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Spectrum microwave cascade in Title/Summary

Spectrum Microwave CASCADE

Spectrum Microwave CASCADE

Spectrum Microwave CASCADE is a software which allows the engineers to select the RF/Microwave components and predict system performance. The program will also combine amplifier building blocks to satisfy specifications that single stage amplifiers cannot.

  • Publisher: Scillasoft Consulting
  • Last updated: March 12th, 2011


CST MWS enables the fast and accurate analysis of high frequency (HF) devices such as antennas, filters, couplers, planar and multi-layer structures and SI and EMC effects. Exceptionally user friendly, CST MWS quickly gives you an insight into the EM behavior of your high frequency designs.

  • Publisher: CST Computer Simulation Technology AG
  • Home page: www.cst.com
  • Last updated: June 21st, 2011
AWR Microwave Office

AWR Microwave Office

Microwave Office RF/microwave design software is the industry's fastest growing microwave design platform.Microwave Office offers unparalleled intuitiveness, powerful and innovative technologies, and unprecedented openness and interoperability, enabling integration with best-in-class tools for each part of the design process.

  • Publisher: AWR Corporation
  • Last updated: November 4th, 2010

Spectrum microwave cascade in Description



Microwaves is a physics simulation model dealing with microwaves. It shows how a microwave affects molecules in food and drinks to produce heat. You can change the microwave's frequency and amplitude, and each change there causes a microwave move differently, thus agitating molecules in different ways.

  • Publisher: University of Colorado
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2011
Balthisar Cascade

Balthisar Cascade

The long anticpated successor/companion to the well-known, greatly respected 'WebWarrior Cascade' is here. If need CSS Level 2 support, then 'Balthisar Cascade' is your *only* choice in creating fabulous stylesheets! Its basic interface is similar to that of 'WebWarrior Cascade,' and 'Balthisar Cascade' does so much more... like applying your stylesheet to existing HTML pages; previewing HTML/CSS in your default browser; and of course, CSS Level 2! (This is still a beta product - the link will *always* download thelatest and greatest version).

  • Publisher: Balthisar Software
  • Home page: www.balthisar.com
  • Last updated: March 10th, 2008
Cascade Screensaver

Cascade Screensaver

Cascade Screensaver will bring a relaxing waterfall to your desktop. Imagine being in the middle of a lush tropical forest. Everything around you is covered with different shades of green. Rocks with moss, trees with leaves and hanging vanes, and more. Then, in front of you, you find a beautiful cascade, flowing through the rocks and vegetation.

Genesys SP1

Genesys SP1

Easy-to-use and easy-to-learn, Genesys is the low-cost, high-performance integrated electronic design automation software for RF/microwave circuit board and subsystem designers. Fastest system architecture and frequency planning tools and the industry’s widest coverage of RF/microwave circuit synthesis capabilities cut manual design time from hours to minutes.

  • Publisher: Agilent Technologies, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011
RF Wizard

RF Wizard

RF Wizard is a powerful smith chart and scattering parameters-based design system which simplifies the matching-networks design phase of any r.f. or microwave amplifier design.

  • Publisher: RF Tool Co
  • Home page: www.rftoolco.com
  • Last updated: December 19th, 2014

Additional Spectrum microwave cascade selection



Spectra 5.0.5

  • Publisher: Micro Air Corp
  • Last updated: May 10th, 2011


Spectrum is a combination of Zen Income Tax, Zen e- TDS, Zen Balance Sheet, Zen Service Tax, Zen Project Report / CMA, Zen Form Manager & Zen e- AIR. Features Computation of Income and tax thereon taking care of statutory deductions, Set off of losses, Clubbing of Minor's income, Rebates etc. Automatic as well as manual calculation of interest u/s 234A, 234B & 234C.

Spectrum Lab

Spectrum Lab

Spectrum Lab is a program that helps you analyze the spectrum of an audio signal via the PC's soundcard. You can observe how the spectrum changes over the time by a "waterfall" display, perform n-th order audio filtering in real-time, plot data which have been calculated by signal analysis functions and more.

  • Publisher: DL4YHF
  • Home page: www.qsl.net
  • Last updated: December 11th, 2020
Spectrum Analyzer Pro Live

Spectrum Analyzer Pro Live

Spectrum Analyzer Pro Live is a sophisticated piece of software that turns your computer into a modern, State-of-The-Art spectrum analyzer. This application is able to give you features that go far beyond the possibilities of any stand-alone hardware unit.

  • Publisher: PAS-Products
  • Last updated: December 23rd, 2009
Cascade DTP

Cascade DTP

Cascade DTP is a new kind of web page composition tool that harnesses the powerful features of cascading style sheet (CSS) layout and formatting commands. Until recently, web designers were forced to use HTML tables as a means of controlling the position of page elements. But since the launch of IE5, Netscape 6 and later browsers, over 95% of web users can now view pages written using CSS. Unfortunately, most of the major web editing packages still incorporate CSS tools as an add-on, which causes confusion and discourages a break with the compromises of the past. Cascade DTP is different. Nearly all its functions are based entirely on the CSS layout model. The result is far cleaner code and much enhanced control over positioning and typography. This typically means pages download quicker because it is no longer necessary to convert text to images in order to give headings and logos the desired look.

  • Publisher: Price Media
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Spectrum Analyzer pro Lab

Spectrum Analyzer pro Lab

As its name implies, it is a spectrum analyzer. Features: Basic Module - Wave recording for the line in and the mic input - Mp3 player to analyze Mp3 files (Mp2, atx) - Two Peak Level Labels that give you control of the highest amplitude - Peak hold option - Generator leveling calibrated to 1/100 of a dB. - Mp3/Wave Tools etc.

  • Publisher: PAS-Products
  • Last updated: May 29th, 2011
Body Spectrum

Body Spectrum

How does the blackbody spectrum of the sun compare to visible light? Learn about the blackbody spectrum of the sun, a light bulb, an oven, and the earth. Adjust the temperature to see the wavelength and intensity of the spectrum change. View the color of the peak of the spectral curve.

  • Publisher: University of Colorado
  • Last updated: May 14th, 2008
Cisco Spectrum Expert

Cisco Spectrum Expert

Cisco Spectrum Expert is a program that addresses the problem of RF interference in wireless networks. With Cisco Spectrum Expert your business can detect, classify, locate and mitigate sources of wireless interference to optimize network performance for mobility applications.

  • Publisher: Cisco Systems, Inc.
  • Home page: www.cisco.com
  • Last updated: August 26th, 2011
Spectrum Viewer

Spectrum Viewer

Spectrum Viewer reads and displays XY-plots (up to 4000 in one go) on an XY-graph or as a 2D intensity plot. You can set a lot of parameters to make Spectrum Viewer read your file flawlessly. For an idea of which text files the program is able to read, look here, here, here, there, to this and to that.

  • Publisher: TU/e
  • Last updated: January 20th, 2010
Aaronia AG - LCS Spectrum Analyzer

Aaronia AG - LCS Spectrum Analyzer

The LCS - Software does not possess a typical Windows - installation assistant. It is copied simply from the CD and pasted into any folder. It is a real-Time remote control with any Spectran Spectrum Analyzer. Supports a Pre-Compliance limits displays like EN55011, EN55022 etc. incl. bar display.

  • Publisher: B FileDescription
  • Last updated: February 22nd, 2012