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Spotter for sniper elite in Title/Summary

Sniper Elite

Sniper Elite

Sniper Elite is an action game developed by Rebellion. With this game you will be back to the Second World War. Plot: You are an American soldier and you will have to infiltrate in the enemy ranks and get the vital information that is needed by your superiors. As you are a sniper the rifle will be your weapon.

SMTP Spotter

SMTP Spotter

With the problems of SPAM, most ISPs now block SMTP relay, that is, the ability to send email from anywhere back through your server to wherever you want. SMTP Spotter solves that by finding a local valid SMTP server that will allow you to send mail

Spotter Network Client

Spotter Network Client

Spotter Network Client is an very powerful program developed by Spotter Network Inc. Software is provided "as is," and SpotterNetwork Inc. (NFP) disclaims any and all warranties, whether express or implied, including (without limitation) any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Spotter for sniper elite in Description

LFS PitSpotter

LFS PitSpotter

The LFS PitSpotter mod is a small utility that plays the role of a pit spotter while you are racing. The spotter can let you know where a car is, so you have a complete situational awareness. This mod is specially useful for all the drivers that like oval racing.

  • Publisher: kegetys
  • Last updated: October 14th, 2008
Sniper Assault

Sniper Assault

You are the best among elite Sniper gunmen. You can prove that right here on a Sniper Assault mission.Your job? Simple. Shoot as many terrorists as possible in 60 seconds. Be fast, be precise. Your motto, one bullet, one kill. Go out there and show them down. You are the ace and let them feel that.

Terrorist Takedown Covert Operations

Terrorist Takedown Covert Operations

You're in command of an elite Special Forces unit, and it's time for action! Your mission seems simple: to rescue the hostages. But faulty reconaissance turns it into a desperate fight for survival. To win this fight, you'll have to fight hand-to-hand, use explosives to blow your enemies sky-high, and silently execute them at extreme range in sniper mode.

SAS Secure Tomorrow

SAS Secure Tomorrow

SAS Secure Tomorrow is FPS game developed by City Interactive. A perfectly organized terrorist group has rescued their leader from a high security prison. Now, SAS steps in. At the time, nobody expected the situation would get so much out of hand. Join the elite military formation and support them in the fight against terrorism.

Riders Revisited

Riders Revisited

Features: - more population points - increased ressources/minute (fast gameplay) - AI little more aggressive - new infantry units for every race (e.g. buildable Elite Sniper, Airbourne, ...) - new artillery/vehicles/tanks for all races - retextured nearly every unit - Heavy Machinery like the Pershing more often buildable.

  • Publisher: Riders Modding
  • Home page: www.moddb.com
  • Last updated: April 14th, 2010

Additional Spotter for sniper elite selection



Counter-Strike 1.6 is one of the most famous shooting games that can be played over internet o a normal LAN. It is a MOD(ification) of Half-Life that is set in a teamplay, you can choose to be a terrorist or a counter-terrorist. Warning: this great game is very addictive! You’ll download it in a few minutes and you’ll be playing it in less!

Elite Unzip

Elite Unzip

Elite Unzip is a program for creating and extracting archive files; it has support for over 20 file formats. This application downloads onto your computer in two parts: one for your desktop, and one for your browser. They both work together to make packing and unpacking archive files easy.

  • Publisher: Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 23rd, 2022
PDF Converter Elite

PDF Converter Elite

PDF Converter Elite is more than its name implies. Besides helping you convert your PDF documents to a wide variety of file formats, this program also enables you to open and read PDFs, to print them directly from the app's interface, and even to search text content within the imported documents.

Elite Proxy Switcher

Elite Proxy Switcher

Elite Proxy Switcher is an application which can help you change your IP. This is a very useful tool for situations when you don't want to reveal your true identity over the Internet. The IP acts like an identity card, so when you visit websites, their owners may block your access for different reasons. You can trick them by hiding your real traits behind a proxy.

  • Publisher: My-Proxy
  • Last updated: May 20th, 2022
HotSpot Shield Elite Toolbar

HotSpot Shield Elite Toolbar

HotSpot Shield Elite Toolbar allows you to hide your IP. The browser has been made with one purpose in mind: while you browse, you want to leave no traces. With a click of a button the toolbar will change the settings of your browser and automatically will fill the proxy field with a new IP.

  • Publisher: HotSpot Shield Elite
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2022
Sniper - Art of Victory

Sniper - Art of Victory

In Sniper - Art of Victory you take part in the turning points of the WW II. Become a sharpshooter and take part in the turning points of the WW II. Eliminate the Nazi general, who came to support the Germans lying siege to Stalingrad. Make your way through areas occupied by the Third Reich to your unit.

KChess Elite

KChess Elite

KChess Elite is an educational chess program that allows you to learn how to play chess in an interactive way. You can play against the computer or watch the computer play against itself. If you are a beginner you should first watch the computer play, so you can learn from its moves.

  • Publisher: ARK ANGLES
  • Last updated: March 10th, 2008
Roulette Sniper

Roulette Sniper

Roulette Sniper will make you win roulette over and over. Check it out. 100% Risk free, and free to try. If you are not a raper of the roulette table and taking home serious killer cash, then you need roulette sniper right now. This is the #1 roulette strategy available today. Even the copy-cats can't compete. They can't even copy it to be the same. Players are winning $4000 per day.

PV Elite

PV Elite

PV Elite is a complete solution for the quick and intuitive design of new pressure vessels and it also evaluates and re-rates existing vessels, including Fitness for Service analysis. The program considers the whole vessel, addressing all of the wall thickness rules and stress analysis requirements for vertical towers, horizontal vessels and heat exchangers.

  • Publisher: COADE, Inc
  • Last updated: December 11th, 2013
Myibidder Auction Bid Sniper for eBay

Myibidder Auction Bid Sniper for eBay

Myibay eBay bid sniper is Free for web-based usage, but if you want to track, manage and snipe your auctions using a stand-alone Windows-based software then you can buy this software.This software works with your account on Myibidder directly so all snipes will be done using Myibidder remote server.