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Staff scheduling system thesis in Title/Summary

Class Scheduling System

Class Scheduling System

Class Scheduling System - was created for beginners only. This program having the common functions in database manipulation such as (Add, Update, Delete, Search and Reloading records to fill the listview control). This is a good example to start database programming.

Able Staff Scheduler

Able Staff Scheduler

Able Staff Scheduler version 5 is a powerful and easy to use staff and employee scheduling and rostering application suitable for most kinds of operations. Able Staff Scheduler includes a comprehensive set of views and reports designed to help you quickly master the use of Able Staff Scheduler.

  • Publisher: Visible Schedules
  • Last updated: October 4th, 2011
Time Tracker Scheduling Software

Time Tracker Scheduling Software

Asgard Systems staff and employee scheduling software manages shift schedules, time off, attendance, absence and vacations. It tracks, analyses and automates schedule maintenance. Costly errors are reduced and adjustments are easily made.

  • Publisher: Asgard Employee Scheduling Software
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Staff scheduling system thesis in Description

Employees Payroll Software

Employees Payroll Software

Employee attendance application easily manages multiple company records like employee salary, leave details at single place. Staff scheduling software supports password protection feature that prevent unauthorized user to access secure employee data.

Easy Resource Planner

Easy Resource Planner

Easy Resource Planner is a program designed to help you schedule your resources from a single, easy-to-use interface. Resources might include people (e.g. employees), equipment and facilities (e.g. rooms).

  • Publisher: John Buckley
  • Home page: www.patrena.com
  • Last updated: February 24th, 2012
Employee Planner Client/Server Edition Client

Employee Planner Client/Server Edition Client

Powerful Planner best for employee and staff scheduling. Make plans 24x7 and reschedule by drag & drop. Employee Planner Client/Server is a sharing scheduling/planning software suiteable for staffs and employees. All staffs' schedules are presented in a horizontal chart and can be printed on a paper report.

  • Publisher: Planning Solution Limited, LLC
  • Last updated: April 25th, 2012
Round Robin Scheduler

Round Robin Scheduler

The Team Sports Scheduling System has been designed to help you quickly create league schedules for your sport organization. With it you can create tournament, round-robin, official, and practice schedules for nearly any sport. Some features you will find in this version of the program include internet integration,customizable website or report,practice scheduling,official scheduling and more.

  • Publisher: Galactix Software
  • Home page: www.galactix.com
  • Last updated: September 23rd, 2010


As the only product of its kind designed exclusively for and in conjunction with Law Enforcement agencies, POSS (Police Officer Scheduling System) stands as the only tailor-made industry solution for Law Enforcement scheduling and time/attendance needs.

  • Publisher: Visual Computer Solutions, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 9th, 2010

Additional Staff scheduling system thesis selection

PC Sleep

PC Sleep

PC Sleep is a free easy-to-use application that performs simple but useful time-related actions. Several system functions are available. In this respect, you will be able to log off, restart your system, shut it down, and put it in standby or in hibernation. The developers have avoided crowding the interface with useless elements so that you can use this program right from the start.

  • Publisher: PC sleep
  • Last updated: March 23rd, 2012


DRoster is an automated free employee scheduling software. This software allows you to relieve you of the daily pressures of creating shifts, coverage for absences, rosters and scheduling duties,enables you to respond instantly to your employee's scheduling requests and business staff scheduling requirements on the fly and more

  • Publisher: Kappix, Inc.
  • Home page: www.kappix.com
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2015
Easy Schedule Maker

Easy Schedule Maker

Easy Schedule Maker is an employee management tool that allows you to manage your employees' shifts, vacations, leaves, etc. The program allows you to separate your staff into groups, specifying the employees number and shifts of each employee. You can also view a list of all the employees, including personal information like names, addresss, phones, groups, and any notes that you have added.

  • Publisher: John Buckley
  • Last updated: April 19th, 2008


WakeMeUp! is a very original and complete alarm clock that allows you to create a list of different alarms (one-time and recurring ones) in a few simple steps. The application features a very attractive and user-friendly interface that keeps everything at hand.

  • Publisher: Highspheres
  • Last updated: March 22nd, 2008


OrgScheduler is a universal scheduling system for your individual, offices, business events with unrivaled features and flexibility. Building upon the interface options introduced in Microsoft Outlook, OrgScheduler includes importing from Outlook, exporting to Outlook, Text, Html, Xml, Excel formats.

  • Publisher: OrgBusiness Software
  • Home page: www.orgbusiness.com
  • Last updated: December 12th, 2018


Schedule your single-elimination, double-elimination, and consolation tournament bracket schedules as well as your round-robin and practice schedules all from one program. Plus, TSSS schedules officials for your round-robin and tournament games as well!

  • Publisher: Galactix Software
  • Home page: www.galactix.com
  • Last updated: December 3rd, 2010


LEKIN is a scheduling system developed at the Stern School of Business, NYU. Major parts of the system were designed and coded by Columbia University students. LEKIN was created as an educational tool with the main purpose of introducing the students to scheduling theory and its applications.

  • Publisher: Columbia University
  • Last updated: June 6th, 2008
VORG Express

VORG Express

VORG is the software that empowers you to store in one place calendars, tasks, contacts, notes and documents. The Outlook style User Interface makes it a snap to manage and access Contacts, Tasks, Calendars, Notes and Documents. Manage your personal or business contact information and build distribution lists.

  • Publisher: Vertikal Systems
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


ARGUS TV is an advanced rule-based scheduling system to record TV programs in a very intelligent way: it has full support for running as a service with multiple front-end clients. Access to the system is available ranging from a typical Windows application over plugins for living-room Media playback software to internet Web Access to give you the maximum possible reach.

  • Publisher: ARGUS TV
  • Last updated: November 10th, 2015
TimeCurve Scheduler

TimeCurve Scheduler

TimeCurve Scheduler interfaces with QuickBooks® Pro and leverages on its powerful features to give you more functionality. Scheduler supports import of client and employee data, payroll and service items from QuickBooks® Pro and can export client invoices and employee payroll to QuickBooks® Pro (version 2003 or later).

  • Publisher: TimeCurve Software Inc.
  • Last updated: November 29th, 2011