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Sqlite html report in Title/Summary

HTML Report

HTML Report

The HTML Report Engine is a .NET class library which helps in generating well formatted HTML reports. It can take any DataSet as its report source. Reports can have sectional data contents and bar charts. Though this HTML report engine utility has only limited number of features, it can produce awesome reports with no complex designing and coding work involved.

  • Publisher: Ambalavanar Thirugnanam
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2011
BGT Report Writer

BGT Report Writer

Features: - Easy to use. - No necessity for user to know HTML. - Basic functionality, but allowing users to do their own HTML if they liked. - Easy organization and tracking of reports. - Generates very clean HTML. While all source code is included with the installation by default, this is not an open source project.

  • Publisher: BackpackGearTest
Uplinx Report Tool

Uplinx Report Tool

The Uplinx® Report Tool for Cisco Unified Communications saves you time by automatically producing customized professional reports in HTML, Excel, CSV, Windows Help and Microsoft Word in minutes. Reports can be also produced from the command line and scripted to allow scheduled or repetitive execution such as nightly report generation.

  • Publisher: Uplinx Software Pty Ltd.
  • Last updated: December 25th, 2015

Sqlite html report in Description



spAnalyzer is a tool which provides analysis of text report files generated by Oracle Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) and STATSPACK tools. spAnalyzer produces HTML report that contains performance tuning tips and hints which are based on performance data containing in AWR or STATSPACK text report.

  • Publisher: spViewer Software
  • Last updated: August 24th, 2022


With PekiLine :- your translated words are stored to a local text file (XML) to a later learning - translated words are grouped to chapters - selected item can be opened to the Google Dictionary word page anywhere for detail information or to listen a pronunciation. - you can modify all text information in your vocabulary as you like.

AnalogX LinkExaminer

AnalogX LinkExaminer

AnalogX LinkExaminer is a link checker, it goes through each and every page and parses the HTML in order to extract the links existing on the page. While it's parsing the page, it can also perform other checks; from simple tasks like extracting the page title, to SEO analysis, to more advanced tasks like identifying pages with high similarity to other pages.

  • Publisher: AnalogX
  • Home page: www.analogx.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020


MetarWeather allows you to obtain weather information from METAR reports. Either from the web, by typing the METAR code, or by reading text files, the program is able to decode information and display its content in a grid report including visibility, wind speed, temperature, and more. Besides, you can generate a HTML reports and copy the information to the clipboard.

  • Publisher: Nir Sofer
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


SDLXLIFF Compare is a compact and fast tool used for comparing SDL XLIFF files and display the comparison results in an XML/HTML report. The comparison report is formatted in a way that simplifies the understanding of what changes were made from one version of the file to the other, whether it is textual content or segment status modifications.

  • Publisher: SDL plc.
  • Last updated: January 20th, 2014

Additional Sqlite html report selection



Easislides is a small presentation program that helps you present and project lyrics, prayers or any other texts, including ones written by yourself. The projection can be made in two different languages simultaneously, which makes this software very useful especially in an international meeting. The program can also be used to project lyrics for the church chorus.

Diagnostic Tool for the Microsoft VM

Diagnostic Tool for the Microsoft VM

The Diagnostic Tool for the Microsoft VM can be used to scan one or more computers to detect the presence of MSJVM (Microsoft Java Virtual Machine) and MSJVM-related software. The automated wizard can scan the drives of a local computer and one or more remote computers, as well as URLs on the internet. Ultimately, the diagnostic tool outputs an HTML report detailing its findings.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: February 17th, 2010
Query Reporter

Query Reporter

Query Reporter is an easy-to-use freeware tool to create and run HTML reports from the results of a SQL query against an Oracle database. You can refine the layout by specifying colors, fonts, alignment, formats, sums, headers, backround, margins and so on. From a simple query, you can define tabular, break, and master/detail reports.



Quickly create HTML reports of multiple folders, listing file properties,IPTC fields of JPEG images and metadata associated with MS Office, StarOfice, OpenOffice.org, Visio, XMP Adobe document, Windows 2K or PDFfiles. Export into HTML, XML, CSV, Word

NirSoft ServiWin

NirSoft ServiWin

NirSoft ServiWin is an utility that displays the list of installed drivers and services on your system. It allows you to easily stop, start, restart, pause, and continue service or driver, change the startup type of service or driver, save the list of services and drivers to file, or view HTML report of installed services/drivers in your default browser.

  • Publisher: Nir Sofer
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2015
Printer Usage Monitor

Printer Usage Monitor

Printer Usage Monitor features centralized auditing of print activity on a network of Windows NT/2000 servers (shared printers only), built-in reporting tool with 43 reports provided, additional user reports can be added on fly and reports can be printed, exported or emailed.

  • Publisher: EZ Delphi
  • Home page: www.ez-delphi.com
  • Last updated: December 10th, 2009


TOPALi provides an intuitive graphical interface for working with existing statistical methods designed for detecting recombination in DNA sequence alignments. Once recombinant regions have been identified, further (automated if desired) analysis is then possible, including the creation of Phylogenetic trees, mosaic structure predictions, and HTML report generation.

  • Publisher: Biomathematics & Statistics Scotland
  • Home page: www.topali.org
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2010
Web Page Saver

Web Page Saver

Web Page Saver (WPS) is a program that takes a list of URLs and saves scrolling captures (“snapshots”) of each page. URLs can be typed in manually or imported from a text file or CSV file. An easy-to-navigate HTML report file is created containing the saved pages, with customizable options such as including an agency crest/logo and title for the report.

  • Publisher: JADsoftware
  • Last updated: July 13th, 2010
NXPowerLite for File Servers

NXPowerLite for File Servers

NXPowerLite for File Servers reclaims storage space by replacing large PDF, Microsoft Office and JPEG files with smaller optimized versions. Main Features: - Flexible settings and scheduling: It is possible to schedule NXPowerLite to start at a specific time and date. It also allows for many different repeat types depending on what time slot is selected.

  • Publisher: Neuxpower Solutions Ltd.
  • Last updated: March 20th, 2013
Facebook® JPG Finder

Facebook® JPG Finder

Facebook® JPG Finder (FJF) is a tool that searches a selected folder (and optionally, sub-folders) for possible Facebook® JPG images. These images are identified by running several filters on the file name. The file name contains the Facebook® user/profile ID and therefore can indicate which Facebook® user the photo came from.

  • Publisher: JADsoftware
  • Last updated: December 9th, 2010