is created or alternatively the files are numbered to keep the order of the playlist.
- Publisher: AmoK - The Art of Coding
- Last updated: November 19th, 2011

Desktop Album Display
A small desktop utility for your viewing and hearing pleasure. A program that allows you to place the covers of your favorite music albums on your desktop, and use them to launch your favorite media player. Media Player Support: - Winamp Player - Windows Media Player - Foobar 2000 Player - Apple iTunes - Media Monkey - musikCube Player (requires the playlist plugin)
- Publisher: JGaudencio
- Last updated: October 10th, 2009

Southern Lights
An easy to use tool that allows you to display the songs you are listening to in your favorite WinMX chat rooms. Main Features: * Support for displaying what’s playing from Winamp, iTunes, VLC, and foobar (with a plugin). * Support for sending currently playing information to WinMX, RoboMX, Metis, Nushi, Ouka, Rabbit, and ZCB. * Advanced color scripting abilities built in.
- Publisher: WinMXUnlimited
- Home page: winmxunlimited.net
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
Additional Spectro foobar selection

Spectro Frequency Analyzer
This program provides you with the ability to perform real-time FFT measurements using your PC or laptop sound card. The program computes the averaged auto power spectrum of the time signal recorded by a microphone, connected to the sound card. The Sampling Rate is 44.1 kHz and the program is 16 Bit supported. Spectro Frequency Analyzer is compatible with Windows 2000/Windows XP.
- Publisher: nvhsoftware
- Last updated: February 4th, 2010

Spectro Spectrum Analyzer
Spectro Spectrum Analyzer consists of a Frequency Analyzer and Octave Analyzer with the ability to perform real-time acoustic analysis on your PC with a sound card. The Frequency Analyzer computes the averaged auto power spectrum using RMS or peak hold averaging with a linear or exponential weighting. The program is compatible with Windows 2000/Windows XP.
- Publisher: nvhsoftware
- Last updated: December 8th, 2009

Spectro Octave Analyzer
Spectro Octave Analyzer software provides you with the ability to perform octave measurements using your PC or laptop sound card. The program computes, in real-time, the averaged 1 octave and 1/3 octave spectrum recorded by a microphone, connected to the sound card. RMS or peak hold analysis can be performed with linear or exponential averaging, applying the most popular window functions.
- Publisher: nvhsoftware
- Last updated: December 20th, 2009

Spectro VNA
This unique spectrographic analysis allows engineers to see the characteristics of reflections in both time and frequency simultaneously. Standard VNA software shows magnitude as a function of frequency, but includes all reflections. Traditional time domain packages show individual reflections, but obscure what is happening in the frequency domain.
- Publisher: Constant Wave

Spectro Lite
Spectro Lite introduces the user to the power of High Definition Spectrographic Analysis. The unique capabilities of Spectro Lite give the engineer new and powerful tools for visualizing and identifying signal behavior. Spectro Lite is one ot the best in industry spectrogram image generation through “High Definition” signal processing.
- Publisher: Constant Wave
- Last updated: April 27th, 2010

VeriColor Spectro
VeriColor is a complete system that features a programmable hub to interface with up to six sensors. This automated online quality control system provides non-contact measurement and continuous reporting. Easy to operate, the system works on virtually any material and in the harshest production environments, offering comparisons to specific standards or absolute measurements.
- Publisher: X-Rite

ASIO Proxy for foobar2000
foobar2000 is an audio player for the Windows platform. ASIO Proxy for foobar2000 provides ASIO (Audio Stream Input/Output) output support. Now, this is required to be installed for those systems where ASIO is the only method of output. It is recommended to use the default output modes instead of ASIO since there are no benefits from using ASIO.
- Publisher: Maxim V.Anisiutkin
- Last updated: November 6th, 2013

Brm Bluetooth Remote
With Brm Bluetooth Remote you can control your Windows PC from a Java ME enabled cell phone. Both server (the PC part) and the client (on your phone) are lightweight and powerful. Currently supported: Powerpoint, iTunes, Winamp, Foobar, other media players and remote keyboard + mouse.
- Publisher: Matúš Blade Koprda
- Last updated: April 18th, 2011

RTGRAM is a free program for displaying a real-time scrolling spectrographic display of an audio signal. With RTGRAM you can monitor the spectro-temporal characteristics of sounds being played into the computer's microphone or line input ports. RTGRAM is optimised for speech signals and has options for different sampling rates, analysis bandwidths, temporal resolution and colour maps.
- Publisher: UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences
- Home page: www.phon.ucl.ac.uk
- Last updated: September 15th, 2011

OscilloSpectroXpro gives to your pc the functions of an audio spectrum analyzer and numeric oscilloscope for audio control. The program can be used for: acoustic measurement, sound analysis, sound system settings and control, the maintenance of recording devices, electronics, telecommunication and all the domains where computers and audio devices are connected.
- Publisher: AragonSoft
- Home page: www.aragonsoft.com
- Last updated: September 5th, 2014