Spyware doctor 30 day trial in Title/Summary

PC Tools Spyware Doctor with AntiVirus
PC Tools Spyware Doctor with AntiVirus detects and stops the latest and most malicious forms of viruses and spyware. Integrating multiple layers of protection, it stops and blocks these types of malware. With the new Scam Alerts, you're covered against the latest cybercrime schemes.
- Publisher: PC Tools
- Last updated: November 13th, 2012

Spyware Doctor
pyware Doctor's advanced IntelliGuard technology only alerts users of a true spyware detection. This means you won’t be interrupted by cryptic questions every time you install software, add a site to your favorites or change your PC settings. Messages like these can be confusing and lead to undesirable outcomes such as inoperable programs.
- Publisher: PC Tools
- Last updated: September 28th, 2011

Spyware Doctor with Antivirus
Detection, blocking and removal of threats awarded top ratings by independent testing labs and recommended by reviewers worldwide. Advanced rootkit detection technology identifies and removes hidden threats from your PC. Memory Scanner helps eradicate threats lurking on your PC. Multi-layered browsing protection against web-based attacks including phishing attempts.
- Publisher: pcTools Inc
- Last updated: September 6th, 2010
Spyware doctor 30 day trial in Description

21 Solitaire
If you are a solitaire fan, you will fall in love with this game. 21 Solitaire is a collection of 7 solitaire card games Blackjack based. You have to make Blackjack hands, which sums 21 in value. These games, blend in an amazing way, solitaire with Blackjack. You can follow your statistics for each game like number of games played, average score, and your ten best scores for each game and so on.
- Publisher: Goodsol Development Inc.
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

SoftwareKey Trial Creator
Windows 32-bit software developers can use SoftwareKey Trial Creator, a freeware program, to create fully-functional 30-day trial versions of their software program without modifying a line of source code.
- Publisher: Concept Software, Inc.
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Advanced Email Locator
Advanced Email Locator is a helpful and easy to use piece of software designed for processing email addresses to obtain detailed information, such as country of email address registration (state for USA only), code, initial string, domain owner's name, address and so on. Apart from this geographical segmentation, the application has another special feature.
- Publisher: Tweak Marketing Inc.
- Last updated: April 20th, 2008

TextMaster Split And Join is a file cutter and joiner clearly designed to be used in conjunction with your e-mail client. The idea behind this tool is that you can divide your big files into smaller pieces so that you can then attach them to an e-mail (or a series of e-mails) directly from this application.
- Publisher: EXNP Inc.
- Home page: www.textmaster.ca
- Last updated: April 14th, 2012

With Webstyle 4 you can rapidly and easily enhance or edit your photos to give the final touch to your web pages. Each created design offers dissimilar layouts so you are able to rapidly produce perfect sites, complete with all their artwork and navigation.
- Publisher: Xara Group Limited
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Additional Spyware doctor 30 day trial selection

With Spotify, seamlessly listen to music you love. Grow your career while keeping your music at the center. With Spotify for Artists, you can amplify your reach, serve up videos, build pre-release hype, and sell merch and tickets – right where streaming happens.
- Publisher: Spotify AB
- Last updated: December 27th, 2024

DAEMON Tools Pro
DAEMON Tools Pro provides multiple virtual DVD drives where you can mount images of optical discs. It can also grab images from physical discs and save into various formats. DAEMON Tools can create Dynamic and Fixed virtual hard disks where you can store your files. TrueCrypt containers provide password-encryption for additional security.
- Publisher: Disc Soft Ltd.
- Home page: www.daemon-tools.cc
- Last updated: May 4th, 2023

Quiz Builder ( 15-day Trial )
Quiz Builder enables you to create educational quizzes in Flash(SWF) format that can be used on a website, as standalone EXE file or Word document. Create your quizzes by typing up to eight different kinds of questions, each with its own point system, accompanying graphics, and feedback.
- Publisher: Tanida Software
- Last updated: February 9th, 2012

EULA Magic - 7 Day TRIAL
EULA Magic is a utility designed to make shareware production, security, and sales appeal more effective. EULA magic allows you to browse for the necessary files and offers the option on enforcing portability of VB6 references. EULA Magic offers a choice of recurrent or once off license display with multiple article options for securing clauses in licenses that may contain errors.
- Publisher: FieldCraft
- Last updated: April 29th, 2012

Foxit Advanced PDF Editor
Foxit Advanced PDF Editor offers you many more functions than that its name may imply. It not only edits existing PDF files, but it can also help you organize them and create new ones. It comes with an extra set of interesting tools to search and replace text across documents, merge PDF files, or identify text that has been scanned into a PDF file (OCR support).
- Publisher: Foxit Corporation
- Last updated: February 13th, 2013

Magic Video Converter
Magic Video Converter is a multi-format video conversion tool for Windows. The application is able to process all the popular video formats and has the ability to convert multiple media files simultaneously. It also allows you to split, crop, and merge videos, and includes a DVD burner. MVC presents a simple user interface that lets you process your media files without any difficulty.
- Publisher: Magic Video Software Inc.
- Last updated: July 30th, 2013

BroadCam Video Streaming Server
BroadCam Video Streaming Server lets you stream video over the Internet or the local network. The tool can broadcast not only prerecorded clips but also live signal from your webcam or any other IP camera. The program has a straightforward interface and its use does not demand any previous experience.
- Publisher: NCH Software
- Home page: www.nchsoftware.com
- Last updated: November 16th, 2016

Stretch - 7 Day Trial
Stretch is currently the only personal development tool on the market based on methods recommended by peer reviewed literature for producing true speed reading results. Stretch extends the enormously successful flash-card technique from one word to two or more words to increase the size of clause that can be taken in at a glance.
- Publisher: FieldCraft
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011

AppCobra 30 Day Trial
AppCobra is designed to let you create iPhone / iPad / iPad 2 / iPod Touch, Android, HP webOS, BlackBerry, and/or Windows Mobile based apps. Use a range of mobile and touch device features, including Geolocation, Acceleration, Swiping, and much more. Test your apps almost instantly on your own mobile device.
- Publisher: Kookaburra Studios Pty Ltd

Registry Workshop
Registry Workshop is a registry editor for Windows. This program allows you to make specific changes to a number of programs and settings within the Windows operating system. Like RegEdit, the registry editing program that comes with Windows, Registry Workshop assists you in making changes to your system’s registry files.
- Publisher: TorchSoft
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022