Standards compliant java database in Title/Summary

Blackfish SQL for Java
Blackfish SQL is designed and implemented to emphasize database performance, scalability, ease of use, and a strong adherence to industry standards. Blackfish SQL for .NET is fully integrated with CodeGear RAD Studio, Delphi, C++Builder and Delphi Prism and supports stored procedures written in the Delphi, C#, VB or Delphi Prism languages.
- Publisher: Embarcadero Technologies, Inc
- Last updated: June 10th, 2008

Java Movie Database
Java Movie Database is a Java-based application to search for information about movies, actors, actresses, producer, director and everything related to those. Beside this base data about movies and performer there is a lot of other data available and supported by the Java Movie Database application like plots, biographies, ratings, goofs and much more.
- Publisher: Juergen Ulbts and Uwe Freese
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 10th, 2011

SIPcon1 is a standards-compliant soft phone using text, voice and video with accessibility features. SIPcon1 is a very easy-to-use tool. Just insert the name and the address of the addressee and after that you will gain full access to SIPcon1 features.
- Publisher: Christer Ulfsparre
- Last updated: October 15th, 2010
Standards compliant java database in Description

MySQL Connector/ODBC (also known as MyODBC) allows you to connect to a MySQL database server using the ODBC database API on all Microsoft Windows and most Unix platforms, including through such applications and programming environments such as Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, and Borland Delphi.
- Publisher: Dell Inc.
- Last updated: December 2nd, 2009

Advantech Modbus OPC Server
The Industrial Automation Group of Advantech introduces a standardized interface for industrial device servers, the OPC (OLE for process control) Server. An OPC server provides devices, such as an I/O device, to communicate with a wide range of HMI/SCADA software packages residing on a host. Any software system with OPC client capabilities can access the Advantech OPC server drivers.
- Publisher: Advantech Automation Corp.
- Last updated: November 16th, 2011

BlackBerry JDE Component Package
Incorporate the new features of BlackBerry® 7 into your apps. BlackBerry 7 offers a number of features for developers, including Augmented Reality capabilities, Near Field Communication and Open GL ES 2.0.The BlackBerry JDE is a legacy, standalone development environment.
- Publisher: Research In Motion
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 17th, 2009

Corel SVG Viewer
Corel SVG Viewer is an open standards-compliant SVG viewer browser plug-in for desktop and tablet PCs. With support for dynamic updating, unlimited zooming, perfect rendering, and advanced line rendering options, it is the ideal solution for intranet and extranet applications in common enterprise applications.
- Publisher: Corel Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

VPOP3 FaxServer is a networked faxing solution VPOP3 is a fully-featured Windows Email Server. It is designed to be simple to configure and use, but flexible enough to fulfil most users' requirements. VPOP3 includes many features such as: -Virus Scanning -Spam / Content Filtering -Standards Compliant -Remote Administration -WebMail
- Publisher: Paul Smith Computer Services
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 15th, 2011
Additional Standards compliant java database selection

html5lib is a standards-compliant library for parsing and serializing HTML documents and fragments in Python. It is designed to conform to the WHATWG HTML specification, as is implemented by all major web browsers. The program works on CPython 2.6+, CPython 3.2+ and PyPy.
- Publisher: James Graham
- Last updated: April 25th, 2014

MySQL Cluster
MySQL Cluster is a write-scalable, real-time, ACID-compliant transactional database, designed to deliver 99.999% availability. With a distributed, multi-master architecture and no single point of failure, MySQL Cluster scales horizontally on commodity hardware with auto-sharding (partitioning) to serve read and write intensive workloads, accessed via SQL and NoSQL interfaces.
- Publisher: Oracle Corporation
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2020

DBeaver is a software solution for developers, analysts and database administrators that have to manage different types of databases. It provides support for lots of popular databases such as MS Access, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, PostreSQL, Teradata, or Firebird.
- Publisher: JKISS
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Altova StyleVision Enterprise Edition
Altova StyleVision 2015 Enterprise Edition is a powerful visual stylesheet and report designer for transforming XML, XBRL, and database data into HTML, RTF, PDF, and OOXML output and creating eForms. It supports XSLT, XSL:FO, CSS, and all major DBs.
- Publisher: Altova, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

BlackBerry JDE
BlackBerry JDE is a Java application development tool for BlackBerry mobile phones. This program is no longer under active development. If you are new to BlackBerry Java development it is recommended that you use the BlackBerry Plug-in for Eclipse. Applications built using the BlackBerry JDE are forward-compatible with newer BlackBerry Java OS versions.
- Publisher: Research In Motion
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 1st, 2011

Halliburton LogView Pro
Halliburton LogView Pro enables CGM and TIFF viewing as a stand-alone viewer or as a plug-in for Internet Explorer. It supports every flavor of binary and ASCII CGM, including the following CGM specifications: - ATA - CALS - ISO CGM v1-4 - WebCGM - CGM+ - CGM PIP This makes Halliburton LogView Pro the most compatible and standards-compliant CGM viewer available.
- Publisher: Halliburton
- Last updated: June 3rd, 2011

HotHTML 3 Professional
A powerful and yet easy to use HTML/Text Editor, full of useful everyday tools and utilities to make life easier for web, windows, java and .NET developers. Try a 30 day evaluation today!
- Publisher: WebSoftware Systems
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

discWelder BRONZE
This is an inexpensive way to produce simple and completely standards-compliant DVD-Audio discs from your high-resolution audio files. With this program, you can import all Linear PCM (LPCM) formats supported in the DVD-A specification. These include non–encoded or uncompressed “surround” files, in either WAV or AIFF format.
- Publisher: Minnetonka Audio Software
- Last updated: August 20th, 2012

PSD Breaker
With PSD Breaker you can convert any PSD layout into clean, W3C standards compliant XHTML with full CSS support, in an instant.Main features:- No layer annotations needed - No CSS absolute positioning - Detection of floated columns - Menu buttons detection - Vertical background resizing
- Publisher: PSD Breaker
- Last updated: August 4th, 2022

cyphertite is an open source program that provides real protection using a powerful standards-compliant cryptography. The program deduplicates, compresses and encrypts data prior to transmission, providing total privacy while reducing unnecessary wire traffic.
- Publisher: Conformal Systems, LLC.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 4th, 2014