Sprint layout language file in Title/Summary

Sprint-Layout is a software program developed to help customers design and edit printed circuit board layouts while providing the means to create single-sided, double-sided, or multilayer PCB-Printed Circuit Board. With Footprint-Wizard, users can create unique footprints components, either by specifying the footprint-type, or the parameters.
- Publisher: ABACOM
- Home page: www.abacom-online.de
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2012

Language File Editor
Introducing the Kajona Language File Editor, we want to provide a graphical application to edit and manage the text-files of a Kajona installation. Kajona itself is a free Content Management Framework. The editor provides functions to edit already existing language-entries, to create new entries, and to create and manage entries in different languages.
- Publisher: Kajona
- Home page: www.kajona.de
- Last updated: March 7th, 2012

Sprint Cars Road to Knoxville
Sprint Cars - Road to Knoxville is an entertaining racing game in which you are a professional driver and you must race at speeds of over 140 MPH on dirt. In the game you compete on more than 20 different tracks including Dodge City, Eldora, Williams Grove and world-famous Knoxville Raceway.
- Publisher: BigAnt Studios
- Home page: store.steampowered.com
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008
Sprint layout language file in Description

BMW M3 Challenge
The BMW M3 Challenge is a game to promote the BMW M3 Coupe. BMW teamed up with 10Tacle Studios to release a modified version of the GTR framework for this. The game includes the M3 car and the Nurburgring race track. You can race in single player or multi-player mode. It is a good solid package that you can get for free.
- Publisher: 10TACLE STUDIOS AG
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

gbXML is a graphical interface for building XML-formatted language definition files that can be used by CodeMax, a powerful editor control released by WinMain. The CodeMax control distribution includes samples of language definition files, but provides no mechanism for creating the files. Users must create the files manually using a text editor.
- Publisher: Gary Beene's Information Centers
- Home page: www.garybeene.com
- Last updated: October 27th, 2011
- Publisher: OAK PANHA
- Last updated: August 6th, 2011

With UnMakeSIS you can easily see which files are packed into the .sis file. Since it also recreates the .pkg file you will even be able to know what does happen when the file is installed on the mobile phone. Main features: - Displays ALL Files embedded in the .sis, also every Language file is displayed - Displays the Name of the App in the sis file according to the chosen Language
- Publisher: Atz-Soft
- Last updated: November 20th, 2009

IconSort is a small utility that can store/restore the position of the icons in the desktop of Windows. IconSort is very useful if you changes frequently between different video resolutions or if your icons simply gets ramdomly disorder. IconSort is free and Open Source.
- Publisher: Minimal Software
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008
Additional Sprint layout language file selection

Nepali Unicode Traditional Layout
Nepali, or Devangan, is the official language of Nepal, and is also spoken in Bhutan and India.This free Unicode keyboard layout lets you write in Nepali directly, without the need of combining characters. It comes in a compressed file, which makes it very fast to download and easy to instal.
- Publisher: Language Technology Kendra
- Home page: ltk.org.np
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2008

Typeit! is a language editor especially designed to help users type and edit documents in the Malayalam language, one of the four major Dravidian languages of Southern India. The application includes all the functions of other editing tools and proves to be very easy to use by both beginners and advanced computer users.
- Publisher: LEO Softwares
- Last updated: July 29th, 2020

Aml Maple
Aml Maple can help you type when you need to frequently switch your keyboard language layout. The program works unobtrusively from the System Tray, but you know that it is running not only because of the icon there but also because there will be a small flag next to the cursor to show the current active language.
- Publisher: G&G Software
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

File Commander is a 32 bit text mode file manager and shell that allows you to locate, copy, move, delete, view, edit and execute your files in a quick, convenient and customizable manner.It's main display provides dual directory view panels that may serve as source and destination of a copy or move operation or just two different views of your files.
- Publisher: Michael Vinther
- Last updated: June 23rd, 2018

FlightCheck Professional
FlightCheck Professional verifies the critical elements in your job including colors, fonts and images. A must-have for graphic designers, printers, service bureaus and publishers; it dramatically improves your workflow, throughput and bottom line.
- Publisher: MindVision Software
- Last updated: February 17th, 2008

Touch-It Virtual Keyboard
Touch-It Virtual Keyboard is a powerful set of tools to build and use on screen keyboards. You can type right away using the preset layouts or create your own from scratch using the Designer. It provides support for any language including East Asian's and you can drive third apps by automation, messages or callback.
- Publisher: Chessware SA
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Net Profiles
With Net Profiles, mobile computing becomes a whole lot easier. It eliminates the need to manually reconfigure your network settings when you move your desktop/laptop computer to another location. Once a profile is created, Net Profiles can configure your IP settings, proxy settings, mapped drives, default printer, wallpaper, and screen resolution with a click of a button.
- Publisher: Daniel Milner
- Home page: code.google.com
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2011

Foxit PhantomPDF Standard
Foxit PhantomPDF Standard is a program for editing, generation, and management of PDF documents. It lets you create and edit PDF documents and fillable forms. You can also rearrange pages, add headers, footers, and watermarks, and export PDF to other formats.
- Publisher: Foxit Corporation
- Home page: www.foxitsoftware.com
- Last updated: May 20th, 2021

Language Manager
Language Manager is a freely distributed utility meant for language files creating, translating and for creating of resource DLLs. Language file is a file in a special format that contains strings to be translated .The language files contain the translations you made.
- Publisher: Korzh
- Last updated: June 24th, 2014
- Publisher: NEOGIE
- Last updated: March 14th, 2008